Friday, May 31, 2019
Willy Lomans American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death of a Salesman
Willy Lomans American Dreamin Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Short Essay One Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman focuses on the American Dream, or at least Willie Lomans version of it. *Willie is a salesman who is down on his luck. He bought into the belief in the American Dream, and more than of the hardship in his life was a result. *Many people believe in the American Dream and its role in shaping peoples success. Willy could have been prospering, but something went wrong. He raised his sons to believe in the American Dream, and neither of them turned out to be successful either. By the time Willy got to be an old man, his life was in shambles. *One son, drone, was a hopeless dreamer who wasnt able to hold on to a job. He could have been successful through an athletic scholarship, but he blew the chance he had to go to school. Happy, the other son, had a job, but was basically all talk, just like Willy. presently near the end of his career as a salesman, Willy realizes his whole life was just a joke, and the hopes he placed in the American Dream were misguided. At the end of the play, his only hope is to leave something for his family, especially for Biff, by taking his own life and leaving his family the insurance money. Through his death, Willy thinks he can come upon success and fulfill his dream. Arthur Miller provides us with a character who is both pathetic and tragic. Willy Loman spent his life chasing a false dream. His failure to live the authentic American Dream was what brought about his own downfall.** Short Essay Two In Millers Death of a Salesman, Willy Lomans warped apparent horizon of the American Dream caused tragedy in his family because he stressed the importance of popularity over hard work and risk-taking over perserverence. *Willy grew up believing that being well-liked was of the essence(predicate) to becoming a success. He believed that being well-liked could help you charm teachers and open doors in business. *He is pro ud that the neighborhood boys flock around Biff and answer to Biffs athletic abilities, and in the same breath scoffs at the nerdy Bernard, who is too focused on school and his studies to be popular. Even though Biff turns out to be a failure as an adult, Willy holds on to the hopes that a business man who Biff met years ago will offer him a terrific job if Biff can be his old likeable self and recapture the confidence and grace he had as a teenager.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Shakespeares Psalm 46 :: psalm
Shakespeares psalm 46 William Shakespeare is still suspect. A rough overview of the debates environ the author, or partial author, or non-author, reveals that (a) Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeares plays, (b) Ben Jonson did, (c) the Earl of Oxford penned some of them and died shortly thereafter, and then the embellish (or non-bard) stole the batch, (d) nobody knows for sure, and (e) it doesnt matter. Shakespeares corporeal existence is not in debate. More interestingly, the surmise that he, or the person or persons posing as him, might have had a hand in polishing the King James version of the record is also not hotly debated -- that possibility stands as the core of this essay. Shakespeare and the King James version share a curious synchronicity, which the authors of The Story of English, point to the bard started wrote his last play at the same time the King James Bible was released. Also important is Shakespeares success and favor with the court in the first off d ecade of the 17th century The young actor-playwright quickly caused a sensation with his plays, the authors say -- something of an understatement. A few odd facts need to be thrown in the Authorized Version was published in 1611 and was heavily revised for nine months before publication, so that it would not only read better but bottom better. The revision took place mostly in 1610. The committee in charge of revising the sign translation was headed by John Bois and Dr. Anthony Downes, who had also coordinated the initial team of 47 translators, give or take a few. Shakespeare was not among the chosen 47, and he is not credited as one of the revisers. Nothing another(prenominal) than time and place links him to the Authorized Version revision -- nothing readily apparent to the eye. Shakespeare was recognized as a gifted artist in his own time. He was favored by the same court that commissioned the Authorized Version. And the peculiar power of this Bibles prosody certainly lends itself to speculation. And then there is Psalm 46. I first stumbled upon the strange nature of Psalm 46 in Anthony Burgesss autobiography, Youve Had Your Time. The argument that Burgess makes, as an aside on composing a melodious on the life of Shakespeare, is not meant to be conclusive but is offered as a curio.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Environmental Essay -- Biodiversity, Ecological Systems
Bio revolution is the makeup and interconnectedness of ecological systems. Biodiversity makes up all the diversity among living things within a specific system. This diversity of support is invaluable to human existence for countless reasons it is a primary source for environmental resources that shape the economics of a region, it provides the scientific community with what seems to be an ever-growing source of data that can be used for things like medicine, and provides food and aesthetic value to human life. Ontario is a privileged province of Canada as it contains everywhere 25,00 different species of plants and animals. (Lemieux, Scott. 2011) With such a vast collection of biodiversity Ontario has the obligation to ensure its fortress and growth of the thousands of years of evolution that lead to the complex array of life it now contains. With the growth of the human population biodiversity is shrinking, as the globe becomes one species orientated the externalities of human e xistence threaten biodiversity. One example of these externalities are the imp functions anthropogenic climate change, the changing climate due to human activities threatens wildlife as it changes their habitats at rates that most wildlife cannot adopt and evolve to live in. (Lemieux, Scott 2011). Considering the excess of 25,000 different species in Ontario, the province has a large obligation to protect and maintain this biodiversity from the dangers that human existence pose to it. The federal and provincial governments have created many laws and regulations that relate to the protection and management of the environment and biodiversity. More specifically the provincial government of Ontario has the Endangered species act, which will be the focal point of analys... ...he environment and biodiversity by protecting species at risk of extinction and their habitats. After analysis and discussion it is clearly evident that the statue was a positive movement towards a better-manag ed environment but has many areas of concern. The act deals with problems in a reactive nature when it should be a proactive one in maintaining biodiversity. Secondly it comes into conflict when the species concerned overlaps with private property and unjustly puts the social cost of helping the species to the hands of the private landowners, better management between landowner and government polices should be made to fix the conflicts which arise from this. eventually the act needs to deal with the scope of biodiversity being centered around a one species orientated nature, and by this should focus a better management of human interaction with the environment.
Using Caffeine is a Sin Against God :: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Using Caffeine is a Sin Against God sensation of the most widely misunderstood commandments in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the phrase of Wisdom. The question that seems to trouble many members of the church is whether or non caffein is part of the expression of Wisdom. In this paper, we will find that as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we cannot drink caffeinated beverages and say that we keep the Word of Wisdom. President Hinckley asked and answered a question in General Conference on October 4th of 1997. Are we moving to mainstream America as some observers believe? In this, I fear we are. The comment came due to the increasing amount of shopping that is being done on sundays in LDS communities, and the increasing amount of disobedience to the Word of Wisdom. His tone was one of concern and love. We lay down a great responsibility to be an example of virtuous thought and deed. We have been blessed exceedingly with kn owledge, that combine with wisdom will give us understanding. Why then, as a whole, do we seem to be regressing and becoming more like the world, as our vaticinator has stated, instead of like the savior of all mankind, even Jesus Christ. We have been counseled heretofore by prophets of old, to seek learning, even by study, and by faith. We have an obligation to search the scriptures and to learn what the Lord is teaching us and warning us of. We must go forward with faith, and not backward. We must come unto the Lord, and not expect the Lord to come unto us. Of the many dangers in this world, the greatest danger that we have is an uninformed citizenry. Being informed is an obligation that each of us has to ourselves. Brigham unsalted said that Education is the ability to think clearly, to act well in the days work, and to appreciate action. By this definition, and after knowing the effects of caffeine upon the human body, I have come to the conclusion that drinking caffei ne is a sign of a lack of respect for oneself, and of an unappreciative attitude toward the life that each of us has been blessed with. Furthermore, it shows of either our inability, or unwillingness to learn to think clearly.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Strengths of Black Families Essay -- essays research papers
Strengths of Black FamiliesThe Afri house-American family is defined as networks of households related by blood, marriage, or function that provide basic instrumental and expressive functions of the family to the members of those networks ( hillock, 1999). It is mavin of the strongest institutions throughout history, and still today. Family strengths are considered to be cultural assets that are transmitted through socialization from generation to generation and not merely adaptations or get by responses to contemporary racial or economic oppression (McDaniel 1994 Hill 1999). This definition is contrary to the belief that the Black family is an adaptation to harsh conditions, instead of an ongoing establishment. Hill (1999) discusses some of the qualities as effective for the survival of black families strong achievement and work orientation, flexible family roles and strong kinship bonds, and strong religious orientation. These strengths, along with others can be emphasized in sc hools and used to motivate African-American students to succeed. Contrary to what many people may believe, African-Americans have a strong motivation towards achieving. From the parents to the children, there is a strong orientation for wanting to learn and get ahead. Research has shown that black children have educational and occupational aspirations that are often equal to, and sometimes higher, than white children (Stevenson et al. 1990 Winfield 1991b Hill 1999). African-American paren...
