Saturday, August 31, 2019
Plathos myth
The Myth of the Cave and a Rose for Emily The stories â€Å"Myth of the Cave†by Plates and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner reveal how people are compelled to live their life In an Illusion or a different way rather than to live in reality, thinking that's how life is supposed to be, not knowing what life really looks like, they make this illusion seem real, at least to them. Even though the plots of the stories are different, they both share similar themes that can elate to each other, such as isolation.In the story â€Å"A Rose for Emily' the characters have similar settings in Plat&s Myth. To begin with Plat's Myth and a Rose for Emily both stories share the theme of isolation. In Plat's Myth prisoners are attached with chains to their necks not allowing them to look sideward, only towards what Is directly in front of them. Behind them there Is a burning fire with people holding up puppets that cast shadows on the wall, making the prisoners believe that the shadows that they are seeing are real people rather than Just shadows.What It really convinces the prisoners are the echoes and the sounds that fit the shadows. That Is what truly makes them believe that the shadows are real people rather than just an illusion. The prisoners live isolated in the cave from the real world, being accustomed to the darkness already. If they would peek out the bright rays of the sun would without doubt harm the prisoners eyes, they would ever let loose. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily her house plays a big role because when she was younger her father withheld her from suitors which are hat made her get used to staying inside of her house.Even when her father died, she still stayed inside her house. She feels safe within those walls and believes her world inside that home Is reality. Emily like the prisoners, also lives isolated from reality. Both stories share the theme of Isolation or â€Å"the state of being separated from other people, or a situation In which you do not have the support of other people†. Characters In both stories are Isolated from the outside, from reality. Also in â€Å"A Rose for Email' she has a servant name Toby that goes in and out of the house.Toby is the only one that knows what is going on inside the house but yet does not talk to anybody about it. When Emily dies, after the funeral, and after Emily is buried, the townspeople go upstairs to break into the room, they knew was closed for years. Inside, they found the body of â€Å"Homer Barron†a guy that the townspeople thought it was her partner, dead in the bed. After Emily died the townspeople find out the mystery inside the house. Just like in Plat's Myth, Socrates released one of the prisoners; we can compare the free prisoner with Toby in â€Å"A Rose for Emily'.When the prisoner goes out of the cave the light burned his eyes because he was used to the darkness In the cave. The prisoner, after he realized what was outside, finds out that everything he saw inside In the cave was an Illusion. He finally realized what reality Is. Comparing both stones they finally discover what was hidden. The prisoner discovered the real world outside of the cave, and the townspeople in â€Å"A Furthermore the prisoner that was set free in Plat's Myth decides to go back to the cave to tell the other prisoners that what they see in the cave is not real is Just an illusion.That what was outside the cave is reality, but the prisoners don't believe him and laugh at him. The prisoners weren't interested of what it was outside of the cave. They also talk about killing the freed prisoner if he tries to set them free. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily', even after her father's dead, she still separates herself from the townspeople. She refuses to have a social life out of her house. With the only person that the townspeople saw her with was with Homer, which they believe it was her boyfriend.In both stories we see house both characters are sca red to get out of their comfort zone because they are already dependent of one place. They feel secure being inside the same place. In the â€Å"Myth of the Cave†by Plato and â€Å"A Rose for Emily' by William Faulkner both stories shows similarities in their characters how they isolate themselves in their comfort zone because both of them relay in a place where they don't go away from. For example in Plat's Myth is the cave and in â€Å"A Rose for Emily' is the house where she spends her life.It also shows in Plat's how one of the prisoners is set free and he discovers that what he sees in the cave was Just an illusion. Like in â€Å"A Rose for Emily', when she dies the townspeople finally discovers what was hidden in her house. In both stories the characters discover reality but some others refuse to know what reality is. Emily died without knowing the reality outside her house, and the prisoners refused to believe that there is something else outside the cave.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How movies influence kids Essay
My Favorite Holiday My favorite holiday is Christmas. Christmas was the month Jesus Christ was born. Traditionally celebrated at home, Christmas is thought to be a family holiday. However nowadays the habits and ideas of people have changed very much. Christmas becomes more of a global holiday when it is appropriate to meet with many friends and go out for a round the night crazy celebrations. Every person finds their own most favorite thing about Christmas. In this small essay I will explain what this holiday means to me, and what are the best parts of it that I enjoy. As for me, the best thing about Christmas is giving. During Christmas I buy toys and clothes and to donate them to Churches and Charities to help those that are less fortunate. Christmas season people are usually more friendly and gentle to each other. They try to leave every sorrow and offense behind in the year that is passing by. I think this approach is a exercise for a person to make them feel good mentally and physically giving happiness and hope for a better future in the next year . When there is joy in the air, the organism wants to celebrate along with the mind. The renewal of the hope is felt all around. I have loved the celebration of Christmas since my early childhood. I still enjoy decorating the Christmas tree and simply walking around the streets looking at the decorations of the buildings and the trees around the city. In our country Christmas trees stand everywhere, for instance you can see them in squares and parks, in schools and offices, in shops and at homes. And what fun is it to wake up early in the morning and take a look under the tree seeking the presents Santa Clause brought. Of course, now that I am grown I know that someone from my family puts the presents there but I still wish to think that a very kind and fair old man called Santa Clause does it. As Santa brings the presents to the small children, the grown-ups enjoy exchanging presents with each other. I like giving presents to people, also like to get them as well he-he!! Most of all in conclusion WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas is the season during which Christians everywhere give thanks to God the Father for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Corporate Governance In Coca Cola Corporation Commerce Essay
The Coca-Cola Corporation is dedicated to reverberation political orientation of communal authorization. The Board is designated by the stockholders to oversee their concentration in the enduring strength and the mostly achievement of the production and its economic power. The Board provides as the eventual declaration industry organic structure of the concern, excepting for persons affairs retained to or reciprocally shared with the stockholders. The Board elects and administers the associates of superior organisation, who are charged by the Board with accomplish the production of the corporation. The Corporate Governance scheme, all along with the contracts of the all of the Board committee and the solution readying of the Board afford the construction for communal domination at The Coca-Cola Company.Ethical motives Conformity:The nucleus of the political orientation and public presentation plan at The Coca-Cola concern is our marks of Business behavior. The system conducts the concern behavior ; involves unity and dependability in all substances. All of the executives and decision makers are indispensable to analyze and recognize the system and prosecute its instructions in the administrative Centre and liberally proportioned society. The policy is managed by the company ‘s Ethics & A ; Compliance committee. This cross-functional superior disposal group supervises the full rules and acquiescence plans and resolutenesss system violations and ordinance. Our Ethics & A ; Compliance workplace has working liability for sophistication, treatment, analyzing and appraisal associated to the Code of industry perform and conformity concerns. Relates internationally obtain a mixture of moral codification and conformity direction options controlled by the Ethics & A ; Compliance Office. The company often screen and reexamine the concern to attest conformity with the system and the act. Coca-cola besides sustains a changeless remainder of best-in-class values about the universe that administrate how the company examine and keep Code concerns. In 2008, it modifies the Code to advance advancement