Monday, September 30, 2019
Nehemiah’s Upset and Relationship with Money
Anemia Is upset because In the midst of alluding the wall of Jerusalem and dealing with those outside of the people of God, he dealt with the morality of the people of God. Men could not feed their families. They mortgaged their property to get money to feed their families. They took loans to pay the taxes on the property. Some had to sell their children In to slavery. They were not able to get their children back because they could not pay the taxes on the property. All were descendants of Jacob, so they were forbidden by law to charge taxes to other Jews.The Jews were not following the law of how to treat fellow Jews. Instead of helping each other they were taking advantage of the people. They sought gain at the loss of others. Anemia became angry that the people were taking advantage of each other that he intercedes before God for each of them. He would pray to God passionately because he loved them so. Anemia was trying to teach the people that if they didn't handle their money w ith the right heart it will affect the will of God in their lives. We should all be givers to the will of God.Corinthians 16:1-4 states â€Å"now regarding your question about the money being collected for God's people in Jerusalem. You should follow the same procedure I gave to the churches in Galatia. 2 On the first day of each week; you should each put aside a portion of the money you have earned. Don't wait until I get there and then try to collect it all at once. 3 When I come, I will write letters of recommendation for the messengers you choose to deliver your gift to Jerusalem. 4 And if it seems appropriate for me to go along, they can travel with me. †.Corinthians 9:9 says As the Scriptures say, â€Å"They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. †Which Is private, regular, thoughtful, generous and freely given per the above scriptures. Our money problems per Anemia chapter 5 are based on how we glorify God, p utting our own needs first. The greed that we all have to profit off the problems of our brothers Is detestable. Amnesia's Upset and Relationship with Money By muzzle Why is Anemia so upset? Explain should Amnesia's example change the way we Vernon and begins to rebuild.The wall was built in 52 days with money and that did not want Jerusalem rebuilt. Anemia is upset because in the midst of building the wall of Jerusalem and dealing with those outside of the people of God, he dealt with the morality of the people of God. Men could not feed their families. Pay the taxes on the property. Some had to sell their children in to slavery. They were will be remembered forever. †Which is private, regular, thoughtful, generous and have to profit off the problems of our brothers is detestable.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Effect of Part-Time Jobs on Students
Balancing a Schedule Balancing a part-time job while attending classes full-time will force a student to balance their schedule. A March 2009 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics says students with part-time work reduce the time spent on homework, sleeping, socialization and life maintenance by 84 percent. A student employee will need to learn how to not let the decrease on time spent on studying show in her academic performance. Experiencing Workplace Culture Classroom learning is important, but the culture of workplaces and offices are hard to impart within the classroom.Holding down a regular position outside the classroom will allow students to gain firsthand experience in office culture and politics, which will be helpful upon graduation and their first full-time job. Sponsored Links University of Liverpool Boost your career with Master in Business Administration. Apply Now! www. liverpool-degrees. com It's All Who You Know In today's weak economy, it is even more crucial for students to make as many valuable connections as possible.Working part time for a campus office or off-campus organization will allow students to network outside their social circles, giving them valuable recommendations and contacts for their full-time job search. Accountability and Responsibility According to â€Å"Work on the Campus: Benefits for Student and Institution†by Mary Roark, â€Å"Values, skills, emotional maturity, personal identity and integrity are fostered through (on-campus) employment experiences. †Student-employees will learn to be accountable for their actions in a non-classroom or home environment, and experience how responsibility is delegated and evaluated in an office.Basic Skills Many on-campus part-time jobs will give students the opportunity to learn administrative skills, such as phone and email etiquette, office electronics troubleshooting, and meeting manners. Gaining such skills while in school will place a student-employee ahead of t he curve when they enter the full-time workforce. Read more: The Effect of Part-Time Jobs on Students | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/facts_5518492_effect-parttime-jobs-students. html#ixzz2CvDLxt4w
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Organisational Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
Organisational Change Management - Essay Example A company is the life source of the area in which it is situated. For it to attain such a status, the dependability of the people in that area is of paramount import. This is because they are the ones that regulate the performance of the company; whether it will be a profit making enterprise or incur losses (Vakola, 2005). Its manpower is but one prong of development, for there is the management of the company that is to be considered. The management is characterized by the decision makers of the enterprise. This is tiered depending on the level of involvement in the functioning of the company (Alvesson, 2002). Another aspect of D2 as a company is its products and services. This wholly depends on the purpose it sets out to achieve, after analyzing a multitude of factors including the intended competition and the forecasted market forces (Fleming, 2012). This three tier approach at looking at the productiveness of D2 as a company is what leads to a productive company or a loss making enterprise (MARCHINGTON, 2001). Every business venture sets out with one goal in mind, profit making; and to achieve this, careful thought and practice should be put into the company’s framework and proposed forms of implementation (Shuck, 2011). Key among this is the company’s ability to adapt to the changing environment so that is can maintain its status as a going concern. It should be versatile enough to be able to conform to its immediate and portended environment (Beer, 2000). This is the mark of a good company. This is guided by the different and varying economic climates that are common in any field of trade, e.g. inflation, recession and the stabilization of the market (Fleming, 2012). This paper seeks to analyze the likely results of D2’s proposed change as relates to its manufacturers, workforce and product development. It seeks to determine the impact that cutting back and reinventing would have on D2 which is a French car components manufacturing co mpany (Shimon L. Dolan, 2002). Discovery As D2 grows, it would be guided by the objectives it intends to meet as it seeks to maximize profits. These factors include the company’s structure, its competition, its ability to change to reflect the changing economic times, economic climate and its management potential (Handy, 1976). This paper will focus on D2’s ability to change to reflect the changing economic times and the varying economic climate of the economy. Ability to adapt to changing Economic Times D2’s ability to metamorphosize is a very important aspect of the company. This is because it is regulated by its external and internal market forces. These directly influence what state the company will be in when it makes its returns (Fleming, 2012). The company’s ability to change cannot be gainsaid, and it goes to the purpose and strategies employed within the company. It requires a wholesome approach to its portended development for it to successfully adapt to its environment (Md Zabid Abdul Rashid, 2004). Economic Climate The economic climate is the main
Friday, September 27, 2019
Translation Technology (Experience of using SDL Trados 2014 and its Essay
Translation Technology (Experience of using SDL Trados 2014 and its impact on translation method) - Essay Example The window opens presenting option for the Welcome view allowing an operator to open the Home tab. The subsequent process involves clicking the â€Å"Translate single document†. This gives a chance for opening document window whereby one can check the correctness of the source and target language as shown in figure 2. A new Translation Memory (TM) is set up by clicking â€Å"create†and then selecting â€Å"New File-Based Translation Memory†. The figure 3 below describes the process used in setting up New Translation Memory Window. In which case, a new TM name is entered (Translation Test). Next process involves browsing a folder for storing the TM and counterchecking on the source language and target language whether they are in alignment with the assignment. Character- based concordance search is enabled to allow efficiency during searching, especially when using a group of characters for the search. The file then opens in the Editor window giving a chance for translation. The translation is typed by clicking tin the first segment found in the target column. By clicking Ctrl+Enter, the first segment is confirmed and sent to the TM. Translating the other segments follow the same process aforementioned. The bilingual .sdlxliff file is saved (ctrl + S) in the folder where the source file was saved. Further, the target file is saved by clicking Shift + F12. This signifies the end of the process and the studio is closed by clicking Alt+F4. The following figure shows a sample of translation obtained when using the software: The SDL Trados 2014 translation process bears impacts on translation method as evident in a number of features it contains. Various features associated with using the software contribute distinctly to the impact of the software as will be discussed. These features yielding impacts include Global tag verification, alphanumeric strings,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Classification essay, different types of nursing careers CNA, Essay
Classification , different types of nursing careers CNA, LVN,RN,NP - Essay Example v. Due to their low professional levels, and explanation as to why medical facilities find it more logical to apply the services of the RNs rather than LVNs should also be included as well as, the professional difference between the RNs and LVNs should also be indicated. A single RN is only supposed to supervise few LVNs which mean that, the employment of more LVNs also requires the employment of more RNs. i. This section paper aims at giving clear explanations on the duties of RNs which include the treatment of patients; educate the patients and the public regarding various medical issues and provide counseling and emotional support to patients and the deceased families. iii. In the latter parts of this section, a review as to why RNs find it more to their duty to educate patients and families on how to handle their illnesses or injuries, explaining after treatment home care wants; nutrition, diet, and working out programs; and self-provision of medication and body therapy are regarded their responsibility. iv. This section shall also include their working capacities of running general fitness screening or vaccination clinics, blood drives, and public workshops on a variety of conditions as well as, work to promote universal health by enlightening the public on caution signs and symptoms of illnesses. ii. This part shall also aim at clear description of the fact that, a Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a registered nurse (RN) who has supplementary education and preparation in a specific area of expertise such as family unit practice or pediatrics. vi. The capacity to carry out the following activities will also be featured in the paper; documentation of health history of patients, carry out physical examinations, carry out tests and procedures on patients, give solutions to health problems, treat general childhood illnesses, help in the handling of
Nursing Research # 3 Quantitative Resaerc Appraisal Assignment