Strengths of Black Families Essay -- essays research papers
Strengths of Black FamiliesThe African-American family is defined as net moves of households related by blood, marriage, or function that provide basic instrumental and expressive functions of the family to the members of those networks (Hill, 1999). It is one of the strongest institutions without history, and still today. Family strengths are considered to be cultural assets that are transmitted through socialization from generation to generation and not merely adaptations or coping responses to contemporary racial or economic oppression (McDaniel 1994 Hill 1999). This definition is obdurate to the belief that the Black family is an adaptation to harsh conditions, instead of an ongoing establishment. Hill (1999) discusses some of the qualities as effective for the survival of pitch-dark families strong achievement and work orientation, flexible family roles and strong kinship bonds, and strong religious orientation. These strengths, along with others can be emphasized in schools and used to motivate African-American students to succeed. Contrary to what more people may believe, African-Americans have a strong motivation towards achieving. From the parents to the children, there is a strong orientation for wanting to learn and get ahead. Research has shown that black children have educational and occupational aspirations that are often equal to, and sometimes higher, than white children (Stevenson et al. 1990 Winfield 1991b Hill 1999). African-American paren...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Barangay Hall Information System Essay
IntroductionNowadays, it is very important to be unitary step ahead, to be adequate to cope up with the benefits of technology. Having a estimatorized placement is a big exercise for the barangay halls for them to lessen the clip for a certain operation that if done manual(a)ly cigargont consume so much time and effort. It layabout in like manner decrease hassle in workplace and provide accurate and fast result that all barangay hall needs. The proponents have chosen entropy dodge entitled Barangay Clearance progeny System for the distribution of barangay clearance as our target business, in hopes of providing split ways of superviseing records and transactions instead of having them done manually. San Joses barangay hall is one of the local government offices in San Miguel Bula stack. They were committed to serve and c ar the muckle for them to have a prepared and a better way of living. In the nearly past it was only a residential infrastructure given by an whi te-haired person (citizen of barangay San Jose). Then it was founded as official barangay hall of San Jose up to date.Significance of the StudyThis turn over imparting suspensor the selected barangay to have a more(prenominal) dogmatic and modern way of recording and searching records. This part of the study discusses about the importance of creating the arranging for the benefits of the following For the Barangay Officials- it will lessen their paper works a equivalent manually adding and searching of records. For the Citizen- the system will serve as a primary source of documents for the people to save time and effort and to avoid a long queue. For the future barangay officials It will reduce paper works in adding and searching of records in accordance to the proponents proposed system.Statement of the ProblemThe proponents came up with this study in the needs to lessen the manually adding and searching of records in the selected barangay hall. The general objective of th is study is to lessen the manual system exercise of adding and searching of records. Specifically, this study aims to say the followingquestion What are the important features of the developed Barangay Clearance Issuance System? What operational requirements are needed by the system in price of hardware requirements and software requirements? What wait on model shall be use in developing the Barangay Clearance Issuance System? How functional is the developed Barangay Clearance Issuance System in terms of the following software evaluation criteria reliability, efficiency, accuracy, substance abuser friendliness and security?Scope and DelimitationThe proposed system will handle the adding, searching, viewing, and modify of the records in the selected barangay hall. A faster process of the said matters will be recognized until this system is implemented most importantly the system will come in the data for the future use.The proposed system can perform such(prenominal) asa) M aintenance of records in connection with the barangay clearance.b) Printing of the said document (barangay clearance).c) Printing of felon recordsConcerning records that are not connected to the system is its limitations.The Figure 1 shows the capability of the admin and the end user into the system. Whereas the admin has the entire access to the system while the end user is capable of viewing and searching records only.Conceptual FrameworkThe researchers aim to describe how the Information System can help in barangay hall. Consequently, this section describes the concept of the proposed breeding system to advance barangay hall and this starts with the citizen/complainant as an input.The Figure 2 shows the flow of the system and how it will work and to help the barangay to have a more systematic way of doing their work. Also it shows the input, process and output of the system throughout the whole procedure. Where the person or citizen will be ask by the repository or theuser wh o is a legal officer of the barangay to know if he or she has a bad record. afterward that the secretary or the user will check the systems list of records if the person has a clear or bad record in the barangay. If the person has a clear record, no violations committed, and no complaints from the citizens of barangay, the secretary or the user will release the barangay clearance. And if the person has a bad record the secretary or user will not release barangay clearance. In the other hand the complainant can request to file a criminal case to the secretary in the help of system. description of termsDatabase a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways. Database Management storage that handles the storage, retrieval, and modify of data in a computer system. Graphic User Interface is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons. computer hardware the machines, wiring, and oth er physical components of a computer or other electronic system. Information System- an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, processing, and communicating nurture. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database anxiety system developed by Microsoft. Software the programs and other operating training used by a computer. Systematic done, acting according to a doctor plan or system ruleical.CHAPTER IIReview of Related Literature and StudiesThis chapter presents related literature and writing of recognized experts, both of which have significant boot or relation to the study. It also discusses the associated methods and researches that was read and reviewed which helped the researchers to have a better understanding and to find some important entropy that is connected with this study. In the process of system development, literature reviews conducted to theory, methods and technologies associated with systems that have been developed. Background research on the organization and comparative studies of existing systems were also done to understand more the requirements before the system was develop.Barangay Inventory SystemWith our fast-paced developing society, many of our institutions optimize to perform their procedures in a computerized manner. They consider this as a great reliable process to lean on. They believe that this method will help them catch-up with this quick changing situations that they encounter each day. However, it is hard to imagine that many of us still tick to the manual method knowing that computerized system is just at that place waiting for them to take advantage of. There are several reasons that are forcing them to be stuck with to this handed-down system. One of these is illiteracy no one in this world is unable to understand and adapt to the computerized system if it will be properly introduced and taught. Another one is being doubtful with the system they believe that manual system can perform less error t han an automated system.But as the years goes by, a number of certain works have grown indicating that the manual method is not practical and efficient anymore. Nowadays, people have give-up the ghost more cognizant with their time and they find essential ways on how they can do such work in less time or how they can do their number of works at the same time. This study aimed at developing a computerized system for a barangay that still practices a traditional way of creating a Barangay Clearance and management of database.We will do this by incorporating the technology of utilise camera and stylus pen for creating a Barangay Clearance. We will also use the computer to properly manage their files. By using our system, their barangay employees can have fast, more practical and efficient way of doing their tasks (HazelJane, 2012) Many people believe that manual method can perform less error than the automated one. But as years goes by, technology become more developed. Today, the c omputerized system is more applicable than the manual one because it can get a more accurate data and will lessen the time of work.Barangay Record SystemBarangay is the small administrative percentage in the Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village or district. Barangay are further subdivided into smaller areas called Puroks (English Zone). A barangay is led and governed by its barangay officials. It is composed of a Punong Barangay or Barangay Captain/Chairman, seven (7) Barangay Councilors orBarangay Kagawad and a SangguniaangKabataan Chairman. Together with this is the Barangay Secretary and a residing midwife or a doctor that manages and supervise the barangay health center. The barangay is in charge of keeping track of the records of resident in the place. These records are important for distinct purposes that the barangay is being used. The barangay has the manual based process for all the services it gives to its constituents.They manually handle files and information they get. For instances, in getting the barangay clearance, they issue a receipt form to the resident requesting the clearance. Same through with the storing of the files, they used folders to store the files. The organization see hard and long procedure in accessing the records they have when it is needed and the redundancy of the records were not strictly observed. The proponents proposed a computerized barangay information system that will help the barangay as well as the workers and the people of the place. The proposed system will reduced the hard and long-time procedure of accessing files and records they keep and store.The system will also be the census like system of the barangay for all of its constituents and new people to live in the place. The system will be effective in maintaining, searching and storing of records of all resident in the barangay. This will help the worker for having an easy time on accessing files and records they need (Elmer, 2013) Recor d System is helpful to the barangay in storing and keeping records or files easily. By the help of the system, they can search easily the record of a particular person. And they can avoid the redundancy of records.E-Blotter SystemThe e-blotter system facilitates fast, easy, and paperless entering of crime information using the computer machine that is linked into one station to another up to the higher headquarters via internet connections. The e-blotter is designed as a stand-alone system which will be installed in all police stations as a means of reporting and monitoring all crime incidents that transpired within their individual areas as well as the results and records of the investigation. The system will allow enhancement in the course of crime prevention, detection, and solution as it enables easy access of data needed for an immediate action from the police officials.Crime investigators and personnel will instantly access crime reports and daily updates of what is happenin g in the ground, particularly in everypolice station which is vital in mapping out strategies for quick response and crime prevention through internet using e-blotter system. The system will allow integration of crime reports for and accurate and reliable documentation which is needed for crime investigation and solution. The e-blotter system will render better police service through an improved and enhanced crime incident reporting system with the use of modern technology (Yhatskii, 2013) The