Monday, May 25, 2020
The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock - Imagery, Literary...
The Love Song That was Never Sung A love song or a profession of love usually includes a culminating point where the suitor finally professes his love toward the woman. However T.S. Eliot’s â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†is almost a guide on how to dissuade oneself from professing love to a woman. It does this by combining several different poetic methods to display a situation of desperation and trapped isolation. Basically, Alfred is clear on the fact that he wants to be a part of this woman’s –whom he loves- life, but he cannot bring himself to the complete the act, to say â€Å"I love you.†The poem itself consists of all of the reasons, going through Alfred’s head, why he should not profess his love.†¦show more content†¦This reluctance to take action is rooted in Alfred’s fear, â€Å"And in short, I was afraid†(86). â€Å"So how should I presume?†is another line that displays modern manâ₠¬â„¢s self inquiry and his fear (54). As a result of the evidence present in the poem, one can conclude that Alfred, or modern man, is cowardly and afraid of consequences that could unsettle his world. This conclusion can be drawn from the lines mentioned as well as this line, â€Å"Disturb the universe?†(46). Eliot provides for the reader all of the content to reach such a conclusion, and he also provides the reader with excellent images that convey his theme of reluctance. There are more than a few images presented to the reader in Eliot’s work that help one see a deeper meaning of isolation. Such images include the description of the fog or smoke, the description of J. Alfred Prufrock, the town or city, and other characters as well. The fog has a cat-like quality when the poem describes it rubbing its back against the window panes and licking its tongue against the corners of the evening. Alfred is comparable to the cat-like fog in the fact that they are both on th e outside looking in, and this can be found on Alfred’s part, â€Å"In the room the women come and go†¦Talking of Michelangelo,†(12-13). What I mean by saying that Alfred is on the outside looking in is that he never takes the leap of action, and like I stated previously he is afraid likeShow MoreRelatedThe Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay990 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†by T.S. Elliot is in part a satire. It was written in the form of a dramatic monologue delivered by the poem’s speaker, J. Alfred Prufrock. It begins with him asking an unknown â€Å"you†to accompany him on a walk. The two walk through town and stumbles upon women talking about Michelangelo at a social event. The women’s bare arms and long dresses show off their knowledge of art. Prufrock wishes to talk to the women and is attracted to them sexually but he is afraidRead More`` Gold Glade `` And The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufro ck1811 Words  | 8 Pages Poetry, by its formal definition, describes intense literary work that expresses feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. In poems such as â€Å"The Light Comes Brighter†, â€Å"Gold Glade†, and â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†, poets used certain literary devices--such as imagery, personification, symbolism, and rhyme scheme--in order to develop an abstract but simultaneous concrete idea of their internal thoughts and emotions. In â€Å"Gold Glade†, Robert Penn Warren portrayed aRead More The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot Essay example1535 Words  | 7 PagesThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot The poetry of the modernist movement is characterized by an emphasis on the alienation of the individual from the broader community in which he or she exists. In the works of T. S. Eliot, this alienation is expressed as a symptom of spiritual and moral decay within communities, societies, and entire civilizations. Eliot’s modernism, which was strongly influenced by his conversion to Anglo-Catholicism, is a harsh critique of the pervasive self-obsessionRead MoreModernism - Araby and the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay1382 Words  | 6 Pageschaotic, especially due to paralysis and alienation in modern society. This newly perceived reality is reflected through techniques of fragmentation in modernist works such as James Joyce’s short story â€Å"Araby†and T.S. Eliot’s poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, fundamental and far-reaching changes in society often made individuals feel wary and estranged from their surrounding world. These changes included urbanization, technological advancements, mass marketsRead MoreArtistic Expression: Poems Speak to Emtions and Capture Feelings963 Words  | 4 Pagesfeelings. There is no right format of a poem, but yet a world of possibilities. Instead being unchangeable poems are innately open to interpretation; they should be spoken out loud in order to be â€Å"heard†, convey truth and cause impact. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot is an extremely meaningful poem; it is one of Elliot’s best-known works and without a doubt a masterpiece (Hillis). T.S. Eliot introduces the poem with a quote from Dantes Inferno (XXVII.61-66), and with that sparks ourRead MoreTechniques and Concerns of Modernism1482 Words  | 6 Pagesthe meaning of life as well as inner psychological perspectives a re some issues explored through the experimentation of new literary techniques as the progression from the Realism and Romanticism of the 19th century called for more realistic conventions in literature to allow writers express their values concerning the changing world. The poem ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ by T.S. Eliot and ‘Hills Like White Elephants’ by Ernest Hemingway are two texts which highlight the concerns of rapid industrialisationRead More T.S. Eliots use of Poetic techniques in The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock and The Wasteland1310 Words  | 6 Pageshas written many great poems. Among the most well known of these are â€Å"The Waste Land, and â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†, which share similar messages, but are also quite different. In both poems, Eliot uses various poetic techniques to convey themes of repression, alienation, and a general breakdown in western society. Some of the best techniques to examine a re ones such as theme, structure, imagery and language, which all figure prominently in his poetry. These techniques in particular areRead MoreThe Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock Essay4201 Words  | 17 PagesThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T. S. ELIOT Questions for Discussion 1. How does the epigraph from Dante’s Inferno help Eliot comment on the modern world inâ€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†? What does it tell us about the setting of this poem? How is Montefeltro’s miscalculation related to the poem? Prufrock laments that the mermaids will not sing to him. Prufrocks dilemma represents the inability to live a meaningful existence in the modern world.[24] McCoy and Harlan wrote For manyRead More Content, Themes, Diction and Imagery of Eliots Poems Essay4170 Words  | 17 PagesDiction and Imagery of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Portrait of a Lady, Rhapsody on a Windy Night and Preludes  The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Portrait of a Lady, Rhapsody on a Windy Night and Preludes deal with the psychological impasse of the sensitive person from whom life has been withheld. Both Prufrock and Portrait of a Lady depict self-conscious, philosophical characters who are unable to act and dare not chance acting. As portrayed in Prufrock the characterRead MoreStudy Guide Literary Terms7657 Words  | 31 Pages AP Literary and Rhetorical Terms 1. 2. alliteration- Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. The following line from Robert Frosts poem Acquainted with the Night provides us with an example of alliteration,: I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet. The repetition of the s sound creates a sense of quiet, reinforcing the meaning of the line 3. allegory – Where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolic
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Career Progression And The Career Development - 795 Words
The above quote by Confucius is often quoted, yet job happiness isn’t as easily achieved. One of the reasons behind job dissatisfaction is often the lack of planning. But career progression and the ability find a job that doesn’t feel like work requires meticulous research and focus. In this guide, we’ll explain career progression and the reasons why it’s so important. We’ll provide a four-step plan to help you develop a plan that guarantees you don’t feel left behind when it comes to achieving your career goals. What is career progression? The concept of career progressing is closely tied to the idea of career development. Career development is the lifelong process of managing your circumstances in order to move forward to achieving your personal goals. It’s the management of your education, work and leisure activities in a way that helps you achieve the kind of future you want. As the definition of progress states, progress is â€Å"a process developing gradually towards a more advanced state†. Career progression sees you working towards your ultimate professional goals, little by little. In essence, career progression determines and outlines the route you should follow in order to reach the career development goals you’ve set out for you. For example, your dream career goal might be to own your own business. A career progression plan will help identify the educational and work related steps you should take in order to get closer to this goal and ultimately, to achieveShow MoreRelatedCareer Progression : Career Goals Essay832 Words  | 4 PagesCareer progression is the aim for most workers, but career development is not something most of us think regularly. But without proper understanding of what we want from our career and how we can achieve our goals quicker, we can quickly end up dissatisfied with our jobs. Career counselling is a process that can help you with your career progression. In this guide, we will examine what career counselling entails and discover whom to look for if you want to consider trying it. We’ll also discussRead MoreA Look At The Career Progression For The Nursing Profession1307 Words  | 6 PagesBenner has been crucial in setting a stage to standardize education and career progression for the nursing profession. The nursing care practice has been changing exponentially since the development of the theory From Novice to Expert. It has enabled facilities across the nation to achieve a higher level of patient care due to its ability to identify the needs of each of the stages of a professional nurse’s career progression. 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In the paragraphs below I will describe key points of how it will improve student learning, foster student development of career awareness, and students will acquire self knowledge to enhance their personal and social development. This tool is useful and effective when applied in state education agencies and is most effective tool for students to transition throughout their academic settings. The ASCA National CrosswalkingRead MoreThe Goals And Motivating And Leading Employees1089 Words  | 5 Pagesrelentlessly drive it to completion†( The organization I currently work for has placed a career path ahead of me filled with great personal and professional opportunity, however it will be a new road for me with a steep learning curve. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Civil War The Most Significant Turning Point