Nursing Research # 3 Quantitative Resaerc Appraisal - Assignment Example Such an affiliation with a uniform color and style creates a preference that correlates with the uniform having an extreme score grounded on the features of the nurse’s image. The issue is significant and relevant to nursing because professionalism amongst nurses is determined by the level of education and workplace etiquette. The image features of nurses are applicable at their place of work because image is apparent by pediatric patients, grown patients and mature guests (Albert, Wocial, Meyer, Na and Trochelman, 2008, p. 180). The problem is also very applicable to nursing because uniform fondness is consistent with the features of the nurse’s image. In terms of financing, the study was possible because the research was sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic. The clinic aimed at offering training and professional support to nurses working within their domain through this research. The subjects used in the study were also fully dedicated to the objective and mission of the study. The specialists used in the study were completely focused and committed to the cause of the study. The subjects and facility provision was at of the highest quality (Albert, Wocial, Meyer, Na and Trochelman, 2008, p. 180). The subjects were adults well aware of the techniques and protocols used in the study. The equipment used in the study was most efficient for providing quality findings for the research and the layout of the variables. All applied ethical considerations completely were completely feasible since the subjects were exposed to all perceptions of the possible outcomes. Applicable studies that were carried out in the past have not been solely referenced in the study. This is because the experiment was a first of its kind. The preview journal involved is not entirely recognized by all medical sub-disciplines of nursing. Nevertheless, the study was identified for its similarity to a nursing project initiated by Mangum in 1997. The
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Management Sustainability Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management Sustainability Plan - Coursework Example The paper tells that the water resource problem talked about is overfishing which has been practiced by fishermen for quit longer time. According to VLR, fishermen have been engaging in deep sea fishing which has led to depletion of big fish to about only 10 percent remaining in the sea which has raised alarm among the environmentalists. Overfishing has also led to decreased number of fish species available in the sea since they no-longer breed leading to their depletion. Most fishermen are motivated to overfishing by the reward they get leading to the creation of the problem. The big population has also contributed to the problem since people need food to keep themselves surviving in undergoing their daily duties. The problems met as a result of declining fish stocks can be addressed through management and sustainability plans which are favorable to both sides. One of management and sustainability plans will be through seasonal fishing. This will allow fishing for a certain time fra me then living fish to breed as they regain population. Most of the problems have been as a result of overfishing and leaving no room for various fish species to breed as a result of disturbance. Fish can be given 4 months to breed without any form of fishing and resuming fishing for 8 months yearly. However, this sustainability plan must start with community awareness, and they be educated in ensuring they get the essence otherwise it may not work. Second management and sustainability plan is through diversification of sources of incomes and diet. This is possible through having different sources of acquiring income as well as food hence minimizing the pressure on one source, which is fishing (Hompson & Jorgensen 31). Creating awareness first will be critical for the success of this plan as fishermen will see the need of diversification through being educated. It may be a long term plan but will be fruitful and sustainable to the generations to come since it can be monitored. Build ing fish ponds can be helpful in sustaining if there are resources since it will create another avenue of getting fish incase the community is not willing to change in diet. The above mentioned plans are sustainable and are favoring both environmentalist and the fishermen. Diversification of sources of revenues and source of food can be viewed positively by the environmentalists because it will lessen the pressure put on fishing activities. However, it may not be quickly viewed positively by fishermen being that they have lived on fishing as the only source of income and of food over decades. It may be viewed negatively, but at last it will be good and will be adopted by both parties. Seasonal fishing will be welcomed by environmentalist and fishermen because the end-result will be overwhelming. It will provide the opportunity to have fish throughout, and they will increase in population to their advantage. There may be contrast views concerning the use of fish pond as a result of p erceived resources to be used, but it is a good, sustainable plan too. Environmentalist can embrace it since it will be man-made and more fish species can be introduced into it. Fishermen too can view it positively since it is man-made fish source with the owner in full regulations without external interference. Various techniques of catching fish have different problems that they bring to the ecosystem. One of the problems as a result of this fishing technique is unbalancing of the food chain, which comes in several ways. The ability of man to do overfishing depletes fish resulting to deficiency of food on sea animals feeding on fish. Proper fishing techniques control the balance of food chains since there is the availability of the preys as well as the predators. This technique of fishing also causes poor breeding among fish as a result of disturbances in their breeding grounds. The proposed plan in the community may be affect some people in one way or another depending on the tim e of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Scan virus for all domestic animal in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal
Scan virus for all domestic animal in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example Such illnesses spread to humans due to failure to understand the natural environment. Over the past decade, many people have lost their lives globally because of serious infections caused by animals. Examples of such illnesses are Ebola and AIDS. A few years ago, a virus spread by domestic birds affected many people in Eastern Asia. In Saudi Arabia, a virus that spread from domestic animals to humans is corona virus. This virus spread to humans through their interaction with camels. Reports indicate that about 800 people were infected with the virus in the Middle East (Merson, Black & Mills, 2012). The first case of infection was reported in Saudi Arabia in the year 2012. It causes serious respiratory illnesses. About 27 percent of people infected with the virus die. People with weaker immunes systems as such the elderly and those with other illnesses such as diabetes are more vulnerable to the viruses. The public health departments have been focusing on scanning only wild animals fo r virus. It is also crucial for them to start focusing more on scanning domestic animals. If action is not taken in time, more people will die of the infections caused by viruses spread to humans by domestic animals. Failure to scan domestic animals has contributed the deaths of many people in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world. This is because animals have viruses that cause deadly infections to humans (Merson, Black & Mills, 2012). Apart from corona virus, another virus that uses domestic animals as hosts is rabies. Rabies is among the most infectious illnesses. Studies show that it is responsible for thousands of deaths each year in the world. Rabies is transmitted to human when bitten by infected dogs and cats. Apart from dogs, poultry farmers are also at high risks of being infected by viruses such as H5N1. In the year 2007 April, Saudi Arabia reported a fist case of H5NI. Birds spread this virus when they
Sunday, September 22, 2019
International Business - the Porters diamond Assignment
International Business - the Porters diamond - Assignment Example The strategic conditions, demand conditions, strategic structure and competition, supporting industries of both countries needed to be weighed to enter into a new market. Some propositions in Diamond are double edged. For instance when competition is taken into consideration, the firm thrives and will be competent when it wins over the competitors in the rivalry. But the looser is also was in the same environment and the rivalry did not help the company as it does to the winning company. This tells us that the utilisation and reinforcing of the forces and circumstances mentioned in the diamond is the crux of the situation concerned. So the firm has to decide what type of rivalry it can face and win over it. When coming to supporting industries, the presence of them really make company competitive and reduction of expenditure on transportation can be made possible. But this is the common advantage for all identical industries in that area or zone. Another point of concern is that Port er's views are for developed economies and firms only. (Because he did not mention about the areas having no sophisticated customers and about MNC s dealing with different atmospheres or environments of Industry.) When the firm is facing a different type of market (also containing sophisticated customers) it should have a strategy to cope up with the different type of marketing environment. Strengths and Weaknesses of Porter's Diamond The Porter's Diamond consists of conditions which demand competence, conditions which drive the management to move forward, supporting and related industries and structure, planning and competition. In case of factor conditions consists of labour, land, natural resources, capital and infrastructure. Here the argument of Porter is that the conditions must be created according to the need of the company. The labour must be transformed into skilled labour. The capital must be substantial and in the case of natural resources the firm must have access to the fore most quality resources. If the firm is not successful reforming labour into skilled one, did not utilise the capital properly or did not garner it from the public in a time bound manner, then the strength of the factor conditions turns into weakness. The company's strength lies in making the general factors specialised. This involves investing more money and managing it well. So here the strength of the factor conditions lies in managing capital, labour and natural resources in a productive way. When there is any labour shortage, the company should manage to work with less labour and more technology. Here technological advancement which needs more capital comes to the fore. The managing of technology needs some good technicians and managers, though less in number to make it strength. If not it turns to be a weakness. When considering about lack of land and resources, the industry of Japan is making utmost use of technology to overcome the crisis of lack of natural resources. Here the weakness is transformed into strength. On the other hand in the present the US based firm has existence in the area of having more resources and is moving to the area of substantial resources. So it should have a strategy to make use of them to enhance productivity. When it decides not to move out of US it can think of exporting its goods to that country. But
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Code of Sexual Ethics Essay Example for Free