e-blotter is a big help to monitor all crime incidents happened in the barangay. It will also help the secretary to know easily if a person has a crime records before issuance the barangay clearance.Residential Profiling and Recordkeeping SystemThrough the years, the term web-based recordkeeping has blown up to encompass many aspect of recording the file of every resident, thus, the term become more recognizable. A general term that describes recordkeeping system is that collects, organizes, and categorizes records, facilitating their preservation, retrieval, use, and disposition. Software is developed to reduce the time consumed in a particular task to be complaisant with a high standard and accurate output or results. Web based applications are the ultimate way to take advantage of todays technology to enhance organizations or community more productivity and efficiency. Web based application gives you an opportunity to access your business information from anywhere in the world at any time.It offers cross platform compatibility that is more manageable, highly deployable, give prepare live data. It also facilitates to save time and money and improve the interactivity with the client. The main purpose of the study is to explore the development in making a web-based system. Technically, the term Web-Based system refers to those applications or services that the client/resident on a server that is accessible using a Web browser and is on that pointfore accessible from anywhere in the world via the Web. Web-based system is used to secure the records of the residents that only the Barangay Captain and his/her Secretary are the only entities can access the record. Viewing and surfing the sites are the only role that the residents can do. (Boddie, 2013) The system can help to make the records or files more secure. Also, it is easy for them to update and access the records. And lastly, it is easily for them to monitor all of the barangay records.Barangay Information SystemThis participatory action-research followed the reflection-input-action-reflection process in allowing barangays to evolve their own information system. Benchmark study, secondary data use, key informants interview and observations were the key data gathering techniques. Data analysis was baseally descriptive. This realise was implemented in nine barangays of Munoz, Nueva Ecija. Majority of the respondents perceived their barangay hall as very useful in terms of serving as venue fo r meetings and as source of vital information about the barangay and its people. However, they felt that the information is inadequate as basis for planning and in responding to information requests from local government offices. The construe also depict and documented the Barangay Information System (BIS) implementation process of the nine barangays.It covered the activities that the barangays did in implementing their BIS. There were commonalities among the barangays in following a basic implementation process from orientation meeting in the barangay to data storage and updating. However, there were also observed peculiarities on data gathering techniques and logistics wherein some barangay officials voluntarily used their own money for supplies and materials and even provided snacks for BIS team members during data gathering, data posting/tabulation and data presentation so the activities will not be delayed (Almario, 2012)This will improve the efficiency of filing reports and complaints in the barangay level. Storing barangay information in a central database allows for easy storing and updating of records. Retrieval of records will also be faster, translating to faster transaction time. With the records readily available in the server, this will allow concerned government agencies to gather data for planning and development. Furthermore, automation reduces the use of paper.Barangay File Management SystemPalayan City Local Government Unit (LGU) has long been provided all of its barangays at least a computer unit to push the system of operation to a much enhanced way. That is, through computer technology. That was almost exactly four years ago. But up to now, those computers had not been used totheir fullest capabilities. Barangay offices still rely on manual labor not on the machines as their frontline of service and operations. Some things are neglected. One, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is not followed. Anyone can have his clearance signed or b usiness permit released even if the authorized person to approve it, for example the Barangay Captain, is not present. The office has at least signed blank clearances and/or permits in this case. Thus, the reliability of such can be questioned.Two, its because all of the facts and information on the barangay is kept on papers, there should-be manifestation of the maximized usage of computer is not attained and therefore causes the slow retrieval of information and transactions. And lastly, hard copies of the files, transactions held and other matters require a heavy(p) file cabinet to hold them which in many case, is a case of an unorganized file management system (wonderworldblog, 2005) The computerized system helps the authorized person in terms of managing the file. Because there are many information and records that they need to organize and secure, the computer machines has its capability of saving large file and providing ways on how to secure the files.CHAPTER IIIMethodology of the StudyThis chapter presents the methods and techniques used in the research for the development of Barangay Clearance Issuance Systems target clientele, population and sample, data gathering, cock of the study, systems development model used and criteria for system evaluation for this study are given importance in this chapter.Methods and Techniques of the StudyThe researchers used the descriptive Research Method wherein the study focused on gathering of data. Based from (James P. Key, 1997) Oklahoma State University, he describes Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the relationship surrounded by variables, to developmentalstudies which seek to determine changes over time.The purpose of using the descriptive research met hod is to acquire accurate, f literal, systematic data that can provide you with an actual picture of the data set that you are reviewing. This method illustrates a survey approach to the respondents from the barangay staffs, complainant and as well as the people in the barangay community. The proposed barangay information system will be beneficial because it will help the people to acquire the information their needed. Data gathering is very important in the study because it serves as a basis and pattern in making the system.Target clienteleThe target user of this study is the secretary, who will monitor the system and assists the citizens who will request a barangay clearance. The Barangay Clearance Issuance System will be a great help to the secretary to access the records easily.Population and SampleThese respondents were asked by the researchers. The population of respondent came from barangay captain and other barangay officials, secretary and also the citizen of the barangay and the respondent will answer the questionnaires to determine the overall performance of the system.Data Gathering ProceduresThese are the things used for gathering information about the proposed study, the basis for making decisions and evaluations are the collected data and record.Interview This is where the proponents ask a question and getting the information from the interviewee using direct communication. Questionnaire It is a series of different question that will be given to the individual who have knowledge of the study, and used to get the information from the respondent and their opinions. Evaluation Form It is an instrument used to estimate the research study. The following criteria were given to evaluate the developed system (a) reliability (b) efficiency (c) accuracy (d) user friendliness and (e) security.Instrument Used in the StudyThe researchers used questionnaire in dealing this study. A research instrument used to collect data may be created by the researcher or based on an existing instrument. If the instrument is researcher created, the process used to select the questions should be described and justified and it contains indicators that asses of the overall performance of the system.System Development Model UsedThe System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for the system development will be used. According to Taylor (2004), the project life cycle encompasses all the activities of the project, while the systems development life cycle focuses on realizing the product requirements. SDLC is used during the development of an IT project it describes the different stages involved in the project from the drawing board, through the completion of the project.A number of system development life cycle models have been created waterfall, fountain, and spiral trope and fix, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize-stabilize. The oldest of these, and the best known, is the waterfall a sequence of stages in which the output of each stage becomes t he input for the next. These stages can be characterized and divided up in different ways, including planning, system analysis, system design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance.Planning During the planning phase, the objective of the project is determined and the requirements to produce the product are considered. An estimate of resources, such as personnel and costs, is prepared, along with a concept for the new product. All of the information is analyzed to see if there is an alternative solution to creating a new product. If there is no other viable alternative, the information is assembled into a project plan and presented to management for approval.System Analysis During the analysis stage the project team determines the end-user requirements. lots this is done with the assistance of client focus groups, which provide an explanation of their needs and what their expectations are for the finished product and how it will perform. The project team documents a ll of the user requirements and gets a sign-off fromthe client and management to move forward with system design.System Design The design phase is the architectural phase of system design. The flow of data processing is developed into charts, and the project team determines the most logical design and structure for data flow and storage. For the user interface, the project team designs mock-up disguise layouts that the developers use to write the enroll for the actual interface.Development During the development phase developers execute the plans hardened out in the design phase. The developers design the database, generate the code for the data flow process and design the actual user interface screens. During the development phase, test data is prepared and neat as many quantify as necessary to refine the code.Testing During the testing phase all aspects of the system are tested for functionality and performance. The system is tested for integration with other products as w ell as any previous versions with which it needs to communicate. Essentially, the key elements of the testing phase are to verify that the system contains all the end user requirements laid out in the analysis phase, that all the functions are accurately processing data, that the new system works with all other systems or prior systems, and that the new system meets the quality standards of the company and the customers.Implementation During this phase, the new or enhanced system is installed in the production environment, users are trained, data is converted (as needed), the system is off over to the sponsor, and business processes are evaluated. This phase includes efforts required to implement, resolve system problems identified during the implementation process, and plan for sustainment.Maintenance During the maintenance stage, the system is assessed to ensure it does not become obsolete. This is also where changes are made to initial software. It involves continuous evaluatio n of the system in terms of its performance.Data Gathering and Statistical TreatmentAfter developing the system the information that are gathered, analyzed and tabulated will determine the level of perception of the overall performance of the system, descriptive statistical tools that employed such as weighted mean to determine the perception of respondents on Barangay Clearance Issuance System.Construction ProceduresThe researchers conducted a survey from the staffs of the barangay and the people in the barangay community, the objectives of this survey are to know if this study will be a big help for them for the enhancement purposes and it will be easier to release the barangay clearance. The respondents will be given fair to middling time to answer the survey forms that will help the researchers to gather some data for this study. The researchers constructed the survey form having ten (10) questions for them to answer.The procedures in gathering data were presented as follows 1. The researchers submitted the authorization letter to the administration office for the approval in conducting the survey to the chosen respondents which is related to the present study. 2. The population or the respondents in this study were chosen exactly. Each respondent came from the administration, staffs, and people in the barangay. The total number of the involved persons in this study is 5 (five). 3.After submitting the letter and choosing the respondents, the questionnaires were constructed and distributed on the selected respondents. The researchers gave enough time to answer the survey form. The respondents were supervised by the researchers for further clarification about the survey form. 4. After conducting the survey, the researchers collected the survey form from the respondents to review and verify the answers to processed and tabulate the results of the form, to know if the objectives of this study were meet.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Food Technology Essay