its efficiency. More than 20,000 contacts concluded more than 30,000 personally and web-based Ethical motives and Compliance counsel conference from August 2007 in the path of June 2008. All correlatives will obtain in the flesh Code of company performs counsel in 2008. The company has skilled the contacts Code of covering accomplish, European Union competition jurisprudence, Latin American resistance jurisprudence, economic dependability, logical ownerships and spirited minds, drug-free bureau and avoids bureau ill will. In 2006, company revolved out a simplified cosmopolitan anti-bribery conformance plan with partizan schemes, preparation and reappraisal. In accretion, it extended the conformity plan in the part of United State operates approved with opinionative policies, direction and audits. Coca-cola associates, bottling co-workers, suppliers, habitues and clients can inquire questions about the Code and former moralss and conformity topics, or statement likely breach, through Ethical motives emanation, a cosmopolitan Web and telephone studies and exposure service. Phone calls are toll-free, and Ethical motives Line is accessible 24 hours a twenty-four hours, seven yearss a hebdomad, with gettable transcribers.Corporate Social Duty:Coca-cola Greece was recently documented for its commercial corporate duty efforts with 3 honours at the honored CSR differentiation Awards formal process. The CSR high quality Awards place achievement transversally all industries, non merely nutrient and drink, and are honoured by a committee includes of converting stakeholders, such as nongovernment associations and disposal representatives. The grasp of quality in 3 kind ‘s exhibits the compulsion of the coca-cola Company has for transporting the promises of subsist confidently phase to life at occupation and in the society. Continuous Achievement Award Human Resources Award Environment AwardVision 2020:The world is changing all around us. To protract to win as a concern for the following 10 old ages and beyond, we need to be required to gaze frontward, place with the inclination and services that will calculate out the concern in the chance and advancement rapidly to form for what ‘s to come. We have to acquire prepared for tomorrow today. That ‘s what the 2020 Vision is all sing. It produces a permanent purpose for the production and supplies coca-cola with a â€Å" Route map †for capturing reciprocally with the bottling spouses.Coca-cola MissionCoca-colas Roadmap commences by agencies of the mission, which is lasting. It proclaims the ground as a corporation and provides as the standard oppose which the company see the public presentation and declarations. To stimulate the universe†¦ To promote minutes of assurance and pleasance†¦ To bring forth appraisal and compose a diverseness.Coca-cola visionThe Company ‘s vision is to supply the construction for the Roadmap and conducts each and every characteristic of the trade by explicating what the company necessitate to carry through in order to protract achieving sustainable, high quality development. â€Å" Peoples: Be an tremendous circumstance to make occupation where individuals are enthused to be the best they can be. Portfolio: convey to the universe a portfolio of excellence drink trade names that predict and convince people ‘s demands and desires. Spouses: cultivate a charming system of consumers and providers ; jointly they produce common, permanent value. Planet: Be a painstaking national that makes a differentiation by functioning concept and maintain sustainable communities. Net income: exploit long-standing reaching to stockholders while being attentive of its all duties. Productiveness: Be an extremely efficient, thin and fast-moving organisation. †Undertaking 2Management of Financial RiskHarmonizing to one-year study, it ‘s clearly apparent that, certain financial hazards faced by Coca-Cola Hellenic occur from unfavorable fluctuations foreign Exchange rates, in involvement rates, merchandise monetary values and other market hazards. Company Board of Directors has accepted the Treasury Policy and graph of Authority, which reciprocally afford the organized model designed for every exchequer and exchequer associated minutess.Currency HazardGiven the Group ‘s operation public presentation, they are showing to a major measure of foreign currency hazard. Coca-colas foreign currency revelation comes up from disagreeable transforms in trade rates with the euro, the US dollar and the exchanges within its non-euro Kingdoms. Operation constitutions begin largely from the stuffs acquired in exchanges such as the US dollar or euro which can ste er to maximal cost of trade in the functional currency of the state. Conversion constitutions occur as several of its processing includes efficient currencies other than euro, and any alteration in the functional currency against the euro impacts our amalgamate income statement and balance sheet when consequences are converted into euro. Coca-cola exchequer program involves the lie of come oning Twelve month estimated operational results contained by the distinguishable least ( 25 % ) and maximal ( 80 % ) exposure phases. Beat around the bushing off from a Twelve month span may originate, subject to convert greatest coverage degrees, granted the estimated minutess are highly believable. Where available, we use derivative fiscal instruments to cut down our cyberspace revelation to currency changeableness. These conventions by and large established in one twelvemonth.Interest HazardThe Team represents to market hazard happening from changing involvement rates, foremost and first in the euro zone. Intermittently they estimate the needed combination of fixed and drifting rate duty and accommodate the involvement disbursals based on the needed combination of debt. They cope up the involvement rate outgo by agencies of an agreement of lasting and drifting rate debt, involvement rate switch and pick cap understandings. Thou gh they have denial topographic point of mark for the mixture of set to drifting rate liabilities, traditionally they have been excess demoing to drifting rates as this has be inclined to move as a expected evade against on the whole concern hazard.Recognition HazardRecognition hazard is inhibited by a probationary process as to the option of likely oppose parties for exchequer traffics. The Company ‘s recognition hazard is handled by establishing a permitted opposition party and state confines, detailing the highest experience that they organized to acknowledge with respect to single counterparties or states. The limitations are reconsidered and observed on an expected footing.Liquid HazardThe common scheme is to keep a least measure of liquidness engages in the construction of currency on the balance sheet when prolonging the stableness of our liquidness engages in the assortment of idle dedicated comfortss, to do certain that the Company incorporate cost-efficient admit to enough economic assets to convene the fiscal support desires. These embrace the everyday backup of all its procedure in add-on as the support of the resource expense plan. In order to relieve the chance of liquidness restrictions, Company make an attempt to prolong a least of a‚ ¬250 million of financial headway. Monetary headway refers to the excess engaged support gettable, subsequently than sing hard currency flows from working public presentation, dividends, acquisitions, revenue enhancement disbursal, involvement disbursal and capital outgo demands. Hazard Map:10High 9 Quadrant II ( Detect & A ; proctor ) Quadrant I ( Prevent at Sources )8Significance 76Low 5 Quadrant IV ( Low Control ) Quadrant III ( Monitor )43211 2 3 4 5Low Likelihood HighThe hazard map places every hazard in the following four Quadrants:Prevent at beginning hazardHazards in this Quadrant are categorized as premier Hazards and are rated High precedency. They are important hazards that intimidate the achievement of concern intents. These hazards are reciprocally considerable in significance and likely to originate. They should be condensed or removed with defensive reins and must be organize appraisal and testing.Detect and Monitor RisksHazards in the quarter-circle are momentous, but they are fewer possible to originate. To do certain that the hazards stay small chance and are administered by the concern appropriately, they require detecting on a revolving base. Detective powers must be positioned into a topographic point to do certain that these high effect hazards will be identified in front of they harvest up. These hazards are 2nd chief concern behind premier hazards.Monitor RisksHazards in the quarter-circle are non really of import, but contain a superior possibility of go oning. These hazards should be watched decently to attest that they are being decently supervised and that their deduction has non distorted due to changing concern fortunes.Low Control RisksHazards in this quarter-circle are every bit unlikely to take topographic point and non considerable. They involve least observant and oversee if non attendant hazard class.Undertaking 3a )Hazard FactorsIn Further the consequent issues, which may extensively act upon the trade, fiscal circumstance or consequences of operations in future periods? The hazards explained below are non the individual hazards confronting Coca-Cola Company. Further risks non presently recognized by company or that they soon consider being inappropriate besides may efficaciously unfavorably impact the