Code of Sexual Ethics Essay The value of a code of sexual ethics is one that is extremely important to hold close to ones mind and soul. Human sexuality is a broad topic in society and everyone has different views on what is important to them as individuals. My view of human sexuality has been shaped with many influences. Growing up, my Mother always taught me to be comfortable with my sexuality, and I watched my older siblings show the same confidence that my Mother was teaching me. She taught me to respect others and myself equally, no matter what label of sexuality that they hold. Basically; â€Å"Treat others how you want to be treated†. I hope to teach my children in the same effective way that my Mother taught my siblings and I. I feel as though having this code of sexual ethics will act as a backbone to the teachings of human sexuality for my children and the next generation. I plan for them to follow this code faithfully, as I will continue to do so throughout the remaining course of my life. CODE To my Children; I have put together a code of sexual ethics that will help instruct and guide you in the right direction throughout the course of your lives. â€Å"Part of discovering yourself sexually usually involves developing your personal set of morals and values as they relate to sexual issues†(Hock, 6). This code of sexual ethics should not be viewed soley as disciplinary, the purpose is to provide guidance throughout the course of your lives. The first principle that is essential to your sexual health and well-being is to always use protection. This is important because Be faithful to your partner Wait until you are ready, do not let anyone pressure you/don’t take advantage Make sure it’s the right person to share the experience with â€Å"Most people agree that parents are the most appropriate source of [sexual] knowledge†(Hock, 15). THE PAST My parents have taught me to always be respectful to women. I would never force myself on any woman. They taught me to practice respect with all people, and not to judge others based on their sexuality, even if they may be different from me. I was also taught to never hold back my feelings, and to follow my heart. Yes, in some situations throughout my life, this has lead to heart break. However, in others, it has brought me to experiencing the most amazing feeling in the world; love. I have been known to wear my heart on my sleeve, however, this put forth both benefits and harms on my feelings throughout my life. Sex on the other hand, has always been a bit more personal. My parents did not exclusively teach me about sex. They taught me about love and relationships in general. Although, the topic of sex did arise, it was never the main focus of their teachings. My mother and I have a very comfortable relationship, we are usually able to talk about anything. She has taught me almost everything I need to know about how to make relationships work; along with the respectful ways to treat the woman I love. We did not start having these discussions until I was in high school. I wish that we would have talked about sexual values and behaviors while I was in middle school because that is when I started seriously liking girls. It all started at a pretty young age. I was always able to speak through my heart, even though I tend to be extremely shy. When it comes to feelings of my heart, I need to let it out. My mom and my peers have always been helpful to me in developing my awareness and understanding about my sexuality. I have never struggled with my sexuality personally, however, I have always cared greatly about the way I look. Some people call me â€Å"metro sexual†. This all started when I was very young. Because I wore nice clothes, and did my hair everyday, some people would mistake me for homosexual. This did not bother me though because I have always been comfortable with my sexuality because I know that I am not homosexual. I just like to look good, which in turn helps me feel good about myself. On the other hand, I think that the media may have played an unhelpful part in raising awareness and understanding about sexuality. Although some programs out there do a great job of explaining these concepts, most of the ones that I was exposed to, did not. Communication about sexuality is definitely welcomed when talking with my mother. However, it is almost fully unwelcomed when talking with my father. We just never talked about that sort of stuff. With my Dad and I, it has always been all about sports. Although, I am comfortable talking about my sexuality in general with all of my family members, I am not be comfortable going into detail on my sexual experiences. I think this is the case because my sexual experiences are a private, intimate matter. My family has no business in knowing about it unless something negative comes out of it, which it never has. THE PRESENT AND CONCLUSION The process of writing my code of sexual ethics was interesting. It allowed me to really look back on my past actions and reflect upon what I did wrong and what I did right. It is also interesting to think that I may be sharing this code with my children in the future. That fact in itself shaped the way I wrote my code of ethics because I really had to think about what I would approve of as a parent and how I would want my child to behave sexually. It was a hard process, but I learned a lot about myself along the way. I think that writing a code of sexual ethics was definitely useful and helpful in clarifying my sexual philosophy. This is because of the major thought process that was required to put into the creation of the code. I had to dig deep into my families, and my own beliefs and values when addressing sexual behavior, which in turn clarified some hazy thoughts in my mind as well. I currently live by most of the principles I wrote in my code of ethics. My parents raised me well and taught me to respect myself and others, and to also take responsibility for your actions. If there are any of the guidelines of my code that I did not live by in the past, than I will change my ways to live by them now. I can comfortably communicate with friends and intimate partners depending on the content of the subject. I have learned a great amount of information throughout this course. This information has shaped the way I formed my code of sexual ethics. We learned how to respect ourselves and love ourselves before anyone else and that was the basis of my code of sexual ethics. I think my code is pretty solid. I do not think it will need much revision in the future. However, it may need some additions. It may need additions because over the course of time my idea of ethics may change, as I grow older. When I am married the code may be a bit different for me, however I would want to teach my children this exact code of sexual ethics.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Quantitative Determination of Sulphate
Quantitative Determination of Sulphate Quantitative Determination of Sulphate by Gravimetric Analysis Yeo Yi Joshua Gravimetric analysis is a quantitative method to determine the amount of a substance, sulphate, by selective precipitation of the substance from an aqueous solution. In this experiment, the amount of sulphate is determined quantitatively as barium sulphate, BaSO4 by gravimetric analysis. This experiment will allow one to determine the amount of sulphate SO42- by the gravimetric method. This determination is done by slowly adding a dilute solution of barium chloride, BaCl2 to a hot unknown sulphate slightly acidified with concentrated HCl. The reaction is as followed, Ba2+ + SO42- → BaSO4 (white precipitate). The white precipitate is then filtered off, washed with water, dried in the oven, and weighed as barium sulphate. The percentage of sulphate is then calculated from the weight of barium sulphate. According to the results, the concentration of SO42- we obtained was 0.0345M and 3.31 g/L, which was close to the theoretical value of 3.38 g/L, at only a deviation of 2.11%. The experiment was successful and the results obtained were desirable. The objective of the experiment is to determine the amount of sulphate by the gravimetric method. In this experiment, the precipitation gravimetric method is used. The unknown sulfate solution is converted into an insoluble white compound, BaSO4. It is then filtered by suction filtration, washed, dried and weighed to determine the amount of sulphate. The following diagram shows the outline of the experiment. 3.1 Gravimetric Analysis Gravimetric analysis is defined as the quantitative analysis of the chemical composition of substances of materials based on the separation of each component of interest and weighting either the purified compound or a derivative of it. Gravimetric analysis include precipitation, volatilisation and electro-analytical methods. The precipitation method involves converting the analyte to a sparingly soluble precipitate which is then filtered, washed free of impurities and converted to a compound of known composition by suitable heat treatment which can be weighed. The volatilisation method involves volatilising the analyte of its decomposition products at suitable temperature. The product is then collected and weighed or alternatively determined indirectly from the loss in mass of the sample. The electro-analytical method involves the depositing electrically the element to be estimated on a suitable electrode, avoiding filtration and decomposition, by controlling the experimental conditions. This is based on Faraday’s Second Law, i.e. when a given current is passed in series through the solution containing various ions, the amount of substances that is deposited will be in the ratio of their chemical equivalent. In this experiment, the quantitative determination of sulfate, as barium sulfate BaSO4, is done by the precipitation method of gravimetric analysis. This involves precipitation by slowly adding a dilute solution of barium chloride, BaCl2, to a hot unknown sulfate solution slightly acidified with concentrated hydrochloric acid, HCl. The white precipitate is filtered off, washed with water, dried in the oven, and weighed as barium sulfate. The percentage of sulfate is then calculated from the weight of barium sulfate, this include the molarity and concentration of sulfate, SO42-, in g/L. 3.2 Reaction In the experiment, dilute barium chloride is added to an unknown sulfate solution slightly acidified with concentration HCl. Reaction: Ba2+ + SO42- → BaSO4 (precipitate) The mole ratio of SO42- : BaSO4 is 1:1. Thus, for every 1 mole of SO42-, there will be 1 mole of BaSO4. Since Moles of Solute (mol) = Molarity (M) x Volume (L) and Moles of Solute (mol) = Weight (g) à · Molar Mass (g/mol), the molarity of SO42- can be easily obtained with the volume of SO42- weight of BaSO4 and molar mass of BaSO4. 3.3 Precipitation 3.3.1 Conditions of Precipitation Precipitating agent should be mixed slowly and with constant agitation. This keeps the degree of supersaturation small and will help in the formation of crystalline precipitate. Precipitation should be carried out in dilute solution. Precipitation should be carried out in hot solution, provided the precipitate is stable at higher temperature. Crystalline precipitate should be digested for a longer time. Precipitates should be preferable washed with dilution solution of appropriate electrolyte. Washing with water is avoided as it leads to peptisation. Precipitates that are contaminated by co-precipitation or others are dissolved in a suitable solvent and then reprecipitated from the solution. 3.3.2 Properties of Precipitates Precipitate should be of sufficiently low solubility such that no sufficient loss of the solid occurs during filtration and washing Physical nature of the precipitate should be such that it can be readily separated by filtration and be washed free of soluble impurities i.e. particles should be size such that they cannot pass through the filtering media and particle size is unaffected by washing Precipitate should be stable and unreactive to atmospheric conditions Precipitate must be convertible to a pure compound of definite and known chemical composition. This may be possible by either ignition or by simple operation such as evaporation. 3.3.3 Particle Size of Precipitates The particle size of a precipitate is influenced by precipitate solubility, temperature, reactant concentrations, and the rate at which reactants are mixed. The net effect of these variables can be qualitatively accounted for by assuming that the particle size is related to a single property of the system called relative supersaturation. Q is the concentration of the solute at any instance and S is the equilibrium solubility. This equation is known at the Von Weimarn equation in recognition of the scientist who proposed it in 1925. The particle size of a precipitate varies inversely with the average relative supersaturation during the time when the reagent is being introduced. Thus, when the relative supersaturation is large, the precipitate tends to be colloidal, and when the relative supersaturation is small, a crystalline solid is more likely. A colloid consists of solid particles with diameters that are less than 10-4 cm. 3.3.4 Mechanism of Precipitation A supersaturated solution is an unstable solution that contains a higher solute concentration than a precipitated solution. As excess solution precipitates with time, supersaturation decrease to zero. Precipitates form by nucleation and by particle growth. Nucleation is a process in which a minimum number of atoms, ions, or molecules join together to give a stable solid. These nuclei form on the surface of the suspended solid contaminants, such as dust particles. Further precipitation then is governed by the competition between additional nucleation and growth of existing nuclei (particle growth). Adsorption is a process in which a substance (gas, liquid or solid is held on the surface of a solid. In contrast, absorption is retention of a substance within the pores of a solid. The charge on a colloidal particle formed in a gravimetric analysis is determined by the charge of the lattice ion that is in excess when the precipitation is complete. Digestion is a process in which a precipitate is heated in the solution which is was formed (the mother liquor) and allowed to stand in contact with the solution. Mother liquor is the solution from which a precipitate was formed. Digestion improves the purity and filterability of both colloidal and crystalline precipitates. 