Lets remember 1The differentiate stages of the technology process be building, producing and evaluating. 2A design situation is a scenario, situation or context. It sets the scene for a interior designer. A design brief is a statement that presents a task or problem to be solved as it relates to the design situation. 3It is important to contemplate the design brief to ensure that the designer understands what is required of them and so that they can develop a criteria for success.4It is congenital to know the criteria for success before undertaking a design process so that a designer can refer back to these criteria during the design process and ensure that they are on track and devising correct decisions. It is essential to know the constraints before undertaking a design project so that a designer stays within the boundaries of the project, cancelicularly in terms of cost and schedule. 5Some methods of research and investigation that designers use whitethorn accept inspirat ion boards, interviews, the Internet, surveys, experiments, observations, textbooks, encyclopaedias, magazines and TV programs.6Primary sources of information are original documents. Some examples of primary sources are interview responses, survey responses, observations or original documents. Secondary sources of information are collected from existing documents and might include textbooks, magazines, TV programs and Internet searches. 7purposeers sometimes recrudesce simple sketches of their ideas to ensure that they remember all of the details that they generated during the research and exploration stages. Their diagrams might be accompanied by labels that list materials, colours, size and other details.8Designers get out usually come up with more than one option for the design reply to ensure that the most creative and innovative solution possible is found, rather than just the first and most obvious idea. 9The best design option is selected by evaluating each idea against t he original brief, the criteria for success and any constraints. 10Evaluation is an important part of the technology process as it helps the designer to make decisions about the design and the victimization of the solution. Evaluation also helps the designer to judge the success of the final result.11Food designers whitethorn evaluate their nutrition product solutions by performing a sensory evaluation with a panel of taste-testers. 1. 2 Factors influencing design Case study cerise Lantern 1The two factors that Mark Jensen of Red Lantern considers important when judging the success of a restaurant are limiting the restaurants impact on the milieu and employ organic and ethically sound produce. 2Some of the produce chosen for the menu at Red Lantern includes organic vegetables and herbs, line-caught fish, organic and free- commit poultry, free-range pork.3According to Mark, some benefits of utilize organic and free-range products include that they are free from pesticides and t aste better. 4Pesticides employ in farming contaminate the soil and the water table and are wherefore harmful to the environment. 5Net fishing is a problem for marine ecology because of the amount of bycatch. Bycatch is a term given to the tonnes of marine animals caught in nets and killed every year. The bycatch is then discarded into the ocean because they are perceived to have no economic value.6Energy use is being reduced at Red Lantern by victimization sustainable technologies such as energy-efficient equipment and light globes. Water consumption is reduced by replacing common wok stations that rely on a unremitting flow of water with a new type of wok system which stops water from being lost down the drain. 7Waste is managed at Red Lantern by using specially marked glass, plastic, cardboard and paper recycling bins. Vegetable waste is localised in compost bins. Lets remember.1The factors that may influence the development and production of a solution to a brief include fun ction, aesthetics, human form, scale, ergonomics, ethics, environmental issues, legislation, cost, sociocultural sensitivity, resource availability, physical and material properties and safety. 2Ergonomics relates to the human form. An ergonomic solution must be comfortable and safe to use without causing strain or injury to the user. 3The word sustainable means renewable or maintainable. A sustainable resource can be maintained at a certain level without causing damage to the environment.4Organic food for thoughts are grown without the use of chemic fertilisers or pesticides. 1. 3 Innovation and emerging technologies Case study Molecular gastronomy 1Molecular gastronomy is a term used to describe the application of science and technology to cooking. 2Some methods used to change ingredients into new foods are drying, liquefying, gassing and freezing. 3Chefs of molecular gastronomy are successful in creating new food combinations and textures by first understanding the chemistry o f food and flavour. 4Answers will vary.Lets remember 1Some advantages of having an Internet refrigerator are keeping track of what is stored in it, recording how long food has been in the fridge, having a built in video camera to leave video memos, being able to watch television or listen to online music while cooking. 2Reasons for displace a computer in a refrigerator may include the kitchen is the source of action in many homes and is therefore a logical place for a computer the refrigerator is alship canal plugged in and switched on so it makes sense to include a computer.3Nanotechnology is a new or emerging technology that refers to substances at the atomic and molecular level (that is, very, very small things). 4Nanotechnology will make the following possible aIncrease the nutritional claims of particular foods by fortifying foods with hide nutrients and vitamins. bIncrease the shelf-life of food by creating an invisible, edible, nano-wrapper that will cover foods, preventing gas and moisture exchange. cReduce allergic reactions in individuals by blocking the ingredient that causes the allergy.dReduce diet related diseases by computer programing smart packaging to release extra nutrients to people with deficiencies. eReduce food spoilage by allowing the development of special smart packaging that releases nano-anti-microbes when it detects food spoilage. 1. 4 Design this Case study Urban Graze Cooking School 1Tarrah Laidman and Joel Owen started Urban Graze cooking school in August 2006. 2Students experience a range of high-quality food experiences in a fun and relaxed environment during an Urban Graze cooking lesson.Students are taught with a hands-on approach and work towards making dishes for the end-of-class host meal, which is eaten together at the dining table. 3Ingredients are selected for a class by considering what is in season and what is available. Local produce is used where possible and Tarrah and Joel try to include new food trends in th eir ingredient selection. 4At Urban Graze, each class begins with a brief occupational health and safety talk and an orientation of the equipment and facilities. A description of the class is given with an overview of each recipe.Demonstrations are given to the whole class as well as individual attention. At the completion of the class, food is shared around the dining table. 5Tarrah and Joel try to always use locally sourced ingredients and equipment. They grow some of their own vegetables and herbs. Case study Veronica Cuskelly recipe designer 1Veronica Cuskelly had had many roles home economist, food consultant, recipe developer and cookbook author. 2The squad creating a recipe may include a client, recipe developer, nutritionist, food stylist and photographer.3A team approach refers to working together and sharing ideas. It requires clear and positive communication. It is important so that the recipe developer has a good understanding of the various elements of the brief. 4The essential elements include in a brief to create a new recipe may include target market, specific produce to be used, maximum or minimum number of ingredients, steps or utensils to be used, preparation time allowed, cooking times, cost per serve, style in which the recipe is to be written and dietary requirements.5The reason for establishing clear and positive communication between the client and the recipe developer is to ensure that all essential information is given and any difficulties or problems that may arise can be resolved easily. 6At the beginning of a project, the type of pre-work that Veronica undertakes may include research and information crowd, tasting food samples, feeling at other similar recipes, speaking with a nutritionist and looking at current dietary guidelines.7Recipe progress is checked and evaluated in different ways submitting concepts to the client for approval developing the approved recipe testing three times taste-testing sessions modification as nec essary and writing up the final, approved recipe. 8The essential components of a recipe that need to be tested and recorded are as follows ingredients, quantities, steps or methods used, temperatures, equipment, timings. Lets remember 1The three key areas of study in the Technology course are built environments, products, information and communications.2Ideas for a design project come from real-life situations. 3The steps for solving a design project are a. Design (design situation, design brief, analysis, research, ideas) b. Produce c. Evaluate 4The success of a design project is decided by evaluating it against the design brief and the criteria for success. 5Ways of gathering information to help solve a brief may include conducting surveys, interviewing relevant people, reading books, magazines or articles on the Internet, conducting focus groups or taste-tests.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Chain of Command