concern, economic status or consequence of operations in future periods.Current hazard faced by Coca-colaHealth Concerned RiskCustomers, communal physical status functionaries and authorities functionaries are suitably increasing concerned about the public fittingness effects connected with stalwartness, chiefly between adolescent public. And besides, few research workers, fittingness protagonists and nutritionary proces ss are heartening clients to diminish outgo of sugar-sweetened drinks, together with those sugared with HFCS or other alimentary sweetenings. Rising community anxiousness refering these affairs ; likely new dues and law-making system concerns the advertisement, labelling or handiness of the drinks ; and harmful publicity consequential from definite or endangered authorised public presentation in resistance to the coca-cola or other companies in its industry relating to the advertisement, labelling or trade of sugar-sweetened drinks might diminish demand for company ‘s drinks, which may perchance act upon its profitableness.Environmental HazardH2o ( H2O ) is the major component in significantly all of the coca-cola merchandises. It is besides a partial beginning in several parts of the universe, confronting supreme differences from over use, mounting taint, broken disposal and conditions alteration. As demand for H2O prolongs to heighten all-around the universe, and as H2O beco mes scarcer and the high quality of gettable H2O deteriorates, Company ‘s categorization might obtain increasing production costs or face possible boundaries which could destructively alter the productiveness or net purposeful returns in the drawn-out tally.Business & A ; fiscal hazardThe non-alcoholic drinks concern milieus is hurriedly developing as a consequence of, among other things, alterations in clients dispositions, together with altered based on wellness and nutrition concerned and obesity anxiousnesss ; variable consumer gustatory sensations and needs ; alterations in clients criterion of life ; and spirited merchandise and pricing demands. As good, their fabrication is being affected by the tendency toward consolidation in the market conduit, particularly in Europe and the United States. If they are unable to successfully accommodate to this quickly altering environment, the company ‘s portion of gross revenues, capacity growing and overall economic classs co uld be depressingly affected.Hazard factors which the Company may confront in futureTechnological HazardCoca-cola relies on informations based cognition system and strategies, include the Internet, to patterned advance, broadcast and store electronic information. Particularly, Coca-cola depends on its information engineering communications for digital advertisement public presentation and electronic substructure in its countries about the universe and between Company forces and our bottlers and other clients and providers. Defence misdemeanor of this substructure can make system breaks, closures or unauthorised revelation of classified information. If they are non capable to forestall such breaches, Company ‘s operations could be disrupting, or they might undergo economical harm or loss because of doomed or misappropriated information.Climate hazardThe gross revenues of the merchandises are inclined to several extents by clime fortunes in the markets in which they function. Qu eerly wintry or rainy weather conditions at some point in the summer months could hold a probationary effect on the insist for all its merchandises and contribute to lower gross revenues, which could hold an inauspicious consequence on our consequences of operations for such periods )Risk analysis & A ; direction techniquesRisk direction often concentrates on affairs of insurance. Conversely, there are figure of farther chief considerations when measuring countries of hazard into a large concern†¦ ab initio ; they require every bit dependability and the infrastructural proficiency to do the patterned advance. Second, they should wholly acknowledge their association, and its patterned advances and aims. And thirdly, they must be dwelling of support and keep up from the association and the administrative squad. Coca-cola Amatol ( CCA ) comes under the class of being hazard witting, but non obsessed by dictatorial status. CCA is increasing its hazard direction representation to pull off enterprise-wide and supply to the eventual productiveness of the concern. This consequence will be achieved non merely by prolonging sound concern determinations but besides all the manner through constellation of the organisation ‘s schemes with its stockholders ‘ and investors ‘ aspiration to do certain that efficient concern authorization is in topographic point. CCA, inside the broader coca-cola construction, is on an ERM expedition. They are determined to take out the conventional split and ‘soloed ‘ attack that regularly exists in organisations and they are duty so by taking an blessing and ownership of the hazard direction procedure. At CCA they know the significance of the indispensable values of the ERM procedure. They are: a dedication to the journey ; an sensible model that embraces a general linguistic communication ; a unvarying attack to- no affair the nature of the concern unit or its aims ; a statement signifier that identifies stakeholders, corresponds the class and aims ; and drives literary alteration ; and guaranting advice of the result through an riddance of ‘black holes ‘ or ‘silos ‘ .Risk Management PlanThere are four phases to put on the line direction planning. They are: A · Hazard acknowledgment Hazards Quantification Hazard reaction Hazard Monitoring and ControlTypesThere are several definite hazard direction techniques as there are kind of industry, but one time a hazard has been recognized and considered, mostly attempts at warranting the hazard autumn into four indispensable grouping in malice of the model. The initial, bar, can be every bit easy as non perpetrating in activity that manufactures the hazard, but this non merely eradicates hazard but possible benefits every bit good. Hazard decrease through concrete stairss is far more general, and the specifics will be associated to the type of concern and hazard involved. Hazard transference is besides extremely advantageous as when an accessible pick ; it involves outsourcing the trouble to an extra article such as in the class of get of insurance. Ultimately, hazard saving is predictable in a few instances where the hazards are either unlikely, or the costs of explanatory or reassigning the hazard are inordinate. C ) Communicating with interest holders Many of coca-cola stakeholders consist of all those who are by and large influenced by or who most influenced the means the company run the large concern. This includes clients, consumers, contractors, and workers, Government & A ; supervisors, NGOs plus the confined communities in which the company operates. Coca-cola regularly connect with its major stakeholders as exposed in Diagram In add-on, they conceded a elaborate probe in March 2007 to sort the most of import countries of concern for its stakeholders. This implicated a sequence of focal point groups with clients aged 18 and over and with work force of both CCE and CCGB. It besides incorporated the interviews with consumers, non-governmental administrations and the media. The survey exposed a strong understanding of appraisal between the diverse stakeholder groups and provided an obvious graph of the countries of liability they most require to concentrate on all these countries. Coca-cola stakeholder survey has besides helped out to polish its chance scheme on communal and ecological issues. On every key subject it contains ‘Next Step ‘ – the act which has to be taken in the undermentioned twelvemonth to attest that the concern persists to do an optimistic impact.Consumer CommunicationOn June 11 2010 Coca-cola has published that the Coca-cola Poland has completed a first move a caput frontward in how it instructs clients sing recycling, by incorporating its ‘Recover-Recycle ‘ activity into every chief coca-cola labelled or supported immense events this twelvemonth. A huge My Coke trying plan, which happened between April and September 2010, is one of the cardinal promoting public presentations where coca-cola Poland will describe to clients about the net income of recycling through Recover-Recycle.Decision:There is no uncertainty that the Coca Cola is the 2nd largest drinks company in the universe. However, it should work on above mentioned lacks to get the better of them and strive to do its rivals lagged behind. The Company coca-cola have a corporate ( Head Office ) subdivision that is apt for giving the Company a mostly class and provided that sustain to the provincial formation. Means considered pick at the Coca-Cola Corporation are completed by a managerial Committee of 12 concerned Officers. This committee assisted to organize the six strategic precedences set out in old. The fiscal resources allotment for the Vision 2020 had been discussed under the six P ‘s as laid out by the company. International through to grass-roots and the c ommunity, Coca-Cola has strengthened its place as a football insider and this helps to construct the trade name and corporate repute of Coca-Cola. Last twelvemonth, Coca-cola saw its gross revenues decreased in UK market. In order to re make the gross revenues, Coca-cola to specify new communicating program such as ‘Recover-Recycle ‘ activity.