4.1 Outline 4.1 Precipitation of BaSO4 4.2 Washing and Filtering BaSO4 Precipitate 4.3 Drying and Weighing BaSO4 Precipitate 5.1 Weights Weight of crucible with the precipitate = 17.7473g Weight of crucible (with a piece of filter paper) = 17.5462g à ¯Ã‚ Å“ Weight of BaSO4 precipitate = Weight of crucible with the precipitate Weight of crucible (with a piece of filter paper) = 17.7473g 17.5462g = 0.2011 g 5.2 Molarity and Concentration Ba2+ + SO42- → BaSO4 (precipitate) (Mol Weight BaSO4 = 233.33 g/mol) à ¯Ã‚ Å“ Molarity of SO42- = 0.0344747 M = 0.0345 M à ¯Ã‚ Å“ Concentration of SO42- in g/L = Molarity of SO42- x Mol wt of SO42- = 3.313026 g/L = 3.31 g/L 6.1 Theoretical Values [SO42-] = 0.0352 M = 0.0334 – 0.0376 M (5% deviation) = 3.38 g/L = 3.21 – 3.55 g/L (5% deviation) 6.2 Comparison of Results The concentration of SO42- we obtained was 0.0345M and 3.31 g/L, which was within the 5% deviation range of 3.21 – 3.55 g/L. It was relatively close to the theoretical value of 3.38 g/L, at only a deviation of 2.11%. The results above show that the experiment was successful as the actual value was close to the theoretical value. 6.3 Precautions Taken To obtain the best results, BaSO4 crystals should be as large as possible. This facilitates filtration and washing of the crystals and the decreased surface area minimizes the amount of impurities adsorbed onto the crystals. Generally, larger crystals are obtained when the rate of precipitation is lower. The rate of precipitation can be decreased by slightly increasing the solubility of BaSO4. To minimise the rate of precipitation, the following were done: Adding 5 drops of concentrated HCl. Adding HCl increases the solubility by lowering the pH. The solubility of BaSO4 at room temperature is around 0.3-0.4 mg per 100 g of water and increases when excessive amount of mineral acid is present. Additionally, precipitation should be done in an acidic medium as when done in neutral and basic mediums, Ba2+ ions precipitate with PO43-, CO32- or OH ions which are present in the solution. Addition of excess acid is avoided. Heating to boiling. Adding BaCl2 dropwise with vigorous stirring. At the end of the precipitation, a few drops of BaCl2 was added to the clear supernatant liquid to test for complete precipitation. After precipitation, suction filtration was performed. Suction filtration allows a higher rate of filtration by using a pressure gradient created by the aspirator. The precipitate was washed with deionised water and dried in the oven. It was then placed in a desiccator. The function of a desiccator is to remove moisture from a substance or to protect a substance from moisture, thus preventing water from the humidity in the environment to react with the substance. 6.4 Sources of Error 6.4.1 Coprecipitation Coprecipitation is a process in which normally soluble compounds are carried out of solution by a precipitate. There are four types of Coprecipitation: surface adsorption, mixed-crystal formation, occlusion and mechanical entrapment. Surface adsorption and mixed-crystal formation are equilibrium processes, and occlusion and mechanical entrapment arise from the kinetics of crystal growth. Coprecipitation impurities may cause either negative or positive errors in an analysis. If the contaminant is not a compound of the ion being determined, a positive error will always result. In contrast, when the contaminant does contain the ion being determined, either positive or negative errors may occur. 6.4.2 Surface Adsorption Adsorption is often the major source of contamination in coagulated colloids (large specific surface areas) but of no significance in crystalline precipitates. Although adsorption does occur in crystalline solids, its effect on purity are usually undetectable because of the relatively small specific surface area. Coagulation of a colloid does not significantly decrease the amount of adsorption because the coagulated solid still contains large internal surface areas that remain exposed to the solvent. The coprecipitated contaminant on the coagulated colloid consists of the lattice ion originally absorbed on the surface before coagulation plus the counter-ion of opposite charge held in the film of solution immediately adjacent to the particle. The net effect of surface adsorption is the carrying down of an otherwise soluble compound as a surface contaminant. 6.4.3 Mixed-Crystal Formation In mixed-crystal formation, which is also known as inclusion, one of the ions in the crystal lattice of a solid is replaced by an ion of another element. For this to occur, the two ions must have the same charge and their sizes must differ by no more than 5%. Furthermore, the two salts must belong to the same crystal class. The extent of mixed-crystal contamination is governed by the law of mass action and increases as the ratio of contaminant to analyte concentration increases. Little can be done about it when certain combinations of ions are present in a sample matrix. This problem occurs with both colloidal suspensions and crystalline precipitates. When this occurs, the interfering ion may have to be separated before the final precipitation step. Alternatively, a different precipitating reagent that does not give mixed crystals with the ions in question may be used. 6.4.4 Occlusion and Mechanical Entrapment When a crystal is growing rapidly during precipitate formation, foreign ions in the counter-ion layer may become trapped, or occluded, within the growing crystal. Because supersaturation and thus growth rate decreases as precipitation progresses, the amount of occluded material is greatest in that part of a crystal that forms first. Mechanical entrapment occurs when crystals lie close together during growth. Several crystals grow together and in so doing trap a portion of the solution in a tiny pocket. Both occlusion and mechanical entrapment are at a minimum when the rate of precipitation formation is low, under conditions of low supersaturation. In addition, digestion often reduces the effects of these types of coprecipitation. The rapid dissolving and reprecipitation that occur at the elevated temperature of digestion open up the pockets and allow the impurities to escape into the solution. 6.4.5 Peptisation Peptisation is the process by which a coagulated colloid reverts to its original dispersed state. When a coagulated colloid is washed, some of the electrolyte responsible for its coagulation is leached from the internal liquid in contact with the solid particles. Removal of this electrolyte has the effect of increasing the volume of the counter-ion layer. The repulsive forces responsible for the original colloidal state are then re-established, and particles detach themselves from the coagulated mass. The washings become cloudy as the freshly dispersed particles pass through the filter. Washing is needed to minimised contamination but there is a risk of losses resulting from peptisation if pure water is used. This is usually solved by washing the precipitate with a solution containing an electrolyte that volatilises when the precipitate is dried or ignited. 6.4.6. Postprecipitation Post precipitation occurs when the top of the precipitate, which is in contact with the mother liquor is contaminated by precipitation of impurities. This may be due to the primary adsorption of the common ion in excess, whereby the supersaturated solution of the second material is formed on the surface of the particle which offers nucleation sites to break supersaturation and causes a secondary precipitate to form. 6.5 Improvements 6.5.1 Minimising Adsorbed Impurities on Colloids The purity of many coagulated colloids is improved by digestion. Digestion is a process in which a precipitate is heated in the solution which is was formed (the mother liquor) and allowed to stand in contact with the solution. During digestion, water is expelled from the solid to give a denser mass that has a smaller specific surface area for adsorption. Washing a coagulated colloid with a solution containing a volatile electrolyte is also helpful because any non-volatile electrolyte added earlier to cause coagulation is displaced by the volatile species. Washing generally does not remove much of the primarily adsorbed ions because the attraction between these ions and the surface of the solid is too strong. Exchange occurs, however, between existing counter-ions and ions in the wash liquid. 6.5.2 Reprecipitation An effective way to minimise the effects of adsorption is reprecipitation. Reprecipitation adds substantially to the time required for an analysis. In this process, the filtered solid is redissolved and reprecipitated. The first precipitate carries down a fraction of the contaminant present in the original solvent. Thus, the solution containing the redissolved precipitate has a significantly lower contaminant concentration than the original, and even less adsorption occurs during the second precipitation. 6.5.3 Precipitation from Homogenous Solution Precipitation from homogenous solution is a technique in which a precipitating agent is generated in a solution of the analyte by a slow chemical reaction. Local reagent excesses do not occur because the precipitating agent appears gradually and homogenously throughout the solution and reacts immediately with the analyte. Thus, relative supersaturation is kept low during the entire precipitation and homogenously formed precipitates are better suited for analysis. This results in marked increase in crystal size as well as improvements in purity. In a nutshell, the experiment was a success and the results obtained were desirable. According to the results, the concentration of SO42- we obtained was 0.0345M and 3.31 g/L, which was close to the theoretical value of 3.38 g/L, at only a deviation of 2.11%. Although there may have been various possible sources of error, we have minimised them by lowering the rate of precipitation. The amount of sulfate was successfully determined by gravimetric analysis. A. V. Kasture , H. N. More, K. R. Mahadik , S. G. Wadodkar. 2008. Pharmaceutical Analysis Vol. – I. Pragati Books Pvt. Ltd. Braun, R.D. 1982, Introduction to chemical analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York. Cammack, R. 2006, Oxford dictionary of biochemistry and molecular biology, Oxford University Press Oxford, Oxford Erdey, L., Belcher, R. Gordon, L. 2013, Gravimetric Analysis : International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 7, Pergamon, Burlington. Skoog, D.A. 2014, Fundamentals of analytical chemistry, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, Australia. Davidson College Chemistry Resources. Gravimetric Analysis [online]. Available from: VIII_gravi.pdf [Accessed 20 December 2014] Middle East Technical University. Gravimetric Determination of Sulfate in a Soluble Sample [online]. Available from: [Accessed 20 December 2014] Santa Monica College. Gravimetric Analysis [online]. Available from: [Accessed 20 December 2014] Texas AM University. Gravimetric Analysis [online]. Available from: [Accessed 20 December 2014]
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Jane Eyre :: Literature Literary Papers