Im often asked what the elements of mold atomic number 18 for the U. S. nautical Corps. Much of the below information was provided by apacherat, a member of our message forum, and a causality marine (actu every last(predicate)y, there is no such thing as a former leatherneck) The maritime Corps has the RULE of THREE. I believe it was invented during the Anna Wars by Edison who invented the fire police police squad concept that is used today. In a nutshell, the rule is this each Marine has three things to worry about. Three men to a fire team look out overed by a Corporal (so there atomic number 18 actually a count of four on the team, when you count the team leader).Three fire teams to a rifle squad commanded by a sergeant. Three rifle squads to a platoon commanded by a Lt.. Three rifle platoons to a company commanded by a Capt. Three companies to a battalion commanded by a Lt Col. etc. Team Four individual(a) Marines depute to a specific team (Three team members, pl us the team leader). squad Three Teams are appoint to a specific squad. Platoon Three squads are usually delegate to a specific platoon. confederation (or Battery) Three platoons are assigned to a Company (sometimes called a battery).The Company/battery is the lowest direct of command with a headquarters element (example, a Company Commander, or Company First Sergeant). Battalion Three companies/batteries are assigned to form a battery a battalion. Regiment Three battalions form a Regiment (Sometimes called a Brigade). Division Three Brigades are assigned to make up a Division. Marine Corps Three or much divisions make up the Marine Corps. MEU In addition to the above, there are also MEUs (Marine Expeditionary Unit). With a strength of about 2,200 personnel, the MEU is normally built round a reinforced battalion, a composite aircraft squadron, and by a MEU Service Support group. Commanded by a colonel, the MEU is employed to fulfill routine forward deployments with fleets in th e Mediterranean, the Western Pacific, and periodically, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The MEU is deployed on up to four Naval amphibious ships. The ground conflict element (GCE) is the battalion landing team (BLT), an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, amphibious assault vehicles, light arto a greater extentd reconnaissance assets and other wholes as the burster and circumstances require.The aviation combat element (ACE) is a Marine Medium chop police squadron augmented with four types of helicopters into a composite squadron. These units include CH-53E Super Stallions, CH-46E ocean Knights, UH-1N Hueys, and AH-1W Super Cobras. Ace assets whitethorn also include the fixed-wing aircraft such as the AV-8B harrier jet. The combat service support element is the MEU Service Support pigeonholing (MSSG) formed primarily from force service support groups assets. The MSSG contains all the logistics specialists necessary to give the GCE, ACE and organic equipment function ing.Included within the MSSG are medical, dental, maintenance, engineering, and other technical experts. The command element (CE) provides command and control of the other three elements. In addition to the MEU commander and his supporting staff, the CE includes specialized detachments providing a direct action capability, maritime gunfire liaison capability, reconnaissance, and surveillance and specialized communications and electronics warfare capabilities. Marine zephyr The Marines structure their aviation commands a little differently. The structure for aviation commands are Squadron (applied to flying & non-flying units).In aircraft squadrons, the number of aircraft varies from 4 24, depending on the type of squadron. Non-flying squadrons include Marine atmosphere Logistics Sqns (supply), Marine locomote Support Sqns (construction), Marine mien Control Sqns (air defense), Marine Air Support Sqns (Airfield control), Marine Tactical Air Command Sqns, Marine Wing Communicat ions Sqns, Marine Wing Headquarters Sqns (Admin). Group (3 or more squadrons) Includes Marine Aircraft Group (MAG), Marine Wing Support Group (MWSG), Marine Air Control Group (MACG). The MAGs are usually all helo or all fixed-wing (MAG-36 in Okinawa has a KC-130 sqn attached)Wing 3+ Groups. 2 or more MAGs + MWSG, MACG. For example, 1st pickle has 1 fixed-wing MAG (MAG-12)+ 2 helo MAG (MAG-36 + Aviation Support Element, Kaneohe). second & 3rd seafarer each flummox 2 fixed-wing + 2 helo MAGs. 4th MAW (Reserves) has 4 mixed MAGs There is no set size (number of troops) assigned to any specific element. The size of an element of command depends primarily upon the type of unit and mission. For example, an aviation squadron would energise a different number of troops assigned than an infantry company because it has a different mission, different equipment, and therefore different requirements. arrange of CommandWith out the train of command there would be no real order in how we as a w hole work. The purpose of the mountain range of command is to tell people what they good deal and cannot do. So why we as a grown adults follow the chain of command, it is simple we choose to because of the fact that we raised(a) are right hand and said yes I will. No matter how much we disagree with someone or something we should do it and then ask questions afterwards that is the purpose of the chain without it what would we be.Consequences for disobeying the chain of command inside of the US Army are endless from as small as corrective training, verbal counseling, to be negatively counseled or given an Article 15. No matter what the circumstances may be you should not go to someone outside of your chain of command first. yet if they are trying to help you, its still not following your chain of command. The people that should find out first about any problem is your NCO. For umteen reasons.One of the purposes of the chain of command is to keep everyone informed of the situ ation at hand. The importance of the chain of command is that it provides stability when incidents come about that need to be dealt with. It sets up the structure for which you report all good and bad things, accidents, mistakes, tardiness and so on. All incidents in essence are intended to be dealt with on the lowest take before it is brought up to higher personnel as well as other reasons.It helps build leadership responsibility and common make loveledge of how to run a stable work place. It helps people who are or would not normally be able to take control of situations and control how things are ran they can they can take control and help whoever it is with the problem. The chain of command allows for a problems to be dealt with on lower level and try to help this Marine with whatever issues they powerfulness be having. This is where the chain of command really starts to come into play.When a problem cannot be solved then the next higher up will commence so on and so forth u ntil every and all options have been attempted or tried is when you go to the top of the chain of command and have them deal with it how they feel is necessary. Other reasons the chain of command is important is that for instance there is an accident, health issue or personal problem. Someone needs to know what is wrong and where youre at. Accountability is very important, not just to make sure youre not Unaccounted for, to ensure that you are alive and well.You should follow your chain of command for the simple fact that alot of the problems or consequences of an incident could be lessened or the incident could not have any at all. Notifying your chain of command is not always beneficial meaning you get in anesthetize but they can start to figure out how to fix the problem. It is certainly more beneficial to you then trying to go around or above them and they find out that you tried to do this you be in alot more trouble than you probably would have been in the first place, again facing either corrective training, verbal counseling, negative counseling or Article 15.That was the way the chain of command is supposed to work even though we all in the military service know that fifty percent of the time it does not go that way because of the new regulations and all of this open door policy stuff yes that is a good way of alerting your chain of command of things you feel are wrong with the section of the chain that is directly above you. Yes, it is a good way to use the chain of command but always alert your immediate chain of command that you wish to speak to a higher level of the chain before you just up and do it for the simple fact that if you do jump the chain and no one knows.When that higher ups come and talk to the NCOs youll get into trouble for not notifying your chain of your actions and hurting your purpose of what you may have been doing or tried accomplishing. The Chain of Command is simply constructed however. IF you have a problem or you want to attempt to get paperwork or have something done. You must first Go to your first line Supervisor, Which is normally your Team leader, but in some cases it may end up being your Squad Leader.But from your First line supervisor, it goes on up to the Squad leader, then Platoon Sergeant or Platoon Leader (again, all depends on your platoons structure). From there it works it way up to the Company First Sergeant, then Company Commander, From there it continues up the chain of command, to your Battalion Command Sergeant Major, Battalion Commander. Then to the respective Brigade CSM and Commander, up to Division, and so on. Until it hit the top and the Commander in chief, The President of the United States.Chain of CommandIm often asked what the elements of command are for the U. S. Marine Corps. Much of the below information was provided by apacherat, a member of our message forum, and a former Marine (actually, there is no such thing as a former Marine) The Marine Corps has the RULE of THREE. I believe it was invented during the Anna Wars by Edison who invented the fire team concept that is used today. In a nutshell, the rule is this each Marine has three things to worry about. Three men to a fire team commanded by a Corporal (so there are actually a total of four on the team, when you count the team leader).Three fire teams to a rifle squad commanded by a sergeant. Three rifle squads to a platoon commanded by a Lt.. Three rifle platoons to a company commanded by a Capt. Three companies to a battalion commanded by a Lt Col. etc. Team Four individual Marines assigned to a specific team (Three team members, plus the team leader). Squad Three Teams are assigned to a specific squad. Platoon Three squads are usually assigned to a specific platoon. Company (or Battery) Three platoons are assigned to a Company (sometimes called a battery).The Company/battery is the lowest level of command with a headquarters element (example, a Company Commander, or Company First Sergea nt). Battalion Three companies/batteries are assigned to form a battery a battalion. Regiment Three battalions form a Regiment (Sometimes called a Brigade). Division Three Brigades are assigned to make up a Division. Marine Corps Three or more divisions make up the Marine Corps. MEU In addition to the above, there are also MEUs (Marine Expeditionary Unit). With a strength of about 2,200 personnel, the MEU is normally built round a reinforced battalion, a composite aircraft squadron, and by a MEU Service Support group. Commanded by a colonel, the MEU is employed to fulfill routine forward deployments with fleets in the Mediterranean, the Western Pacific, and periodically, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The MEU is deployed on up to four Naval amphibious ships. The ground combat element (GCE) is the battalion landing team (BLT), an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, amphibious assault vehicles, light armored reconnaissance assets and other units as the mission and circumsta nces require.The aviation combat element (ACE) is a Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron augmented with four types of helicopters into a composite squadron. These units include CH-53E Super Stallions, CH-46E Sea Knights, UH-1N Hueys, and AH-1W Super Cobras. Ace assets may also include the fixed-wing aircraft such as the AV-8B Harrier jet. The combat service support element is the MEU Service Support Group (MSSG) formed primarily from force service support groups assets. The MSSG contains all the logistics specialists necessary to keep the GCE, ACE and organic equipment functioning.Included within the MSSG are medical, dental, maintenance, engineering, and other technical experts. The command element (CE) provides command and control of the other three elements. In addition to the MEU commander and his supporting staff, the CE includes specialized detachments providing a direct action capability, naval gunfire liaison capability, reconnaissance, and surveillance and specialized communi cations and electronics warfare capabilities. Marine Aviation The Marines structure their aviation commands a little differently. The structure for aviation commands are Squadron (applied to flying & non-flying units).In aircraft squadrons, the number of aircraft varies from 4 24, depending on the type of squadron. Non-flying squadrons include Marine Aviation Logistics Sqns (supply), Marine Wing Support Sqns (construction), Marine Air Control Sqns (air defense), Marine Air Support Sqns (Airfield control), Marine Tactical Air Command Sqns, Marine Wing Communications Sqns, Marine Wing Headquarters Sqns (Admin). Group (3 or more squadrons) Includes Marine Aircraft Group (MAG), Marine Wing Support Group (MWSG), Marine Air Control Group (MACG). The MAGs are usually all helo or all fixed-wing (MAG-36 in Okinawa has a KC-130 sqn attached)Wing 3+ Groups. 2 or more MAGs + MWSG, MACG. For example, 1st MAW has 1 fixed-wing MAG (MAG-12)+ 2 helo MAG (MAG-36 + Aviation Support Element, Kaneohe). 2nd & 3rd MAW each have 2 fixed-wing + 2 helo MAGs. 4th MAW (Reserves) has 4 mixed MAGs There is no set size (number of troops) assigned to any specific element. The size of an element of command depends primarily upon the type of unit and mission. For example, an aviation squadron would have a different number of troops assigned than an infantry company because it has a different mission, different equipment, and therefore different requirements.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Language of My Generation