In considering the development of the USA in the years 1815-1917, how far can the union victory in the civil war be seen as the most significant turning point? The Union Victory in the American civil war is widely considered to be a turning point and could be seen as the catalyst in American History. Led by Abraham Lincoln, some may say it was the start of a new era. Time had gone by since the America gained its independence. The emancipation of slavery happened because of the Unions victory but it had very little practical impact. It wasn’t until at least a couple of decades later until they were treated as equal citizens and even then they were still seen as second-class citizens. â€Å"Early in the 19th century America was achieving birth-rates never before equalled in history†. [1]This, coupled with Western Migration helped to sustain the growth shown as the USA experienced momentous change geographically, socially and politically as it became one of the world’s main players. The frontier was truly a land of romance, but it also helped shape the distinctive civilisation of the United States, America s unique charact eristics stemmed form no single source; the European heritage, the continuing impact of ideas from abroad, the mingling of peoples, the spread of the industrial revolution and the growth of class consciousness all contributed.[2] American historian Shelby Foote noted Before the war it was said the United States are. Grammatically it was spoken that way andShow MoreRelated1968 Was a Turning Point for the United States. Assess the Validity of This Statement652 Words  | 3 Pagesthrough many important and crucial events. From the Vietnam War to national politics, and even civil rights, our country was changing a lot. In particular, the year 1968, was when our country went through a major turning point, especially when you take in consideration the major events that involved the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement such as the â€Å"Tet Offense†, violent protests, and the Civil Rights Act being passed. The Vietnam War is still a very controversial subject to this day. WhetherRead MoreMajor Historical Turning Points in Americas Current Society1650 Words  | 7 PagesMajor Historical Turning Points in Americas Current Society Name Institution Date Major Historical Turning Points in Americas Current Society Two greatest historical turning points in the World War II through 1970s Many historical events happened in the II world war as rescored in the 1970s. One of the major happenings was the Kent State shootings that happened in May 4, 1970. Ohio National Guardsmen were on duty as they guarded students who were on a strike in Kent state college. One ofRead MorePost World War II: Effects and Changes in America1524 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction World War II brought several changes to the world and specifically America. It not only changed the world map but also set impact on the behaviours. WWII played a major role in building turning points during different periods. Before WWII, African Americans were not offered equal rights in the community. It was considered an impossible thing that African could ever do a white collar or even a blue collar job. However, soon after the WWII, there came a turning point in the lives of AfricanRead MoreThe Battle Of Gettysburg And Civil War1375 Words  | 6 PagesPennsylvania and was one of the most significant battles of the American Civil War. Union forces of the North, commanded by Major General George G. Meade met and fought the Confederate forces of the South, commanded by General Robert E. Lee. Many historians believe the battle was a large turning point in the Civil War in favor of the Union (Woodworth, 2008). However, this is disputable. The battle was also significant becau se it was the bloodiest battle of the war, which resulted in the death ofRead MoreImpact of the US Civil War1825 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War in the United States was one of the most significant events in the history of the country. This is due not only to the outcome it provided, but more importantly to the actual events that took place during the war, the aspects it dealt with, and the questions it raised concerning humanity, courage, democracy, human rights, slavery, unity and union. Throughout the war, the causes, the tactics, and the context changed. Further, the motivation of the soldiers fighting in both armies changedRead MoreThe Battle Of Gettysburg : Why Was It A Turning Point?1272 Words  | 6 PagesThe Battle of Gettysburg: Why Was It a Turning Point? War is truly like hell. There is no doubt that any war is an evil one. It is the greatest catastrophe that can befall human beings. It brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery, disease, starvation and poverty in its wake. Though war brings all kinds of trouble, sometimes it can save a country. In 1861 a Civil War broke out in America. It started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states overRead MoreThe Civil War: Then and Now1448 Words  | 6 PagesThe Civil War: Then