Jane Eyre In the time of Jane Eyre, an aristocratic gentleman’s education did not end with secondary schooling. The final step in such an Englishman’s education was to take a Grand Tour of Europe. Thomas Nugent, an influential travel writer, describes the Grand Tour as "a custom so visibly tending to enrich the mind with knowledge, to rectify the judgment, to remove the prejudices of education, to compose the outward manners, and in a word form the complete gentleman" (Buzard 98). Throughout the novel, Rochester makes countless references to his travels and conquests on Continental Europe. In order to fully understand his disposition and character, it is necessary to examine this customary journey and its beneficial and in some cases detrimental effects on the young gentleman’s life. A tour of the Grand Tour will explain the life altering properties of such a voyage. The Victorian Era brought about a great change in the social hierarchy in Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s England. The economic windfall that followed industrial capitalism created new wealth outside of land ownership and brought about the rise of the middle classes (8; Introduction). While this allowed more middle-class tourists from England to travel to Europe, due to cost, most restricted their journeys to Paris and the Low Countries (Black 4-5). Only the truly rich could afford the entire itinerary of the Grand Tour. A common itinerary included Paris, Rome Venice, Florence, and Naples. Rome is recommended for those interested in viewing "numerous spectacles both entertaining and exciting or gruesome and pathetic" (Hibbert 170). Everything from celebrations to executions were held daily and most English travelers wouldn’t leave without witnessing one or the other. Paris and Rome were considered the most important of destinations while the other cities of Italy ranked a close second. Sti ll other cities, like Vienna, while important, were matters of "personal preference, fashion, convenience, and the impact of external factors – war, political disorder and disease" (Black 5-6). These cities off the beaten path were also considerably more difficult to reach and because of this they were more expensive. The greatest number of travelers began their journey in Paris before continuing south to Italy (Black 8). Italy itself posed a difficulty in that reaching it required either crossing the Alps or taking a sea route, with a majority taking the Alps (Black 19-20). The difficulty of crossing the Alps was vastly overrated. In most situations, travelers were placed in stretcher-like chairs and carried over the mountain (Hibbert 97).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Age Of Revolt :: essays research papers
â€Å"The Age of Revolt†During each period of life on the planet earth, a new idea, religion, or belief comes about. Each period is characterized by having a major idea that is shared among all that is living at the time. Writers and poets that lived in these time periods not only believed in what the others did, but wrote about their dreams and ideas they shared. The age of Romanticism was characterized as a time of love, but if a person was to examine a poem or work that was written during this time period they will realize it was not just a time of love at all. The Romantic period was gilded to be happy and peaceful, but it really was a time of revolt, world wonder, and the rejection of intellectualism (Essay topic page). About one hundred and fifty years before the Romantic period was the Restoration time period. Poets and writers during the time wrote in a dull style that had very little imagination. They wrote of actual occurrences and told things the way they were. Toward the end of the Restoration and into the Romantic period, writer and poets began to write creative stories and poems that seemed to contradict the literature from the time before. Poets like Coleridge would write of unusual or supernatural things, and writers like Mary Shelly who wrote the gruesome tell of Frankenstein. One example of a supernatural idea is in Frankenstein when the lead character Victor Frankenstein say’s â€Å"I had glazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then; but when those muscles and joints capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.†The poems and stories of this time are so different from the Restoration time period, a person can only fathom that the w riters at the time are just revolting from the time before. The writers were just sick of the dull writing style before them and they set out to prove a point. During the Restoration time period people did not care about the earth and nature. All they cared about was themselves and what people thought of them in their social class. Social class was a major issue during the Restoration, for example in Chaucer’s the Canterbury the different characters in the story range in class from a Knight, to a Pardoner. Toward the end of the Restoration and into the Romantic time period writers began to ignore the social class issue and they became more concerned with the earth and universe.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Tuberculosis :: essays research papers fc
Tuberculosis TB is a disease that can cause a serious illness and can damage a person's organs. Every year more than 25,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with TB disease. That's only a fraction of the amount of people who carry the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a rod-shaped bacterium. TB is spread through the air by carriers of the germ. People who breathe the same air can become infected with the TB germ. People who do work around or with people with the TB disease should take medicine. TB infection means that the person has the TB germs but they are in an inactive state. When TB germs enter the body, the immune system builds a wall around them. While TB germs are inactive, they cannot cause any damage. These germs can stay alive for many years in these walls and eventually break out. At this time TB is active then it becomes TB disease. It can now affect the system's organs. A person can have TB disease shortly after being infected with TB germs if the person's immune system is weak. TB can attack any part of the system. The lungs are the most common area of attack. People with the TB disease have one or more of the following symptoms: a cough that hangs on, fevers, weight loss, night sweats, constant fatigue, and loss of appetite. A person with the TB disease in the late stages will cough up blood streaked sputum. People who have Active TB disease usually only have mild symptoms. There are three tests to diagnose TB disease. One is the Tuberculin Mantoux PPD skin test; two is a Chest X-ray which is given after the Skin test is positive; three Sputum Test reveals if TB germs are in thick liquid a person coughs up. The Tuberculin Mantoux PPD skin test is given by placing a substance called PPD Tuberculin under the top layer of the skin with a very small needle and syringe. The doctor will inject the needle into the skin which will only feel like a slight pen prick. A few days later the skin test reaction will be read by a trained health worker. If the skin around the prick israised and it is bigger or the same size as a pencil eraser then the person is likely to have been infected with TB germs. This does not mean he or she has TB disease. You should always retest yourself even if the first test was negative for a few reasons. If your immune system has been weakened, then your immune system may
Judging on Apperance
Justin Tipton What is the first thing we do when meeting a first. We judge! Judging someone based on their appearance is an inherent human instinct. Many times when people judge a person, people end up making wrong decisions. We create mental images in our minds that categories people based upon their appearance. When you see a man in a suit, tie, and a briefcase you figure is a lawyer, professor, or a businessman. In reality the guy that you see could have been out for a special event and could be no more than a car mechanic. We base our opinions on perceptions on people based upon what we can biologically see with our eyes.In her article how the eye works Ker Than explain how we use our eyes to visually see things. â€Å"Vision begin when lights rays are reflected off an object and enter the eyes through the cornea, The transparent outer covering of the eyes. The cornea refracts the rays that pass through a round hole, called the pupil. The Irish is the colored portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil, and then become larger or smaller to regulate the amount of light passing through. The rays then travel through the lenses to the retina at the back of the eye. The retina conducts light into electrical impulses.The optic nerve sends impulses to the brain where a visual image or perception is produced. †We use our eye to visually see people, and to make an array of judgment about that person based on what we see. While it’s true we can come times tell certain thing about people by looking at their external appearance, it is not the best of measurements. I believe people should not judge people by their external appearance, and should at least speak with a person before making a judgment. You can’t judge a person character base on appearance and that why many of us make unfair and bias assumption of others.People sometimes change their appearance to fit different situations. According to a Washington post article, Joshua bell one of the world greatest violinists set out to do an experiment to test people’s perception on appearance. By most, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt and Washington National baseball cap. He positioned himself against a wall beside a trash basket, from a case; he moved his violin and began to play. It was a Friday and the middle of morning rush hour. The violinist played for nearly an hour, and performed six classical pieces.Nearly 1,100 people passed by, many of them on their way to work. No one knew it, but the fiddler standing against a bare wall outside was one of the finest classical musicians in the world, playing some of the most elegant music ever written on one of the most valuable violins ever made. In the hour that Joshua Bell played, seven people stooped what they were doing to hang around and take in the performance, at least for minute. Twenty-seven gave money, for a total of thirty-two dollars and seventeen cents. That means over 1 ,070 people passed on by, with few even turning to look.Three days before conducting this experiment on a street corner in Washington, Joshua bell filled the house at Boston’s stately symphony Hall, where the average seat went for one-hundred dollars. the appearance of a guy in plain clothes playing a violin at the street corner, made many people ignore his sound before ever even taking the time to listen. Many times people judge what they see, and ignore the beauty that right in front of their face. To begin with, someone external appearance is not mirror of one’s inner self. I can relate to from examples in my own life.Being a young African-American male, growing up near Memphis one of Americas most dangerous cities. I came from a poorer family, I been working full time since attending college. In the day time I was a college student, but at work I was a normal sweaty and dirty factory worker. When people saw me at work, they assumed I was uneducated and not very int elligent. In reality, I was a good academic student, has a good reputation among my fellow students and professors. My co-workers couldn’t see the college side of me, and many of my fellow students couldn’t see working in a factory which was known for harsh working conditions.Since leaving the factory, I know have a security job just outside of downtown Nashville. TRICOR is the name of the corporation is profits in the million, by utilizing inmates for production and paying their cheap labor wages. This cooperation is ran by your typical CEO, a short old white man, that dresses in suits and ties and owns many expenses vehicles. For many months while working there, he passed by me every day and never once he even acknowledging my presence. One day I was reading a book about written from a famous entrepreneur, and the boom caught the eye of the CEO.He walked up to me and asked why I reading a book like that, I told I was a college student that was a business major, and t hat it has beneficial information in this nook, and that I read many book from this author. He then brought to my attention that he has read the same book and he too was a fan of the author books. After conversation for a few minutes he then brought to my attention that he too grew up from a poor family, and that he also work at a factory and once at a security job while too attending college. I am a business management major and he too has a degree in business management .Ever since that day of our conversation he speak to me daily, and we hold brief but interesting conversation often. Prior to that conversation we had never spoken to another, once we looked past the external appearance, we realized we two men who shared many things in common. You may not realize it, but perception based on appearance happen all the time. Studies show that fifty-five percent of opinion of a person is based upon physical appearance, and that it takes around fifteen second for a person to realize if he or she like your or not, or want to do business with you.Do honestly we feel like we get accurate