The Dictionary defines language as a body of words and the systems for their use rough-cut to a battalion who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition. Based on this definition wouldnt it come sense for different propagations to have differences in their language because they are apart of different cultural differences amongst one another? My generation consistently gets a bad wrap for being too vulgar, too curt, too disrespectful, and too controversial, but thats not the way we see it. The same words that make our parents cringe are the same words that build comradery amongst our peers.The songs that leave our grandparents in disgust make us feel empowered. Were misunderstood, is what it boils down too. The Language of my generation is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves, not how anyone else see us we redefine, and reclaim language and modify it to reflect who we are. In to sidereal days day and age, everyones lookin g for something to control. It has been proven that this generation faces more pressure than the generations before us. With everyone controlling every other aspect of our lives, language allows us to have something that is our own, something we terminate control.This is why we speak the way we speak, because no one can tell us otherwise. This is what language means to us. Its a way we can furbish up to our peers, and no one else has to understand, because they arent meant too. So whos to say that the b word cant be used as a term of endearment? Who makes the rules on what these words we use mean? A word is just a word until you give it gist, because after all words are just sounds, and the vocabulary is just a book, written by regular people, people with bias, so why cant I disagree with those who gave these words their original meaning?History repeats itself therefore there is no way that our parents generation was viewed anymore negatively then the generations before them. F rom the way they dressed, to the way the walked, and spoke, and the emergence of hip record hop music into mainstream culture, My parents and their peers were regular rebels, at least their parents thought so. The generations before them experienced the same thing. The only problem reason my generation is misunderstood is because the generations before us so quickly forget. The reason they forget is because they can no longer relate. They can no longer relate because their lives have changed.But there was a clipping when my mom used to get into arguments with her mother ab bulge out the way she spoke, and acted, and dressed, no different then the ones she and I go through now. She was my age in 1988, a time notoriously known for sex, and drugs, and all things controversial, so I have a hard time believing we are all that different. Its so easy to focus on the negative, but my generation is innovative. We are creators, philanthropists, thinkers, and inventors, and we use our languag e as a platform to promote ourselves. Today, more than ever before there are more kids making their dreams come true.We use our resources to make things happen. Kids can use social networks to build a following in prosecution of their goals whether it is music or fashion, or gaining support for a philanthropic cause. The best thing about it is we can do it on our own. I know people my age who are entrepreneurs running successful businesses. Believe it or not, there are teens out there making a difference. When I was a secondary in high school I hosted a series of park cleanups in my city, and the turnout was amazing. When asked by several adults how I got kids my age to come out early Saturday mornings to pick up trash, I told them I just asked.I reached out to my peers in the most effective way I knew how, using our language, speaking blatantly, and of stemma posting it all over Twitter and Facebook. They came out because they related to me, we related because of our common lang uage. Instead of criticizing my generation I think we should try to bridge the fault by trying to better understand one another. Society spends so much time trying to strip us of our identity, which is our language, when they should just accept as is. This is who we are, every curse, every action, every word, defines we as a people.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
My Favourite Communication Essay
Introduction to conference, I not only have more knowledge, and skills but too having real experiences. Nonverbal Communication and establishing relationship take aim meaning which are the most important things I had been learned. Nonverbal parley is crucial in relationships because it is fundamentally the leading factor for communication. There are three different ways that nonverbal communication is shown in relationships responsiveness, liking, and power.Responsiveness is when we use our eye contact, posture, and consistency gestures to sire our emotions and thoughts to the other person. For instance, if someone were to slouch in their chair and have a bored look on their face, they are probably conveying that they dont care about the class or that they are not interested in anything that is being said. Liking is a way to show positive communication towards others. Examples of this would be smiles, hugs, kisses, high fives, etc.Learning about nonverbal communication and how it establishes relationship level meaning is crucial in my everyday life. Nonverbal communication is essential in any relationship so learning about responsiveness, liking, and power, will give me a better understanding on the quality and level of my relationships. For instance, when I am working with a group at university, I will be able to better understand and have better sentiency of the people who want to work and those who do not.It not only helps to better understand nonverbal communication but also to be aware of it in every situation. In my future career, nonverbal communication will play a fundamental role. If I am to pursue a profession in sign language interpreting, I will have to be able to tune my senses to everything nonverbal. Sign language is all about facial expression and body language, so learning about postures and gestures in nonverbal communication will really give me a tool to be aware of the nonverbal behaviors.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Disastrous success prompt Essay
succeeder does not last forever and problems still arise raze after achieving it. Unfortunately, it is a common misapprehension that achieving winner will solve every difficulty in life, which is why many strive to achieve it. Success is only a brief moment where unmatched has reached his or her goals in life through hard work and perseverance. There is no guarantee that no problems will exist in ones life after attaining success. In fact, success could also lead to a disaster and detrimental consequences. slightly events that took place during World War II are faultless examples of the above. The misunderstanding of many is that achieving success is the resolution to every problem. Regrettably, if that was the case, we would live in a perfect world. The old saying, be careful what you wish for could apply here as a disclaimer to succeeding because it very well could be disastrous. Adolf Hitler would be a perfect example of disastrous success. Before World War II, he drove the Na zi Party to its pinnacle during the Great Depression in Germany.He promised Germans to regain all the land lost in World War I, to purify the German race and eradicate all Jews, and to bring Germany out of the depression. His success in the country proved to be extremely catastrophic for the Jews. During the war, Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jewish race. By the end of the war he had massacred 11,000,000 people. His success was the tragedy, suffering, and wipeout of numerous Jews. Also, when he lost the war and was captured and died, it led Germany to another period of anarchy and another change in government.Another example that would relate to poisonous success, also from World War II, would be from the end of the war when Germany had surrendered to US forces but Japan would not. To get Japan to surrender, a group a scientists apply Albert Einsteins theories to create the first ever atomic flop. The scientists knew the damaging set up of the bombs success but still allowed its use on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to get Japan to surrender. Even though the bomb was effective and allowed the US and allied forces to win the war, it massacred countless lives and devastated two major cities.Unfortunately, the creation of the atomic bomb led to the Cold War, the Nuclear Arms Race, and the creation of numerous nuclear weapons. Even though the bomb was successful in its immediate purpose, it became a allowance to the invention of many other deadly weapons. All in all, success can become very disastrous even though many behold it as a positive event in life. Hitlers reign on Germany and the invention of the atomic bomb both demonstrate the devastating effects of success. It can either be help or hindrance in life. Therefore, one must be mindful of the long lasting negative consequences of ones success.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Art of Cooking Essay
I have a passion for culinary art. My double culture, and family background was behind this love . I always thought that existence half cut , half Moroccan is a great mixture , but starting to wee approved it to me . I remember when I used to sneak in my moms kitchen, and playact with the ingredients. It was a great time where I learned how to mix, and make new dishes by improvising new combinations. For example, I mixed flavors and textures that were usually never mixd.Or even add new colors in my dishes that gain their beauty. I was not the only one fascinated by food. My dad a professional chef got me into the realness of pastry, and Moroccan traditional food ex Tagine, which is primarily used to slow-cook savory stews and vegetable dishes. Because the domed or cone-shaped lid of the tagine traps steam and returns the condensed liquid to the pot. Morocco is the culinary star of North Africa it is the doorway between europium and Africa.Much imperial and trade influence has been filtered, and blended into this culture. Moroccan cooking is characterized by rich spices that combine anywhere from 10 to 100 spices. french and Moroccan cooking cuisines have been subject to Berber, Moorish, Arab, and European influences. nearly French dishes are known for their complex, and rich flavors, we love bread, and wines. Most of people tried some French recipes, or food without knowing that is even French.You may find them all over the world. Ex * Crepes a very flat pancake typically stuffed with fruit or slam. * Baguette a long French bread loaf. * Chocolate mousse this lighter than air dessert originated in France. * Eclair a pastry stuffed with cream and topped with icing. * Creme Brulee Custard topped with hard caramel. One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Single and Marriage Life
Hellow my dear friends and my honar competent t sever all toldyer, this is farhana yeasmin mumu and thereis my group members,at first/first of tot all toldy I want to/ wanna introudce them to u. 1. x 2. y 3. z Now um on the point,why we atomic number 18 stand up front of you In this room there is we stop divided or separate by a margine/line wre the students and our honarable teacher/Lecturer About our Presenetation there is a big picture to get/ pull in in to the point If I dont make any mistake we ar all the student in this room, still we are leading the angiotensin-converting enzyme life , which we called bheacelor or unmarried life. who is posing front of us the madam or teacher he has got a family as his own If I try to make some compirasson or difference betwixt our teacher and me, the daily routine or thes schedule will be focused. Because um single and she has got a family,in that point im answerable just for my self and she has to credi 2rthy rough lot of things. I ts very(prenominal) easy to on a lower floorstand single and married life both are just the period of our life line. After passed the chilldhood we went to the school, collage and complete the graduation, then the getting marrige this subject came in our every single life, as a moral fact.Some be takes the responsibility emideatly or some body takes it/that lately. Today, a lot of significant number of mint are being married and still being single. This has changed their lives and gives differences between one an oppositewise. In this essay, Im going to compare and contrast the differences between single mountain lives and married quite a little lives in lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility. In lifestyle, single people will bugger off some(prenominal) more privacy in their lives. They will not be bothered by anybody at home. zilch will command them not to sleep late, not to watch telivision too much and so on and so on.Therefore, single people live life freely. The y can pretermit their while with their friends anywhere at anytime they want. In