and Now The Civil War that occurred was one of the darkest times in our history as a country. It was a time where there was a complete breakdown of social and political systems. Hundreds of thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands more were aversely affected. However, it was also a time of remembrance and significant moral progress. It is remembered as the turning point in American History and would be the foundation for the Civil Rights movement many years later. ThereRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Civil War1540 Words  | 7 Pageshistorical backdrop of the United States, African Americans have dependable been victimized. When Africans first came to America, they had no choice but to be slaves. The progressed toward becoming slaves to the rich, covetous, lethargic Americans. African Americans had given no compensation and regularly whipped and beaten. They battled for their opportunity, yet when the Civil War came African Americans had this logic that if they were to join the Civil War they could liberate all slaves. However, theirRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy : A War On Poverty And The So Called Great Society1021 Words  | 5 PagesFor most of the ‘60s, America had liberal Democratic administrations. In 1961, Democrat John F. Kennedy became president. As part of his election campaign, Kennedy announced his New Frontier domestic program. During his presidency, he was not able to implement his promises successfully. †Å"Without a clear Democratic majority in Congress he was unable to increase federal aid to education, provide health insurance for the aged, create a cabinet-level department of urban affairs, or expand civil rights†Read MoreSlavery And The Civil War1706 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln once said, â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand.†In the 1800s, the American nation was slowly becoming a house divided against itself. The United States were no longer united, mainly over the issue of slavery. In fact, many historians believe that, â€Å"From the nation’s founding, the issue of slavery threatened to tear the United States apart.†(â€Å"The Civil War†1). The issue of slavery was always kept at bay through the utilization of various compromises; however a permanent
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay Paper Example For Students
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay Paper Mini Paper 2Fetal alcohol SyndromePrepared by: What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)? FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation in the U.S. today. FAS affects approximately 1 in every 500 born in North America. Motheras drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy causes FAS. FAS is characterized by:i Smaller headsi Deformed facial features (small widely spaced eyes, underdeveloped jaw, thin upper lip, and short upturned nose). i Abnormal joints and limbs- these include deformities of the small joints of the hands as well as an incomplete rotation at the elbow. i Poor coordinationi Problems with learning- difficulty sequencing, difficulty understanding cause and effect, and weak generalizing skills. i Short memoriesi Medical problems- vision problems, hearing problems, epilepsy, renal failure, heart failure, and death. i Inappropriate behavior- poor impulse control and poor judgement. How FAS Affects Functioning In School:Beginning with infancy, the children have problems at feeding and are highly irritable. They also exhibit unpredictable sleeping and eating patterns, which make it hard for the baby to be cared for and for maternal bonding to occur. During development, both physical and mental, FAS children have very fine and poor motor coordination skills and it becomes very apparent at the preschool age. They also are very affectionate but at the same time very hyperactive, which makes it a problem for the teachers who have them in class to deal with. This is why they are, during the first few years of school, given the diagnoses of having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): this diagnoses is given because of there high activity level, short attention span, and poor short term memory. Many of these children require special education help regardless of the fact that their IQ falls between the normal range. Their hyperactivity calls for them to recei ve special attention that normal teachers cannot and at most times will not give them. As FAS children grow into FAS adults, their level of development and how they developed begins to show in everything they do. Since their social and mental health has been compromised as adults they exhibit inadequate communication skills, impulsivity, poor judgement, trouble with abstract thinking, and limited problem solving skills. With all these problems they often have difficulty holding down a job because of their unreliability, lack of social skills, and functional illiteracy. Without appropriate support services, these individuals have a high risk of developing secondary disabilities such as mental illness, getting into trouble with the law, abusing alcohol and other drugs, and unwanted pregnancies. A calm, nurturing, learning environment is vital for children with FAS. There are many different teaching strategies tailored to meet each individuals need. Children with FAS learn more when th e curriculum is taught in the context of the studentas daily life. Many doctors with recognized expertise recommend most children with FAS do best with a combination of Stimulant and Selective Seratonin Receptive Inhibitor (SSRI).
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