of someone inner self with over half of what we perceive come from appearance, and while only judging them for one-fourth of a minute? Many people believe that judging people on the appearance is beneficial and effective. Mangers often use appearance as a asset while evaluating a candidate for a job. You could have two good candidates with impressive resume, but choosing a candidate based on race, or which dressed too me is ineffective. In reality just because one candidate is dressed better, doesn’t make him any smarter or better qualified than the other.When it comes to judging a lover or friend, external appearance shouldn’t be a factor on your judgment about that person. Much time we see that a man or women date someone because she is beautiful and he is handsome. In high school and college you see on many occasions when someone hangs around a certain person because it will increase his/her popularity. In a poem I once read it state â€Å"we see best when we look for the less†. In just a few words, that poem speaks a lot, we see the best when look past the artificial obvious, and see the beauty that deep within a person.Beauty and the Beast just a fairy tale and a kid’s story but moral of this tale has such a deeper meaning. The story about a beautiful women falling in love with an ugly beast, passed artificial obvious and see the beauty that lied deep within him. Making a judgment on some based only external appearance is an unfair and accurate judgment of someone. It is not accurate to judge someone based on we biologically see wit our eyes. A appearance can adjust and change their appearance to fit many different situation where there true selves do not show, but a person cannot change his/her character.For these reason, it is important to get to know someone before making a judgment. â€Å"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched†. â€Å"But must be felt by the heart†. The best and most beautiful things in people cannot be seen by the eyes. Judging someone on external appearance is an inherent and instinct that happen almost instantaneously. We as people have the ability to control our judgment, we have the ability to use our minds to see more within people than what we see with our eyes.Stero-typing is something we do without even noticing, but placing people into different categories based on external appearance limits our ability to meet new people. Sometimes the people that we expect knot to have anything in common with, could be a totally false assumption. If we allow ourselves to judge and meet people of different culture, many would be surprised to know they share many things in common with people they would have never suspected. As long as people allow ourselves to be blinded by external appearance then we will fully see the inner beauty within so m any people.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The State of Florida
The State of Florida has a professional body that implements the legislations that pertain to the practice of mental health counseling in the state. The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling award licenses to mental health professionals who seek to practice in the state of Florida. The board determines whether the educational credentials, training and experience of the applicant pass the standards and requirements set by the board and the legislated regulation of mental health professionals. The board also has the authority to suspend and revoke licenses when the professional has been found to have committed actions which violates the ethical guidelines identified by the board. According to the State of Florida’s statute of clinical counseling and psychotherapy (State of Florida, 2007), the legislation of regulating and professions and occupations prevents the unqualified mental health professionals from practicing in Florida and protects the public from poorly trained professionals who may become threat to the health and well-being of the public. The state has recognized that the quality of life at present has been undergoing changes and that emotional and psychological health is directly related to physical health. It is presumed that the public needs qualified mental health professionals who could provide services to the public in order to maintain their mental health, thus qualified professionals should be given the recognition and authority to engage in legitimate practice. Becoming a duly licensed mental health professional would imply that the state recognizes one’s ability and skills and the public would be assured that they will be getting quality care. The state categorizes the mental health professionals according to clinical social work, marriage and family therapy and mental health counseling. The distinctions are made to clearly identify the area of specialization and clientele of the said professions, although a dual license is available for those who are qualified to practice in two of the three categories. The licensure requirements for mental health counseling are different for students who have undergone training in a Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredited institutions and for non-CACREP institutions. Aside from the completion of a master’s degree in mental health related courses, the applicant must also have about 2 years of post-master’s experience in the field of counseling under a licensed supervisor. The non-CACREP graduate must satisfy the required hours and units to meet the required instruction and training on counseling theories and practice, human growth and development; diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology; human sexuality, group theories and practice, individual evaluation and assessment, career and lifestyle assessment, research and program evaluation, social and cultural foundations, counseling in community settings and substance abuse and in ethical, legal and professional standards ( The requirements for licensing in social work and marriage and family therapy also specifies the hours and units of graduate work and courses in the specific field. An integral requirement is the completion of the internship hours under a certified supervisor in the said specialization. With this in mind, I found that the university curriculum matches the required training and education that the state licensing asks for and I was happy to note that the university is also CACREP accredited indicating that I just need to complete all the required courses and practicum and I can probably apply for the licensure. At present I have no plans of pursuing a doctoral degree in mental health counseling, I think I am more inclined to finish this master’s degree at the moment. I am 43 years old and I have 3 kids which mean that I do not have the energy to go through another 3 years for the doctoral degree. However, I am still open to the idea if after this degree I might change my mind and get that Ph.D. References Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling (2004). Retrieved October 17, 2007 from 2007 Florida Statutes, Chapter 491 Clinical and Counseling and Psychotherapy Services, Retrieved October 17, 2007 from   Â
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A Knight’s Tale Essay
One important character in the film ‘A knight’s tale’ directed by Brian Helgeland is William Thatcher. William helped me understand the idea of following your dreams. William dreams of one day becoming a knight. He grew up in a place called Cheapside London with his father John Thatcher until he was sent away to work for Sir Ector. Sir Ector said that he had a spirit. When Sir Ector died, William thought that he could ‘change his stars’ at that point so he jousted in his place. He then decided that with some training he could win money to feed all his friends. As he did this he followed his dream of becoming a Knight. One Visual technique used to help me see that William is important is ‘close up’. Brian uses a close up in the first joust when William says ‘I have waited my whole life for this moment’. This shows me that he has followed his dreams and he is doing what he has wanted to do his whole life. Another technique used in this film is lighting. This technique is effective to show he is an important character because he is never in the shadows. William is always dressed in light clothing and has fair hair giving the impression that he was a good person, unlike Adhemar who always wore darker clothes and was more in the shadows than William. An example of this is when William was in the jail room and Adhemar walked in, William was standing in the only light in the room and Adhemar was in the shadows. In conclusion, the character of William Thatcher was important because he teaches us to follow our dreams no matter how big they are and that anything is possible. The techniques that helped me to understand this idea were ‘lighting’ and ‘close up’s’. A Knights Tale Essay In the movie A Knights Tale the main character William Thatcher has dreamed of being a Knight ever sense he was a boy. The one overlying problem this tale is that â€Å"A man can’t change his stars†, other wise saying that William was not born of noble birth. This story takes place in the middle ages where to compete in jousting tournaments you had to be born of noble birth. William overcomes this with his hard work, his loyalty and perseverance. In the beginning of the movie, William is only a squire to a Knight. He helps tend to Sir Olrick Vonlictensteins needs and wants. But soon he dies and with no other way to get money decides that he should step up and joust for him under his name. William ends up winning his joust and gets the gold needed for him and the other squires. After the first win he convinces his squires that they could keep doing this at other tournaments to make money for themselves. So after a long debate and a little fighting they decide to help train William. There is a scene in the movie that shows them all working together to help train William to become a better knight. This shows his hard working ethic because even though what they are doing is quite trying, he still manages to pull through and become sucsessful. After they have won they’ve first tournament William had damaged his armor in the joust. As they make it to the next joust they don’t have enough money to fix his armor so he has to joust with his damaged armor on. Even though his arms are almost immoveable because of the damage he still takes the risk to joust so that he can win more gold for them to get new armor made. This shows his willingness to work harder to make the money he needs to fix his armor. Near the end of the movie in his last joust he is against his enemy, Count Adimar. Count Adimar was using pointed lances and ends up wounding William by showing a pointed lance deep in his shoulder. But through his hard work he choose to take all of his armor off and joust, putting himself at great risk. But in the end he ends up knocking Count Adimar off of his horse and winning the joust. William showed his perserveence when he was following his dream of becoming a knight. When his Knight died at the beginning of the movie he ricked everything when he stepped in as a knight. If he were to get caught he would have suffered great consequences. By doing this I believe he showed his perseverance to purse his dreams. William shows his perseverance when, even after he is injured while jousting he chooses to take off all of his armor to joust even though it is a great risk to himself. This shows that William is persevering because he takes the risk of injuring or killing himself to defeat Count Adimar and achieve his dream. He is also persevering when, as a young boy his father sent him away to be a squire. Even sense William was a boy he was working towards becoming a knight by getting as close to the lifestyle as he could. Throughout the movie William shows a lot of loyalty to him men. This helped him to achieve his dream very much so. When Jeff, his announcer and the man who helped him forge documents to make him appear to be of noble birth, gambles and looses, William had to pay to get him free. If it were not for William and his loyalty to him men he would have been stripped of his clothes, beaten and been paraded around the village, but William pays his debt for him to get him free. He also showed his loyalty when his girlfriend tells him that in order for him to prove his love for her she must loose the joust. So he takes a brutal beating for her by deliberately loosing and hurting himself in the process. But then after she has seen enough, she tells him that if he really did love her than he would win all of his tournaments. So even after he had fallen so far behind for her in the tournament he strives