contrast, married people will be bothered with their partners. They founder to take care of each other and if they have children things would become a lot more complicated. They cant live a free lifestyle. They need to get permission from their partners if they want to go out with friends, best friends or any(prenominal) you name it. In general, married people are more busy because simply the strong sting between their children and their partners are tangible.Secondly, companionship is another distinct difference between single and married people lives. A husband will depend on his wife, and a wife will depend on her husband. Livelihood will be achieved easily by married people from their partners, parents and from their children. In contrast, single people dont depend on anybody except their friends and parents. They cant trust anyone else to share their secrets or to rely on shoulders. However, li velihood can be achieved from their parents and their friends. Lastly, married people are more responsible and busy than single people.They have to mold their money or expenses gently and economically every day. They are in like manner responsible for raising their children and guiding their families in the right manner. Otherwise, they can ruin their lives easily. wed people are also responsible to manage their time for their families. They have to spend their time with their children, husband or wife every day. In contrast, people who still remain single dont have schedule to look after their children or partners and they are not obligated to guide and/or manage their livings.Therefore, they are much less responsible than married people. There they are lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility are the 3 main differences between single and married people lives. In my opinion, being a married psyche is better than being a single soulfulness, because we are created by God wit h partner like pass and Eve story. Independence * Once you are married, you no longer exist as an independent entity. You capacity keep your job and your relationship might be excellent, but from your wedding onward you moldiness unendingly think as a husband and wife.The decisions you make affect your future together. The things you buy have an push on both of your finances. Everything you do must be considered from your husband or wifes point of view. When you are single, you single have to consider your own interests when making decisions, but you are also short the emotional run that makes hard decisions easier to bear. Money * Getting married can have significant monetary benefits, but it also can be quite costly. Married couples receive a tax move and benefit from the office to pool their financial resources. Mortgage and rent payments are split.Single individuals receive no tax break and must cover their living costs on their own. On the downside for married couples, single people can spend money when and where they see fit without worrying about an angry spouse. Free Time * macrocosm married is a lot like a second job. You have to work at it for it to be successful. Married couples need dedicated time to communicate with one another and help each other with their emotional and physical demands. Because of this, married people usually have less free time to spend hanging out with friends or checking out the latest movie.If you are single, you have more free time but also might find that your free time is not as fun without somebody with which to spend it. The Future * One of the core elements of marriage is that in most cases it symbolizes the beginning of a family. Married couples spend more time discussing the future how to save money, what sort of career choices to make and when to start cerebration about children. Married people are more concerned with their future ability to raise their family than more single individuals who do not ha ve to worry about much beyond their monthly expenses. o get married, you will also listen to have more responsibilities as wellhead as learn to be more busy than your single life and step through many sharings between the two of you. there are many differences and similarities in married and single life about responsibilities as well as money and activities. Living a single life can be significantly contrasting from being married. A marriage traditionally marks the beginning of a family on the other hand, usually being single means that having a different solo life. A single person would have more independence than a married person.The differences between single and married life range from very small to very large, but there are few core contrasts that show the main differences between the two lifestyles. Differences between single and married men. married life will provide a person with emotional support that is such a great help in meeting ups and downs of life . For all the va lue placed on friendship , friends also have their own lives to care for , and their input in an individual s will always be limited . Besides , as we grow old , we are likely to drift apart from the parental family .Our spouse and children will then serve as a prop , helping us in the difficult moments of our life and sharing our joys . Over the bleed of my married life , I can remember so many instances when even a draft talk with my husband in the evening relieved my worries . The freedom and carelessness of single life melt in marriage , but when you begin to care for others , in a happy marriage you are rewarded by enjoying their care in return Single Life and Married Life There is something about marriage that changes everything it starts from when you say I do.When youre single you have more liberty in the grimace of coming and going with friends, with no worries in the financial aspect of things. Marriage is about respecting each other becoming one versus single life is really about two separate people intentional each other. In the life of a single person everything within the home environment is under the persons own control. Therefore he or she does not have to consider others before making decisions. In addition, the single person has no need to consult anyone else regarding any decisions such as house decoration, vacation dates and locations.Thus there is no need to compromise. Furthermore, everything within their life belongs to a single person. He or she owns his or her life completely and does not need to share any aspect of it with another person. beingness is within his or her own space. Being single is for those you are not ready to take the conterminous step in life. They are still working on themselves. It is not a bad thing. We must all find ourselves first to be able to know who that great person is that we end up sharing the rest of our lives with. When you find yourself, then it is so much easier to find that true person that be longs in your life.Marriage is a great new step one takes in life. It comes to your heart when you take a good look at your life and you realize something is missing. You have never had it to begin with but yet you miss it. Then you realize what the next step in your life is. Finding that person is so much easier when you know who you are first. In married life, Control is compromised through the need to consider a partners feeling or opinions. Similarly, everything within the married environment has to be shared. Whilst both parties may be able to find some space of his or her own, the majority of the time this will be shared with others.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Communication and Collaboration Strategy Essay
Being adequate to accomplish a task with a team merchantman be both rewarding and challenging. skill how to effectively work with a group of people from diverse backgrounds can ultimately be draining. prime(prenominal) and foremost there has to be an understanding that everyone is non the same, personalities argon different, attitudes atomic number 18 different, work habits atomic number 18 not the same, and definitely learning styles are different. Becoming more sensitive with other team members actions or behaviors is a must. This will help to guide the team as a whole in developing different work strategies to reach the success of the team.The tests that I took to determine my personality and learning style were called Multiple Path carriages to breeding and the Personality Spectrum. My highest most dominant personality scores were ab extinct equal between organizer, thinker, and giver my weakest drive was being an adventurer. It also revealed that I my most dominant l earning style is bodily-kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal but I am also verbal-linguistic. I find that I do agree with the results of these tests and I will ingestion these learning styles to connect to my fellow team members that are in my group and those that are nonetheless to come.I can use these beneficial techniques in my studies and work on those benefits that I am not yet strong in. There are other different personality types that were mentioned in the tests, they include Thinker, Giver, and Adventurer, along with Organizer. They can all have an effective way that can increase the advance of a team. Thinkers are near(a) at solving conundrums, and are very efficient when constructing models, while still able to analyze things. The Givers are peaceful, helpful, and caring and are very useful when dealing with human relationships.During times of conflicts between the team givers are exceptional at resolving the conflict and are seemingly good enough a t negotiating (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits 2007). The Adventurer are individuals who love to explore new things. They often excel at new ideas and are also problem solvers. They also are constantly thinking of new ways to learn and are very good a puzzles and riddles. The different learning styles that are helpful in a team environment are visual-spatial learning, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, and arranged-mathematics.People with the Verbal-Linguistic learning style are those people who are good in remembering terms, and acquaint sentence structures, syntax, and word meanings (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits 2007). These individuals are also good in grammar, and would excel in teaching, and discussion. The best way to communicate with these individuals would be to be as clear as possible. Individuals with interpersonal learning style kindred being around people so this would best work in a team environment. perpetually in a clear manner they have no problem expressing themselves eit her verbally or non- verbally. The best way to deal with these individuals would be to allow them to express their concerns and find a way to pay the job done. Being kind and warm with these individuals will help to further the progress of the team. Individuals with logical-mathematics are always reasoning logically. These individuals have above average skills when it comes to scientific reasoning and using tables and charts.It is best to use logical communication skills when dealing with this learning style. Maybe make presentations with charts and graphs or just plain common sense. When dealing with a team environment you have to first set ground rules and figure out a way that everyone can have their voice heard. This will ensure that no one is left out and everyone participates without any problems or conflicts. But should they arise being patient with one another and allowing an open push down for discussion will be beneficial to resolving any conflicts and getting the job do ne.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Knucklehead competitors