The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid Term Paper
The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid - Term Paper Example Before a state donates I suggest its’ leaders consider carefully what goals it wishes o accomplish with their donation and assess critically the prospects for accomplishing these goals. For example, aid may be siphoned off by an elite and not reach the intended beneficiaries, or it may not be the best way to help the recipients develop their own resources. Or the provision of aid may have unintended adverse consequences. For example, Rwanda has received considerable foreign aid and although by some criteria it has benefited from this aid, much of the population has not profited. In fact, it has helped perpetuate and even exacerbate sectarian inequalities which could easily bring a return to the civil war and genocide of 1994. While there is no longer a genocide or overt civil war in Rwanda it can by no means be described as a peaceful country. Hostility and distrust continue to prevail between the ruling minority urban Tutsis and the majority impoverished rural Hutu. And overt civil war could break out at any time long after the 1994 genocide. Thus although Rwanda has received a massive infusion of foreign aid this has disproportionately benefited the elite Tutsis. On the positive side, Rwanda is the only country in sub-Saharan Africa on track to meet all health-related UN goals including reducing under5 mortality by two thirds. Also since 1994 per capita income has almost tripled and GDP quadrupled. ( Farmer 2013) However, these positive statistics hide significant disparities in ethnic aid beneficiaries. More than half of the aid received is distributed through Tutsi dominated government institutions so that it benefits mostly already comparatively better off Tutsis rather than the impoverished Hutus ( Farmer 2013)) Thus even though statistics indicate overall per capita income and GDP have risen rural Hutus who make up 84% of the population remain impoverished, (Endless and Hakizimana 2009).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managing People - Essay Example This will ensure all the work is done at the appropriate time and all the subsequent documentation filed. As such, there will be a sense of accountability in running the firm. In today’s world, it is evident that many employers are reverting to online recruitment, citing its prevalence. It is noted that the internet is one of the rapidly growing service that is in use with more than 60 percent of the world’s population. Therefore, many people will access the internet when they are looking for jobs or when they need to recruit employees (Dowling, Festing and Engle, 2008:19). This makes it easier as both parties are able to easily and efficiently access each other. Secondly, the internet is used on a daily basis which creates an avenue of easy communication characterised by quick feedback. In such a situation, there is minimal dead-time when communicating to an employee or an employer (Lipp, 2005:17). According to recent statistics it is considered that more than 77 perce nt of job seekers use the internet to find employers. This shows that there are large numbers of people who use the internet to find jobs. Similarly, more than half of the firms use the internet to find eligible employees. ... This makes it relatively easy to approach an employee who bears the required qualifications. In addition, it is noted that job advertisements on the internet circulate at a faster rate than using newspapers. As such, many people have reverted to using the internet while seeking jobs. The same applies to employers as they find the internet appealing when advertising for vacant positions (Arthur, 2012:12). Apparently, this has reflected a drop in newspaper sales as a wide population does not feel the need to buy newspapers when the information is available on the internet. There are many firms and businesses that have employed the best practice in regards to online recruitment. One of these firms that expedite online recruitment is Fab Tiger marketing. This is a marketing agency that is specialised in direct mailing, telemarketing and customer relationship management. When in need of employees Fab Tiger marketing embraces online recruitment. This has made it easier to achieve its targe t in the market as it is able to reach out to a wide pool of interested parties (MacKay, 2007:17). The second firm that has appreciated online recruitment is Webactiv, which specialises in marketing consultancy services. Most of its recruitments are done over the internet, which is fast and convenient. The last firm that has the best practice in relation to online recruitment is Insight Marketing Services. All these firms are based in the United Kingdom and have embraced the use of online recruitment. Since they need a massive number of employees, they have to use a method that will attract a large number of job seekers. This has made it possible to cut on recruitment costs (Compton, Nankervis and Morrissey, 2009:14). For
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Supply chain management article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Supply chain management article - Essay Example The article, however, argues against these approaches, arguing that they do not help in one-off, complex environments like in construction or shipbuilding (Ullrich, 2014). The main reason provided in the article is that such projects need a combination of many divergent, largely functional products configured in an innovative and unique manner. The paper selects the example of shipbuilding to argue its case. One of the main learning points is the way in which extended supply chains and individual suppliers may be managed in a more proactive manner so that they deliver better performance in the quality of the product, the time of the cycle, responsiveness or flexibility as well as the cost (Seuring, 2013). The most recognized philosophies in supply chain management are Lean Thinking and Agile thinking (Liu, 2007). Lean thinking is in most cases associated with vendor and manufacturing managed inventory namely just-in-time (JIT) and total quality management, also known as TQM. On the other hand, agile thinking involves mass customization and flexible manufacturing (Hugos, 2003). A central preoccupation decides the most appropriate instance to adopt either one of the strategies, or combine them both into one custom strategy referred to as a ‘leagile’ strategy. While the article recognizes the contribution made by several contributors to the topic, Fisher’s contribution stands out because it offers the conceptual foundation for the building of similar supply strategy models (Cantor & Macdonald, 2009). Essentially, he argues in his contribution that the firm’s nature of product offering should determine the most appropriate supply management posture. The main issue, however, is the context in which the testing of these approaches occurs, especially in Fisher’s case (Seuring, 2013). What should be considered, according to this article, is the usefulness of the models in the generation of advice for the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Oral Piercings How To Educate People of Associated Risks Essay
Oral Piercings How To Educate People of Associated Risks - Essay Example The Mesoamericans such as the Aztecs practiced tongue piercing among others as blood offerings to their gods. In the Middle East, Islamic Fakirs and Sufis and from the Far East, Asian Spirit Mediums performed tongue piercing as offerings and to prove their immersion into a trance state (Bmezine 2006). At the turn of the 20th century, carnivals employed the tongue piercing practices of fakirs in their sideshow tricks. American and European audiences caught their first glimpses of tongue piercing and the trend caught on. Today, Elayne Angel is mainly responsible for the popularity and promotion of tongue piercing and is recognized as the first person with a tongue tip and multiple tongue piercings. Similar to pierced ears, oral piercing uses metal jewelry that comes in a variety of styles, including studs, barbells and rings. Tongue, lips or cheek piercing however poses greater health risks and care should be taken in all aspects of the piercing process from choosing the right piercer to using the correct jewelry to aftercare measures to prevent health risks. Tongue piercing has a number of popular names including tongue ring, a misnomer, as rarely are rings worn in tongue piercings. Side-by-side paired tongue piercings are referred as venom piercings or viper bites, suggestive of a snake's fangs. Piercer The risks of employing unsafe procedures, the right piercer must be selected. Ideally such a piercer is someone who: Has undertaken suitable training; is knowledgeable on the subject, knows the safety issues; is skilled, experienced and professional; Performs prudent and safe piercing techniques and cross-contamination control measures; Undertakes his