to win for her and ends up doing so. This proves his loyalty to her because he is willing to even endanger himself for her. His loyalty is also shown when the Prince of Wales is jousting and everyone else is withdrawing because he is of royal blood and is technically not allowed to joust in tournaments, but William still jousts him because he realizes they are both in the same boat. They both want to be jousting, but they are both now allowed to do so according to their birthrights. In the end of the movie, after everyone finds out about William, knowing that he isn’t born of noble birth he is cast out and let out to be stoned. The Prince of Wales Knights him because of his loyalty. He says, â€Å"even if I were not to have known you well, I could tell you were a good men because of how loyal your friends are to you. But I would know better now wouldn’t I? Because even when you knew who I was you still jousted with me and that is knightly too†. In the end William ends up changing his stars and becomes the knight he has always wanted to be. In this movie point of view played a great roll. If we wouldn’t have had the â€Å"flashbacks†of William and his childhood we wouldn’t have know the depth of his want to be a knight. We also wouldn’t have known that his father has sent him off as a boy to become a squire, which also helped in leading him to his dream of becoming a knight. If we didn’t have the various points of view that a movie can deliver to us this movie would have been flat and would have lost some of its meaning. The point of view gives this movie depth. A Knights Tale Essay Describe a character or individual in the text whom you found interesting. Explain how the director used oral/or visual features to make the character or individual interesting to you. An interesting character or individual in the film A Knights Tale (2001) directed by Brian Helgeland is (Sir) William Thatcher. William is interesting because he is not a typical peasant, he has much more drive and ambition than normal peasants. Helgeland uses oral and visual features to support the points that make William interesting. He uses lots of close-ups and high-angle shots when needed to show Williams enthusiasm and leadership towards what he does. First, William is interesting because he is a brave character and is motivated by ambition. William first starts to bravery when Sir Ector dies, he declares â€Å"I’ll ride in his place.†When the director has a close-up on Williams face, he shows the determination and drive that William feels. It is his desire to rise above is position in the social status, he makes his decision, â€Å"We are the champions†. Helgeland choses this dialogue to show that William is different from most peasants and that makes him an individual. Another interesting part about Williams’s character is that for most of the film he is someone who he is not, ‘Sir Ector and Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein’. This brings tension into the audience. The audience thinks when will his true identity be revealed? When William shows up to the jousting match as Sir Ulrich, the spectators of the match think of him as anybody. But through on the matches, he turns into a celebrity. William was unbeatable in the sport of jousting. It was difficult for William to hide the fact that his real name was not Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein. Finally, William’s tone and oral features are strong, powerful and brave for a peasant. He is straight up with what he says and is a good leader to others. Helgeland uses great visual techniques for William, in the beginning of the film William is an untidy, poor, unshaved, immature, he had dread locked hair and dirty clothes. In the middle of the film, he is cleaner he is more clean and tidy; he is properly shaved, strong, healthy, excited, calm, supportive and enthusiastic person. His looks change, his attitude changes and he becomes a little responsible. In conclusion, William is an interesting, enthusiastic and brave guy, he is also a great leader. He is motivated by ambition. Is also unbeatable in the sport of jousting. Helgeland uses oral and visual features to support the points that make William interesting. William is a role model for the people in society today.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
What is positivism
Positivism Is a well established philosophy wealth the natural sciences. In the early nineteenth century It became an integral aspect of social science methodology. In Bacon tradition, positivism is the precise and objective observation of an object from a scientifically detached position. Though its definition is broad, there are fundamentally six assumptions in positivistic philosophy and three distinct generations that negotiate with these assumptions. Naturalism; positivists are committed to the implication of the natural scientific teeth in social science.The natural scientific method creates a ‘closed system' in which a limited number of discrete variables are identified, influences are excluded, cause and effect Is established, and excellently law or authoritative knowledge Is constructed. No acknowledgement of open systems as a feature of both natural and social science Is made. Phenomenal; only knowledge gained from physical experience Is considered valid. Otherwise It Is metaphysical and meaningless. If It cannot be subject to empirical tests and corroborated, it does not exist. Happiness, for example, by this criterion, is meaningless.Nominal; again concepts must be rooted in physical actuality. Words are mere reflections of things, semantics are dismissed. Scientific concepts are regarded as true reflections of the world instead. Atomics; attempts definition of discrete irreducible objects. An individual would by this criterion, be the smallest unit of society. 19th century utilitarian maxim ‘greater good for greater number' placed special emphasis on this assumption. Scientific laws; a sequence of regularities in objects are sought and named a constant conjunction of events.A general statement Is then devised citing one variable as the cause, the other as the effect. E. G. : Ill health as the cause for poverty. The problematic, Internal structure of these objects Is not examined. Universal law Is established. Facts and Values: facts onl y are scientific, distinct then from subjective and relative values which cannot be verified by empirical measurement. The first generation of positivists, in response to European chaos, devised a confident Sino of knowledge as human made, not divine construction and so open to critical enquiry.Augusta Comet directed early positivist thought in the social sciences. He made a naturalist assumption that through social physics, social cohesion could be attained which would then lead to civic harmony. With positivist philosophy intent, he meant to serve the needs of humanity through objective intellectual enquiry. Comet believed that all knowledge could be reconstructed and a better world created. Human reason could subject social phenomena to natural laws and achieve regress. The method of Induction I. E. He construction of knowledge through the collection of empirical evidence from observed regular instances, would play a early positivistic claim to objective knowledge was very ambiti ous and modified by the next generation of logical positivists. Prominent in the Vienna Circle, these philosophers placed greater emphasis on the sensory world as automatically composed of separate irreducible objects. Conscious of previous translation of value into fact and failure to separate theories from observation they had a more acute awareness of language and its tendency to, even in simple statements, have normative assumptions.Logical positivists were careful to make distinctions between statements. Two connected types were identified: analytic and synthetic. An analytic statement such as ‘all bachelors are unmarried' is a tautological truth whereas the synthetic there are more bachelors in London than anywhere else' tells us something about the world. It can be empirically tested and refuted. Logical positivists' favoring of the induction method, with its assumption of rabbles' passivity posed a difficulty for the next generation of philosophers, the standard positi vists.Nominal was the prominent assumption for this school of thought. Hempen, acknowledging the role of meaning, championed the idea of deduction over induction. Deduction involves abstract reasoning. It sees thought processes, not a general law as initial in devising empirical research. These positivists see empirical regularity as sufficient in creating a causal law. They see symmetry in explanation and prediction. These causal laws can be empirically tested and verified. Popper on the other hand saw verification as leading to stagnation.In mid 20th century he proposed instead the idea of falsification which encourages systematic skepticism of all knowledge claims. Moving away from induction's ‘common sense' science, Popper begins with an assumption of uncertainty. Truth to Popper is a matter of degree, of verisimilitude, not an absolute. Popper shifts the demarcation criteria of science and non-science. He adopts naturalism but challenges the logical positivist view of the meta-physical as meaningless. To Popper, there is no true or false, but testability.He held that a search for truth was a search for the end of knowledge, which was contrary to his view of knowledge as continual. He saw the practice of refuting evidence as integral to progress. Popper understood research's vulnerability to false claims, the complexity of the fact/ value distinction. Our awareness of the power of social construction over our perceptions is more astute these days but it is imperative that we situate ourselves and know that we are as shaped by context as ever.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Administration management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Administration management - Essay Example Brendan Murphy has a list of requirements, which he wants us to finish. The total budget for the project is US $60,000. The plan is to fit the scope and the schedule of the work. 2. Scope The scope of the project is to conduct two major tasks, to landscape the garden, and to fence. Apart from the core objectives, there are other tasks involved in the project such as installing electric lines and construction fishponds. The water pipes also have to be fitted in order to provide constant supply of water through all the seasons. All the tasks and processes that the company can garden have to fit within the budget of US $ 60,000. 3. Change Management Process Change management process is a very critical factor to consider because once the changes are executed, some of them are irreversible. The change management process considers the present condition of the garden and the expected results after its completion. This requires engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy in a detailed interview. The i nformation they provide will be the guideline for the scope of the project. During the review of the change process, there will be need to assess the inherent risks involved and how to mitigate the risks before the change initiative can begin. If certain processes are attached to high-risk activities, then, there will be need to decline the processes and seek alternative actions (Chudley & Greeno, 2008). 4. Change Request After the interview and the risk assessment process, our company presents the request for change to our client with a summary of all the factors to consider and the expected results. As we do the request, we are mindful of the presence of our competitors who may present lower cost bids. Upon approval of the change request, we proceed to prepare the work schedule for the project (Diaz, 2013). It clear from the problem definition, that not all aspects of the garden need a change. Chang request feasibility has to be determined, and only when the change request feasibi lity has been ascertained can it move to the implementation of the activity schedule (McIntyre & Strischek, 2005). Similarly, there are areas that are completely new, including the fishpond project. The desire of our company is to encounter changes that can add value without necessarily having to attract legal challenges. The complete work schedule 5. Risk Management Risk assessment and control procedure will be required to consider the effects of these tasks on the environment and third party entities. Some of the risks to assess in this plan include: Legal Risks The processes have to be documented in a standard that complies with the regulations and policies of the government (Wood, 2012). For example, the fencing plan must coincide with the map from the government authorities in charge of planning. This is in observation that violation of legal regulations has heavy penalties. Risks of Insecurity The fencing of the garden is based on the survey of the environmental security. If t he risk is highly rated, then the control of having stronger fencing will be necessary. Additionally, there will be need to install live electric fence, and to employ security guards. Weather Changes The possibility of rainfall shortage is critical risk to the projects in the garden. The management for this is the plan for irrigation through the water pipe connections. 6. Communication The infrastructure in this environment has to support communication between the workers in the garden and between the owners and external service providers. Transport network will also be a vital factor to consider in this project (Chudley & Greeno,