You may encounter business situations that require using an interpreter (for spoken communication) or a translator (for written communication). Interpreters and translators arsehole be expensive, but skilled professionals provide Invaluable assistance for communicating in other furorural contexts. 60 Keeping up with current language usage in a given country or culture is in any case critical in order to avoid embarrassing blunders.For example, the marketing agency Landlord Associates usually engages three native-language speakers to retrospect translated materials to make sure the ensue of the put across is compatible with current usage and slang in a given country. 61 Some companies use back- variant to ensure accuracy. Once a translator encodes a message Into another language, a dif rent translator retranslate the same message into the passe-partout language.The is back-translation is then compared with the original message to discover any errors or discrepancies. The e tim e and cost required for professional translation has encouraged the development of machine translation , any form of computerized intelligence used to translate star language to another. Dedicated soft ware tools and online services such as Worldly ( www. Worldly. Com ) off ere as sieveed forms of automated translation. Major search engines let you request translated versions of the websites you FL ND.Although nvirtuoso of these tools can translate as sanitary as human translators, they can be quite useful with individual words and short phrases, and they can oft en give you the overall gist of a message. Everyone can contribute to successful intercultural communication. Whether a younger person Is unaccustomed to the formalities of a large corporation or a unify from another country Is working on a team with you, look for opportunities to help people if t in and adapt their communication style.For example, if a nonnative English speaker is making mistakes that could hurt his or her credibility, you can off ere advice on the appropriate words and phrases to use. Most language learners truly appreciate this sort of assistance, as long as it is off red in a respectful manner. Moreover, chances are that succession youre helping, youll learn something about the other persons culture and language, too. You can also take steps to simplify the immunization process.For instance, oral communication in a second language is usually more differ cult than written forms of communication, so instead of asking a foreign colleague to provide information in a conference call, you could ask for a written response instead of or in rise to power to the live conversation. For a brief summary of ideas to Improve intercultural communication in the workplace, see Checklist Improving Intercultural intercourse Skills. For additional Information on communicating Intercultural Communication Speaking with Multiple-Language Audiences Media Skills Podiatrist LO-5 , Chapter 7 Your com pany was one of the FL rest to use podiatrist as a business communication tool. Executives frequently and post them on the companys intranet site employees from the 14 off cues in Europe, Asia, and North America then download the FL less to their euphony players or other devices and listen to the messages while riding the train to work, eating lunch at their desks, and so on. Your boss asks you to draft the opening statement for a potash that will announce a tax drop caused by intensive competitive pressure.She reviews your script and hands it back with a gentle comment that it needs to be revised for international listeners. Improve the following statement in as umteen ways as you can Howdy, comrades. Shouldnt surprise anyone that we took a beating this year, given the insane pricing moves our mother been making. I mean, how those clowns can keep turning a proof t is beyond me, what with steel cost still going through the roof and labor costs heating up-?even in countries wher e everybody goes to FL ND cheap labor-?and hazardous waste disposal ergs adding to operating costs, too.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Do Not Weep Maiden, for War Is Kind
Do Not Weep, Maiden, for War is Kind, was written by the poet Stephen put out. The verse form is a bitter and emotional protest of the horrors of warfare. It gets more than of its strength from using simple just highly descriptive words in contrast with innocence, and to a fault through the use of repetition and sarcasm. The poet portrays bitterness and innocence in the first stanza.It is strongly shown in the lines Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind, because your lover threw wild hands towards the sky (1-2). The maiden is obviously a suffer woman who has received the terrible news of the loss of her lover. It is however the sense of description in the second line which is evoked from the word wild that really describes the awful, vivid moment of death.Constant repetition throughout the poem is also utilized for maximum effect, in particular the deeply sarcastic phrase war is kind and the line do not weep which works well to emphasize the objective of the poem by discouraging the passions of war. The machine of war marches on like a great Battle-God but it is the poor souls who are left behind who suffer. It is the mourning wives, girlfriends and children who are left with nothing but memories of the persist soldiers who have given their lives to the killer machine.The flashiness of war is ridiculed in this poem. Words and phrases such as comfortable drums of regiment (6) and the Swift blazing flag of the regiment, eagle with crest of red and gold (18-19) have a strong, orderly and official glory which is deeply contrasted to that of suffering displayed throughout the poem. The moving tragedy of the story draws to a rapid conclusion with the mother whose humble labor has now produced nothing but a underwrite for her son to lie in, along with the other thousand corpses.To further push the point home Crane uses the pronoun of your to directly relate to the reader. In many ways this type of poetry is a type of mute protest of war. It is an expression t hat has the ability to really get to the heart of the situation as much as a vocal protest. Even if war is an ever present aspect of society, works such as these ensure that its true horrors never fade. By reading such poetry we ensure that even if the bodacious fallen are gone, they are not forgotten.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Citizenship Rights Of Asylum Seekers In Britain Essay
The Citizenship Rights Of founding Seekers In Britain - Essay ExampleThis suggests that there is a connection between someones nationality and the interrogative sentence of whether they pose a threat to our security. This has fed community unrest, marginalization and even violence against minority groups (Asylum, n. d.). It is not easy for some nationalities to get citizenship in Britain even if they are refugees. The system of immigration control in the UK splits people into two broad categories those who have right of abode in the UK and who undersurface live, work and move in and proscribed of the country as they wish, and those who require permission in order to enter and remain here (Immigration - In England, 2010). 9/11 has changed a lot of laws with respect to the citizenship of refugees in Britain. Earlier, not much segregation was experient by the refugees. Now it is difficult for people especially from the Muslim countries to get citizenship in Britain. It is a detail that current changes in laws with respect to citizenship in Britain for asylum seekers are adversely affecting the refugees. At the equal time, if a person have been given refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK, and his initial permission to stay there will expire before the new system of earned citizenship comes into force (scheduled for July 2011),he can still apply for settlement and British citizenship under the current rules (Asylum Refugees route to settlement, n. d). In other words, the change of the rules is intended for the refugees who may seek asylum in Britain in future.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Impacts developing and evaluating technologies for addressing e Essay
The Impacts developing and evaluating technologies for addressing e provision and licensing of e-books - Essay suitThese methods and techniques have great results for web application projects while others prefer a more formal come on. unlike aspects of failure and victor of quick methods shall be discussed in detail during the research 1.Web engineering is delimit as an agile, yet disciplined framework for building industry-quality web applications 1. There ar several methods and techniques done which web engineering takes place. Some methods are more structured and formal while others involve nominal aspects of formal planning and documentation. The latter concentrate more on the core phylogeny issues of the suppuration and are called the agile web engineering processes 1. These methods are mainly an invention of web developers and consultants foundations of which have been derived from their past victor experiences. They term it as a more practical approach that also ben efits the client. Some guidelines regarding the methods of web development have been combined to form the twelve principles, known as Agile Web Design manifesto 5.The impact of AWE is different for government activitys rough developers find it practical and therefore abide by it. Whereas some organizations do not experience the same level of success and face hurdles in applying this approach 2. Therefore the research is focused on the reasons and operational environments which might support or deny the claims of agile methods.The research will be helpful to identify the main causes of failure of an agile web development approach so that those aspects can be corrected or mitigated. This can serve as a guideline for the necessary steps to achieve an agile development structure.The different modes of agile web engineering, their success scenarios and failures shall be critically analyzed. The steps shall be discussed that are involved during a formally structured organizations
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Time Capsule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Time Capsule - Essay ExampleBetween 1404 and 1414, Konrad came up with a number of paintings that were a depiction of The Crucifixion. During this period of Renaissance, religious forms were widespread in the society because of a society domination of the Church of Roam and the Catholic Church (Kleiner, 2006). On the date of Baroque, an example of a possible Caravaggio find would be one of Caravaggios paintingsan Italian painter who downplayed the pre-existing rules of painting and came up with a new way of doing his art go. His paintings, such as the Inspiration of Saint Mathew, were a watching of the activated and physical aspects of a human being. His work was a true image of The Age of Baroque in Italy and France that used exaggerated motion to elicit drama, grandeur, and tension a same(p) (Guisepi, 2007).MusicThroughout the existence of humanity, melody has existed to move the human being emotionally and pump him up physically. In both periods of Renaissance and the Age of B aroque, music could be be in the form of sheets or notes. This could be a clear reflection of an era where the humanity existed without any advancement in technology that dominates the contemporary world. Additionally, from a critical sprightliness at of some of the actors one would show that they helped to lay a platform of establishing musical sound of because and today. One is likely to find music notes of the likes of Leonel Power, a composer of early Renaissance times and Jacopo Peri, an Italian musician of the Age of Baroque (Guisepi, 2007). Descriptions of drawings or architecture Architects of the Renaissance time wanted to transform their status of professionalism from expert laborers to artists. The architects of this era wanted to come up with structures that would be appealing to the human being both emotionally and reason wise (Kleiner, 2006). In this regard, one would hope to find in the time capsule notes and a set of plans on marvels like the Florence Cathedral among other great structures of the time that paved way for modern font architecture. In the time capsule, works by Renaissance architects like Leon Battista, Andrea Palladio, and Filipo Brunelleschi could be a possible find. A possible reflection of Baroque architecture could be through finding the works of architect like Sir Christopher Wren. Such a finding would mirror the new emphasis that Baroque architecture placed on bold massing, domes, and light and shade colonnades etcetera. A possible find in the time capsule would be a set of plans or notes that relate to the rebuilding of the churches of capital of the United Kingdom following the 1666 Great Fire of London (Kleiner, 2006). Philosophy From a philosophical point of view, the age of Renaissance portrayed a transition from the medieval thinking of an anonymous existence to the uniqueness in man because of enlightenment that characterized the man of the time. While Greece could be the source of early philosophers, the age of Renaissance came up with new values while old philosophies found new meanings. Recovery of ancient documents, renewed emphasis on individual freedom, and opposition of institutional place made the practice of education undergo a revolution. In the time capsule, one can fold up a copy of Galileos work on the telescope. A more interesting find all the same would be a discovery of the telescope he used to make astronomical observations. Galileo, an Italian, helped revolutionize the scientific landscape of the era of Renaissance through his invention of the telescope and many contributions in mathematics and physics. The reputation of the Age of Baroque could be reflected in the time capsule by coming across the work of a philosopher of the time like
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