practice in hygienic surroundings that obey the rules relevant local and state policies. Follows OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standards; Possesses all valid licenses and permits; Spore tests autoclave (sterilizer) regularly and can provide documentation; Utilizes proper sterile instruments and jewelry, and sterile disposable needles; Spends time to provide oral instructions and guidelines in proper care and gives written instructions; Makes him / herself readily available for follow-up and answers questions related to post-piercing issues to resolve problems before injuries arise. Jewelry Wearing appropriate jewelry can reduce the onset of structural damage from tongue and oral piercing. If the jewelry is unsuitably sized, wrongly placed or poorly manufactured, complications may arise. Some considerations: Proper style of jewelry for the specific anatomy and piercing position; Accurately sized jewelry to the area. If long pieces of jewelry results in swelling it should be replaced with a shorter piece after swelling has reduced, as this has less possibility of harmfully afflicting the teeth and other oral structures. Using surgical implant grade jewelry. Jewelry used for piercings must conform to certain standards, material composition and design specifications. Balls on tongue barbells can be made of acrylic to reduce the risk of teeth damage. Ensure that threaded ends are on firmly and tighten them on a daily basis. Contact with the sublingual part of the oral cavity can be minimized by wearing a smaller ball on the tongue's underside. People who have undergone piercing should be cautioned that excessive toying with the jewelry
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Business Law Term Paper (Case Study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Law Term Paper (Case Study) - Essay Example The jurisdiction of a particular subject matter refers to the authority of the court to preside cases concerning contracts and civil right issues. States court are granted general jurisdiction that allow them to hear any case unless it is prohibited by the law of the state. Some states prohibit subject matter jurisdiction for cases not involving their state citizen, and those that happens outside the state. They also include those that are the mandate of federal courts. In the case study, one of a legal case arising on the jurisdiction is when company violated the law by operating in three different jurisdictions, yet its plumber was licensed in only one jurisdiction. There was a jurisdiction to hear the case between Knarles and Chentum as the state courts have general jurisdiction and the case was among those under the docket of the state laws. Furthermore, it does not qualify to be handled by the federal court (Rakoff, 2013). Tot refers to civil cases or cases that deal with conflicts between private individuals. It can be redressed by paying of damages. This is a remedy by compensating the harmed party by monetary awards. Damages legally refers to the money that law directs one to pay after breach of duty or violation of a particular right. There are two categories of damages, which are punitive and compensatory. In the case of the former, they are awarded to punish the offending party, while the later were awarded to compensate the affected party for the loss or injury. The damages are further classified to liquidated and nominal damages. There are general guidelines that govern the damages to be awarded. For instance, it’s a general concept that punitive damages cannot be imposed in contractual cases that have not been proven to be wanton, deliberate or willful In the study, the case between Knarles and centum falls under the torts, since it is a civil case dealing with a conflict between private individuals. In
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ethical Reasoning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethical Reasoning - Essay Example Lastly, is abductive reasoning which entails the kind of reasoning that depict that conclusions may be clearly defined as obvious though it is mostly based on a plausible reasoning. The field of science mostly uses this kind of reasoning(Rowan & Zinaich, 2003). In each and every profession in jobs there are defined ethics that each and every employee has to put up with. These are referred to as codes of conduct. They are set up to control vices such as irresponsibility and dishonesty among the employees and also for the employees to gain respect for each other. In the school that I once taught four years ago, I remember the scandal that rose when a certain teacher was found to be in a relationship with one of her student. Teachers’ ethics clearly define that any relations within the school compound between teachers and students is a c crime punishable by the law of the land. This is an injustice since the teacher who is an adult enters a student who is definitely a minor into a sexual relationship that usually ends up with the student been ditched. This risks the students’ life since she or he is exposed to early and unwanted pregnancies and infection to H.I.V and A.I.D.S and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. This was a form of injustice to the minor since she was only used as an instrument since the guy was married and had a family (Strain & Robinson, 2005). It was only after I decided reported to the Police when legal steps were taken to protect and to justify the rights of the young girl. It was during the trial that the young girl disclosed to the jury that the teacher only manipulated her since he had found her cheating in the examinations and thus to avoid been suspended from the school she had to satisfy his sexual needs. This shocked every one in the court room since no one expected anything close to that. I never regretted for suing him since I only fought the justice of the young girl. She deserved a better life and the truth had to be revealed
Friday, August 23, 2019
London is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities on Essay
London is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities on the planet. (REPORT) - Essay Example ll kinds of communities from around the world; from Indians to Americans, from Asians to Africans, all kinds of people have settled down in London, combining their cultures and ethnic backgrounds together, and helping each other adjust to one another’s way of life. They say that the entire world has come together to live within this single city and that is what sets it apart. Every block has people eating different kinds of food and wearing different clothes, however what is truly amazing is how people have been able to help each other adapt to different kinds of lifestyles and learn new things about one another. Since the 1990s, greater London has become the fastest growing city in the world with more and more people going to live there because of a better lifestyle, education, health facilities as well as job opportunities. According to a survey conducted, almost every race and culture in the world can claim at least a handful of people living within London! The city consist s of people speaking almost 300 languages in total, with at least 50 communities which have migrated into the city, consisting of a population of almost 10,000 people. The youth forms a major part of the crowd, equipped within the city with great zeal and enthusiasm, waiting to unleash a different perspective on city altogether, with respect to business as well as leisure. Most people are excited about learning new cultures and understanding the needs of other people because of the kind of spirit that they lead their life with. Since most of the people are traditionally from other countries, they have an affinity for adopting other cultures and celebrating various holidays; this is what truly unites the Londoners. However, at the same time, there are many English people that are opposed to this idea of diversity because they feel that their personal faith and religion is lesser in number as compared to the belief systems of immigrants. At the same time, it boils down to a question of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The art is lovers in a cafa the photographer is Brassai Research Paper