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Child Behavior and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Child Behavior and Development - Essay Example He was able to distinguish between a â€Å"cookie†and a â€Å"cake†. The child had asked for a cookie and his brother gave him a cake instead which he refused and insisted he gets a cookie. The child displayed his language and communication ability by answering all the people around him. Kyle was rather a sweet child who got along better with older children and adults. He always wanted to be the center of attraction while he bossed and gave instructions to his older brother and sister. He was a rather friendly kid as he laughed and joked pulling at his brother’s coat and ran around the table as he sat on each one's lap. He seemed to be an egocentric kid as he was always trying to grab the attention of others. According to Erickson, a child’s psycho-social behavior can be judged by observing how well he interacts with people in his environment. He displayed an emotional attachment as he went in search of his grandfather and when he missed his mother he called out, â€Å"Mommy where are you?†I found Kyle to be a healthy kid who was very active and strong. He had excellent motor skills as he tried to hop, jump, twist and run around the whole place. He banged several times on the glass table and laughed louder as he banged harder. While sitting at the table he tried pushing it using both his feet. His brother assisted him to drink from a juice box, but he pulled it from him and began drinking it by himself. According to Piaget’s theory, a child uses his five senses when interacting with people and things in his environment. This is very true in Kyle’s case as he used his senses to interpret and deal with things around him. The child was a keen observer while playing at the sand table. He watched all the others around him and even answered his teacher while she asked him a few questions. He was capable of recognizing which object to use for scooping up the sand.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Choose one of the 5 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Choose one of the 5 questions - Essay Example The purpose of this research paper is to summarize the company’s strategic plan for the next three to five years. In discussing, this document will describe the company’s overall business strategy and IT department strategic plan in ensuring that it align with the business priorities and financial justifications. Further, the researcher will be looking at some of the current strategic issues the company is facing. Business Strategy and Capabilities Medtronic is a global company whose headquarter is located in Minneapolis Minnesota. Historically, the company started developing their facilities in 1967 when the first service center was created in Amsterdam’s Schipohl followed by Kerkrade located in Netherlands. Today, the company has expanded so much that there are facilities all over in the world. It is important to understand how the company has been progressing for the past years and the main challenges that need to be met to achieve their strategic plan. Accord ing to Medtronic, Inc, for the past five years, the company has shown a remarkable growth in sales and revenue (Ford, 2013 B). Despite the noted progress, the company has identified a number of challenges that needed to be solved. ... In this case, the IT cost drivers should be considered when establishing the company’s strategies and objectives as discussed in the following section. Establishing Priorities Studies show that, Medtronic IT department provides the company with excellent products and services across the globe (Michelson, 2013). To fully succeed in the competitive world, IT departments needs to understand the functional team required and how they can utilize their services to solve the challenges identified. For instance, the IT department needs to develop software that tracks the clinical trial data; the company needs to look into China or India since these countries have a high number of graduates’ students each year who are competent and experienced and they would cost the company one quarter of the salaries they would earn in the United States (DeRosa, 2013). Furthermore, this report makes the following suggestion, for the IT department, as a means of solving their challenges. First, the department needs to create a strong IT team that would support and implement the goals and objectives set by the strategy team. There is a need to have a team that would conduct analysis that would enhance positive growth in the company and ensure that there is a small group of IT staff that facilitate daily activities (Oppenheimer, 2013). The IT standardization would help the Company to lower costs and provide opportunities to innovate new products. Overall, the IT department’s information of the business world would help the company achieve its missions and values. Background Medtronic is headquartered in Minneapolis and was founded in the year 1949. It is an international supplier of
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Hitler's Rise to Power Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hitler's Rise to Power - Research Paper Example This loss of focus also made him lose the support of other students, who always elected him in leadership positions and to compensate this, he formed a tendency of creating friendship with younger pupils, whom he could command and influence (Kershaw 18). However, his time in school was limited as he managed to convince his mother at the age of fifteen to quit school instead of repeating, after which he moved to Vienna, at the age of 18, to pursue his career interest, which was in artistic work with the money he had received as his father’s pension, who had died in 1903 when Hitler was 13 years old (Hant 16). This ended up frustrating him as no institution was ready and willing to receive him owing to the fact that he had no academic certificates to prove that he had completed secondary education. Despite being an Austrian, Hitler disliked his country of birth to the extent of refusing to enroll into the military service, which was compulsory for every youth and according to re ports, it took the authorities close to 4 years to track him so he can fulfill his obligations but by then, his poor health could not meet the minimum standards required to join the military. During his early life, Hitler had shown a lot of admiration for Germany and indeed, he held his history teacher, who was a German, and the then German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, with high regard and as some of his role models (Hant 20). The start of the First World War opened a new opportunity for Hitler to enter Germany, his country of choice, after he made a choice to join and fight for the German army instead of the Austro-Hungarian forces, which he despised. This also gave him the chance to prove his worthiness as a fearless fighter, especially in his position as a dispatch-runner, which was one of the most dangerous positions as it involved acquiring and delivering messages from the command center to the forces on the frontline and which earned him the Iron cross rewards in 1924 and 191 8 (Kershaw 45). According to reports, it is during this time of the war that Hitler began his hatred towards the Jews and Marxists, whom he always described as cowards and a liability to German’s quest for victory. However, in 1918 just before Germany conceded defeat, Hitler suffered injuries in a mustard gas attack orchestrated by the British forces after which he was hospitalized in a German military hospital. With the war gone, Hitler suffered from severe cases of depression whereby it is reported that he spent most of his time crying, mostly because he could not accept the fact that Germany had lost the war. In addition, he had no academic papers to help him acquire formal employment and this meant that his future in Germany hanged in the balance and this was definitely more than he could bear (Kershaw 56). As stated earlier, Hitler was an outspoken person and he always made it clear that he was a strong proponent of anti-Semitism, anticommunism and Pan-Germanism (Toland 37). In addition to this, he never believed or subscribed to the school of thought that everyone was equal and as such, he was against any group or organization, which was trying to promote socialism. These qualities attracted the attention of German leaders, who shared the same opinions and they gave
Monday, September 9, 2019
Strategic planning within organizations Dissertation
Strategic planning within organizations - Dissertation Example The paper tells that strategic planning within organizations is one of the most essential aspects of both sustainability and growth. Without the ability to meet the needs of strategic planning, there is the inability to move forward with specific needs and to reach the full potential of the organization. While strategic planning is required for the development of a company, the implementation and the end goals are often not met. The problems which arise are based on the various aspects of the organization and how it associates with the needs of each of the goals. Leadership capacities, communication tools, participation and the ability to reach smaller and larger goals through various initiatives are some of the several areas in which strategic planning is not implemented in the correct manner. This is followed with complexities which arise from the organizational culture and the expectations which are associated with meeting change or resistance to the workforce that is a part of th e organization. Defining the specific problems and understanding why end goals and implementation is not met is then shown as one which identifies levels and dimensions of difficulties that are within the work force. The approach which is taken toward strategic planning and implementation is one which is based on the understanding of taking action within a corporation. Without the correct strategies, there is the inability to provide higher amounts of sustainability and growth within a company. However, there are often problems and difficulties with creating the required changes. This literature review will examine the various aspects of strategic planning and implementation as well as how it alters according to the difficulties which are in the organizational culture. The review will examine the various dimensions that are associated with strategic planning. It will further define the obstacles that do not allow the plans to be implemented at various levels within an organization. There will also be reference to theories which are created to alter the strategic planning so it becomes one that is associated with constructive results with businesses that work in creating new plans within the organization. Dynamics of Strategic Planning There are specific dynamics with strategic planning as well as obstacles which stop the goals from being met. Defining the obstacles is the first step to altering the performance as well as the ability to finalize the strategies into action. According to a current study (Mollaoseini, Ahmadhkhani, 2012), there are diverse obstacles which create the resistance and stop the dynamics of change and strategic development. The study showed that the problem with the final strategy and implementation is inclusive of 68.09% planning consequences, 65.48% organizational obstacles, 60.40% managerial obstacles, 72% staff obstacles and 63.99% environmental obstacles. The indications of this are based on showing that the dynamics within an organ izational structure carry diverse obstacles that create resistance and which lead to a lack of implementation with
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