The art is lovers in a cafa the photographer is Brassai - Research Paper Example Usually, the photographers tend to focus on photographic realism that portrays harsh realities. This picture creates a connection between photographer and the subjects. This technique makes the picture more sophisticated. Brassaà ¯ considered Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec as his influence (Janson and Janson, 2004). The interesting thing about this picture is that, even though, the man has his back to the camera the photographer has been able to capture his eyes. The mirror reflection gives the picture more meaning. The way he is looking at his lover is full of love and romance. The woman is smiling, and both of them seem to be in love with each other. Kissing or fondling is a very natural act, but the photographer has highlighted it and captured it in a timeless medium. The picture is black and white, and there is hardly any posing. Both the subjects appear to be in the moment. Brassaà ¯ used capture the beauty of streets, frogs and rain in the garden at night (Sayag, 2000). He was fascinated by the nightlife. This time is also associated with romance and lovemaking. Cafà ©s are also usually filled with people and couples at this time. His photographs are in black and white color that resonates with the nighttime. The picture under discussion is black and white in color, which makes the pictures traditional. The lovers are seated inside a booth and about to embrace each other. The man is leaning in for the kiss; he is holding his prize with both his arms. The woman brushes her hair to reveal her face to make it accessible for her man. Her chin is lifted up, and her eyes are locked in with the mans eyes as she welcomes every move of him. The audience in this photograph is the teacups and the table. The subjects are completely ignoring what is going on around them. They are immersed in the magic of love. The onlooker can witness this magic moment from three angles. They can get a glimpse of what is in the reality. But a more
Heraldic Code of the Philippines Essay Example for Free
Heraldic Code of the Philippines Essay â€Å"Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow; don’t walk behind me, I may not lead; Just walk beside me, and be my friend†. I have one such good friend who walks beside me and who extends his hand, when I am about to slip and fall. He is my greatest asset in life, which I treasure more than anything else in this world. He is my best friend. My best friend is Tom Sangma. We come from the same neighbourhood. Our houses are situated close to each others. Both Tom and I are of same age and belong to more or less same economic background. In fact, what has cemented our friendship deep is that our families have been close to each other for a long time. My father and his father were classmates. My mother’s best friend is Tom’s mother. Another reason, which probably helped us to become good friends, is that we have grown together. We have spent our childhood days playing, fighting, learning, and enjoying together. My memory of sweet bygone days of the past is a nostalgic memory of happy days spent together in Tom’s company. Today Tom and I study in Class X in a reputed school in the town. We generally go to school together and have been lucky enough to be studying in the same class for the past ten years and more. Tom has many excellent qualities of heart and mind. His simplicity, smartness, neatness, intelligence, straightforwardness, cool temperament, pleasant behaviour, gentle ways, dutifulness, etc. have made him one of the most liked and popular students in the school. Tom’s sweet temperament is his greatest quality. He never hurts others or speaks ill of others. He has a charming personality. For several years consecutively, he has been given the ‘Best Student’ award in the school. Despite my best efforts I have never managed to reach his level. Yet I never feel jealous of him. Because he helps me more than anybody. He tries to do all he can to make me come up to his level. He never goes to any function or party or film without me. I do the same for him. Whenever I am sick, he is the first to come and see me. There is no function in my home without his presence. The same is true in his house as well. All these have combined to make our friendship deep and lasting. The best trait that I admire and like most in my friend is his disciplined life. He would not do anything that goes against accepted norms or decency. He gets up on time, does his homework always, attends school regularly, respects his teachers and elders and never indulges in unhealthy ways such as, smoking, taking alcohol, idling away time, skipping classes etc. His principle of ‘duty first- enjoyment second’ is something that I find difficult to follow, yet try to imitate. He corrects me whenever I commit any mistake. For me he is a source of inspiration, support and also a role model to imitate. I am ever grateful to the almighty for having given me such a good friend. I cherish it as my greatest treasure. I am sure our friendship will grow deeper and deeper in the years to come. I wish everyone had such friends in life. One cannot describe the thrill and the joy of journeying together in life, sharing its ups and downs, rainbows and thunders and Good Fridays and Easters. It has to be experienced.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Prevention is better than cure
Prevention is better than cure Prevention is better than cure The current raging debate on healthcare should give us time to ponder over several issues. The need of the hour is to decrease the rapidly escalating cost of health care, expand its coverage and ensure that Medicare and Medicaid are viable future propositions. We should put our faith in the old adage that prevention is better than cure. Primary care should be easily accessible to USs uninsured and underinsured people. People should also be offered incentives in order to bring about much needed change in the ways they take care of their health. The Congress has a major role to play in making prevention the key and basic principal of health care reforms. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 133 million people in the country are victims of at least one chronic disease. It is estimated that more than 75% of the two trillion dollars allocated for health are being utilized to fight chronic diseases. The figures are alarming. One out of every four Americans may be victims of two or more chronic diseases by the year 2025. The majority of Medicares funds are spent on treating patients suffering from chronic illnesses. It is estimated that Medicaid spends 80% of its funds in treating chronic diseases which are increasing rapidly. The Congressional Budget Office prophesizes that unless drastic action is taken health care expenditure is likely to increase from 17 percent of GDP today to 49 percent in 2082. Federal expenditure on Medicare and Medicaid is expected to shoot up from 4 percent of GDP to a staggering 20 %. The silver lining on this ominous cloud is the fact that most chronic diseases can be prevented. Preventing a few can lead to a multiplier effect. If one were to launch a campaign of national awareness on how to decrease diabetes and obesity it will also lead to lesser number of people suffering from heart disease and stroke besides reducing medical costs in addition to the trauma and suffering that a patient undergoes. These four chronic diseases alone consume 75% of one trillion dollars. A few skeptics claim that there would be negligible or very little savings from preventive measures. This fear however is unfounded as facts prove otherwise. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2005 reveal that a federally sponsored program to prevent diabetes in pre diabetic patients generated remarkable cost savings. Several studies conducted prove conclusively that educating consumers about life style management and health care resulted in cutting down medical services by 20%. Academic health centers such as the Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland in Baltimore can play a pivotal role in conducting incentive based prevention programs. This will enable people at high risk to receive treatment at an early stage which can reduce medical costs drastically. A major drive for preventive health care is the need of the hour to keep health care costs under control otherwise courting disaster will be the only answer. Third article JAMA Application of Comparative Utilization Data in Managed care Organizations One of the main problems facing managed care organizations all over the US is data management. One of the key elements contributing to successful running of MCOs relies on the way they utilize data. A multi dimensional approach to data management is necessary for efficient working. One of the main contributing factors is the effective application of comparative utilization data. One of the chief advantages of using comparative utilization data is that it helps in cost cutting measures in the MCOs and thereby helps them to function efficiently. The MCOs can integrate comparative data into their UM process which will ensure better functioning. External benchmarking is of vital importance. It is of primary importance that MCO managers should make comparisons between their internal utilization patterns and accepted benchmarks from other communities. In performing this task MCO managers face problems like conformity in data-collection techniques as well as comparability between the subject and the benchmark data cost In order to get a clearer picture let us deal with the problems. Conformity of data is a challenging task. The healthcare industry tries its best to compile benchmark data. Several surveys are conducted for this purpose. If a survey is conducted regarding Cardiology costs $PMPM, should sub-capitate invasive cardiology be included? Should the EKGs done by internists who are specializing in cardiology be considered? Such questions demonstrate the pitfalls of collecting data through surveys. Data can prove to be of use if it contains claims-level detail. It should also be consistent Comparability is another hurdle which needs to be overcome. Most feel â€Å"Data from other markets does not apply here in my City, U.S.A.†Many physicians are averse to considering data from other locales. They may go by the logic that they have higher imaging costs in so and so area as they have seven outpatient CT scanners serving 14000 patients. Such logic does not hold water. If the source of comparative actual data is understood, then it will be able to illuminate the MCOs data by comparison. The amount of services required by people residing in a particular locality should be predictable to a large extent though prices may vary. However there are solutions which will ensure efficient functioning if they are followed. Start benchmarking using good data which pass the conformity and comparability tests. The MCOs data should not have any weakness or loopholes. MCO should also learn to handle benchmark data with care. It should not be considered the last word. . It is to be used to â€Å"uncover clues that might lead to utilization management opportunities.†It is necessary to analyze all variations. If the analyst finds abnormal patterns he should find out a reason for it. Sometimes variations occur because of data errors, fee schedule differences random variation, population differences, regional health trends, benefit differences. Efficient benchmarking does not work without the involvement of physicians at every level. Successful intervention can take place only if there is a high level of communication. If MCOs are able to lay their hands on reliable and superior quality benchmarking data it will make them function more efficiently, and benefit them in the long run. Fourth article Generic Drugs Many people are not aware of what the term generic drugs actually mean. Generic drugs are basically copies of brand name drugs even though it lacks patent protection. New innovator medicines are marketed under brand names. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) generic drugs are identical in dose, strength, route of administration, safety, efficacy, and intended use as their brand name counterpart. These are as safe to use as their brand name drug from which they have been copied as the same ingredients are used in their preparation and they have the same effect on our body. The main advantage that generic drugs enjoy over brand name drugs is their cost. They are much cheaper. One of the main reasons behind this is that producers of generic drugs do not have to bear the investment cost like the company developing new drugs. They help companies like Medicare to reduce costs and save patients a lot of money. As these drugs do not enjoy patent protection they face stiff competition, hence they try to keep the price low. Most developing countries are going in for genetic drugs in a big way. Generic drugs can be produced when patents of brand name drugs are near expiration. Companies interested in manufacturing the generic drug can send an application to the FDA. Once approval is granted these drugs can be floated in the market. These drugs also enjoy the fruits of the marketing effort made by the patent drug company. Today generic drugs are widely used. They find their way into half of the prescriptions that qualified physicians write. The facilities used to manufacture both the brand name drug and generic drugs are the same as the two are identical. Generic drugs boast of the same quality as brand name drugs. The FDA prohibits drugs to be manufactured in sub standard facilities. Around 3,500 inspections are conducted by the FDA to ensure that the requisite standards are fulfilled. About half of the brand name firms also produce generic drugs. Many of them even make their own copies. Generic drugs however look different from the brand name drugs they have been copied from. In US trademark laws prohibits the generic drug to look identical to the brand name drug. However even if looks differ the constituents are the same. Colors and flavors are allowed to vary. Contrary to popular opinion all brand name drugs do not possess a generic version. Brand name drugs enjoy patent protection for a period of two decades. Other companies can bring out the generic version only after the patent expires and they gain FDA approval. The use of generic drugs is on the increase. According to IMS health the global sales of generic drugs have shot up from $29 billion in 2003 to $78 billion in 2008
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Displacement Reaction :: Papers
Displacement Reaction The aim of my experiment is to find out what happens to the heat of the zinc and copper sulphate solution when one of the variables is changed. Key variables:  § amount of copper sulphate solution  § amount of zinc I am going to investigate what happens to the temperature of the zinc and copper sulphate solution as the amount of zinc is increased. The equation to show this reaction is: Zn + CuSO4  ® ZnSO4 + Cu The enthalpy change for the reaction is:  ²H = -217kJ mole  ¹ This means that if 1 mole of solution is used of each substance, the heat given off will be 217,000 Joules. Apparatus:  § 1 test tube  § 20ml of copper sulphate solution for each experiment  § Zinc  § Rubber bung  § Thermometer Prediction: I think that as the amount of zinc is increased, the temperature of the solution will also increase. I have used the following formula to predict some results of this experiment. q = Q mc where q = temperature rise, Q = quantity of heat, m = mass of solution (20g) and c = the specific heat capacity of water which = 4.18Jg  ¹K  ¹. 65g Zinc  ® 217000 joules 1g Zinc  ® 217000 = 3338 joules 65 Therefore for 1g of zinc: 3338 =39 °c rise 20x4.18 I can now use this formula proportionately to predict results for my investigation. For 0.3g of zinc: 0.3 x 39 = 12 °c rise For 0.5g of zinc: 0.5 x 39 = 19.5 °c rise For 0.7g of zinc: 0.7 x 39 = 27.3 °c rise For 0.9g of zinc: 0.9 x 39 = 35.1 °c rise I have used this information in order to predict the results of the temperature rise I expect to see as the amount of zinc is increased. I have also used this information to plan my experiment.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Changing the Tone :: Personal Narrative Writing Papers
Changing the Tone Every piece of writing has a voice, we've already established that. But even in the same piece of writing, the same "speaker" or "voice" may take on different tones, depending on the purpose behind the writing. Sometimes it can make the piece a bit confusing, as if the speaker is distracted. However, I think that using different tones in the same voice makes that voice seem more human, more real, more identifiable. Basically, it makes me like the writing more, even if it is poorly done. After all, when I talk or write to someone, the conversation wanders and emotions change. If the writing does that as well, I feel as if I know a real person. I know that when I write my tone changes as I write, especially if there are other things going on at the time I write. And it always seems as if there is something around to distract me. Especially when there are other people with me, like right now. I wonder why it's so loud. Speakers! He gets so upset over speakers! Sometimes I just don't understand why he continues to buy things like speakers, hi-fi VCRs, and stereo components if they cause him to get mad like this. He says he enjoys adding to his entertainment center, but I find that hard to believe. He gets mad every single time he tries to hook the things up. And then, he thinks I'm the one who is getting upset. Please! In case he hasn't noticed, I don't like to be snapped at for no reason, just because he's mad that everything isn't going perfectly. I can't wait until he's finished! Oh, well, at least he's done moving furniture. Sorry about that. I just got so mad, and since I was writing at the time, let my situation into the paper. It does, however, show what I was saying at first. While I am still the same person I was at the beginning, my tone definitely changed. Yet it doesn't even take a subject change to make the tone change. Even if I continue to write about my boyfriend, who is the guy up there with the electronics addiction, my whole tone could change while I write about him. Because you know that if he is my boyfriend I must like him at least a little. Actually, it's kind of amazing that we're still together.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Using Love to Justify Sex in A Very Short Story Essay -- Very Short St
Using Love to Justify Sex in A Very Short Story  At first glance unusually normal, at second glance unusually striking, the title "A Very Short Story" reveals Hemingway's perception of a perhaps unforgotten war experience. Man went to war. He met woman. They spent many nights together. They considered marriage. He went home without her. She moved on. He moved on. The end. The story, the relation of events, is indeed short. This is not eternal spiritual love; instead, this is the animalistic, barbaric sexual act- sex and love for the sole purpose and convenience of sex itself. Then it is over.  The story begins on "ONE HOT evening in Padua" (Hemingway, 65), "hot" relating to passionate feelings, and "evening" as the perfect time for an affair. The reader can deduct from the reference to Padua, a city in northeast Italy, that perhaps the character is at war, and in fact, this is confirmed in the fourth paragraph with a reference of an "armistice" (65). The main character himself is referred to as "he", though, knowing the author's biographical history, and presence in the war, "Hemingway" is a presumable substitution. "They" (65), his war buddies, "carried him up onto the roof", they carried him because he was injured, but also, as "the others went down and took the bottles with them", very likely intoxicated. There, he and the female figure, "Luz" meet, she "sat on the bed", and "was cool and fresh in the hot night". Immediately, alcohol, guy and girl, a rather convenient bed, and a "hot" night left alone on the rooftop combine, forming a passionate love affair.  So, who is this Luz? Well, apparently, as she was "on night duty" (65), and she was the one who "prepared him for the operating table", she is a... ...ncoln Park." (66).  Man went to war. He met woman. They spent many nights together. They considered marriage. He went home without her. She moved on. He moved on. The end.  It is a short story, and it is a simple one. Simple attraction of the opposite sexes. Simple sex. Simple break up. Simple recovery. Without the talk of marriage, it resembles any animal mating ritual on the Discovery Channel.  Interesting that the story ends with the onslaught of gonorrhea, as the cycle is continued, and thus, the simple recovery transforms magically to painful consequences. Perhaps, in Hemingway's own life, the simple recovery of losing a mistress after the war transforms and somehow contributes partly to his own suicide many years later.  Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest. "A Very Short Story." In Our Time. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1925.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Frida Kahlo’s work A Few Small Nips
The following essay will deal with Frida Kahlo’s work A Few Small Nips. The analysis of the piece of artwork will be the main focus of the essay including a brief biography of Kahlo’s which will be used in interpreting the purpose of the paining. Other art critics will be used in this analysis so that a broad spectrum of opinion is introduced and debated in the paper in order to come to a conclusion about this piece.Kahlo’s work has been interpreted as bordering and often times delving into the grotesque; but typically there is a reason of politics or personal pain behind the works created by Kahlo. In Mencer’s article The Trouble with Friday Kahlo this point is well elaborated,Among all the Kahlo tchotchkes now on sale at the NMWA gift shop, only her self-      portraits adorn the fridge magnets, not â€Å"My Birth,†or â€Å"A Few Small Nips,†a disturbing      image of a bleeding woman lying o n a bed with a man standing over her wielding a     stiletto. Kahlo's visage has become a symbol in its own right–a trend evident in the number of artists now creating tributes to her.Chicano artists in California have been    incorporating her image into their murals since the 1970s in celebrations of their heritage.         But the practice has become so common that the Japanese performance artist and drag      queen Yasumasa Morimura recently did a show called â€Å"An Inner Dialogue with Frida         Kahlo,†in which he painted himself as Kahlo self-portraits.This iconographic status of Kahlo was only more dully emphasized with the grotesque paintings she did after her miscarriage. It was this point in her personal life which gave rise to much of what is recognizable Kahlo’s own style of art as is seen in A Few Small Nips in which a brutal scene is emphasized with d iagonal viewpoints.The truth behind Kahlo’s painting A Few Small Nips resides with the act of a man brutally stabbing his girlfriend and killing her. In court the man professed he only gave her a few small nips. Thus, above the painting itself is a banner, and in Kahlo’s own sentiment she often feels that she is murdered by life. At this point in Kahlo’s life she was separated from Diego Rivera, and so those emotional feelings of abandonment, jealousy, guilt, and love all coincide to create not just a real life portrait of an event but the echoed feelings of Kahlo while being separated from Rivera (Smit).This real life portrayal used by means of expression for personal pain is typical of Kahlo’s work, as Muna writes, In A Few Small Nips (1935), Kahlo paints a dead woman on a bed, naked but for one  shoe and stocking, her body slashed and bleeding, while a man, fully dressed, stands           calmly at her side. The painting was inspired by a real-life murder story – the defendant            told the judge that it was only a few small nips – but it also stands as wider commentary     on the gender inequalities within Mexican society, as well as echoing the hurt she herself      endured at the hands of her husband, Diego Rivera.The fact that Muna wrote the gender inequality in Kahlo’s work is important. This crucial piece of evidence is what gives rise to the portrayal of Kahlo’s self portraits done in a dichotomized fashion, as well as the focus of the treatment of women.Frida’s own heritage and gender have a lot to do with her style of painting as has been seen in A Few Small Nips. Kahlo’s father was a Hungarian Jew born in Germany and her mother was Spanish and Native American. Thus, her nature of birth could also lead her dualistic approach to painting and her strong sense of preservation for women. In A Few Small Nips Kahlo presents the viewer with a woman who has just been stabbed to death and yet the killer is standing feet away from her, and thus, even in death she is denied company. This type of disturbance in the ritual of a passion crime tells the viewer that Kahlo is interpreting her own loneliness into the painting.Kahlo’s imagery and her ‘eclectic blend of ancient Aztec to modern Mexican, religious metaphor and fantasy, and penetratingly observed reality (Muna) is what draws the viewer into this painting. The fact that the painting was based on a real event, and the feelings of the man and what he said in court as his defense, ‘just a few small nips’ allows Friday creative interpretation of that event to rival her own misplaced identity and hatred so much so that the viewer becomes a part of the story in that they are witnesses to the event. Bearing witness seems to be the role placed on the a udience in order to keep the honesty of this woman’s death alive. In fact the purpose of much of Kahlo’s art is for the viewer to bear witness to a travesty, inner demons, or brutal and graphic deaths.This concept of memory or of bearing witness is designed in Kahlo’s work A Few Small Nips as collective memory for a town or witnesses or even participants together but also as individual memory. These different definitions of memory are the purpose of Kahlo’s painting. While it uses a force to ensure that Kahlo’s own identity and separation from Rivera is expressed the event of the drunk man killing his girlfriend is still intact. The joint purpose of these two sentiments is to ensure that the memory of the event does not relapse and thus prevent progression or the politics of the painting express Kahlo’s wish that the town, country and gender which this occurred does not forget such a transgression.Memory however can quickly b e wiped clean and thus it becomes important to mark tragedy with artwork as A Few Small Nips has done, so that there is a physical reconstruction of an event that is witnessed in the public eye that allows the elusive memory to remain sharp, â€Å"Inevitably every act of memory carries with it a dimension of betrayal†(Huyssen â€Å"Present Past Palimsets†; 4). In the act of constructing war memorials and citizen monuments the procession of remembering is occurring. In the act of construction is insurance that the past is not repeated.Historical memory is important because it allows the people who have survived a devastating travesty to recall the event in loving memory of the family members of people they lost, as Huyssen states â€Å"Historical memory today is not what it used to be. It used to mark the relation of a community or a nation to its past, but the boundary between past and present used to be stronger and more stable than it appears to be todayâ⠂¬ (Huyssen â€Å"Present Past Palimsets†; 1). This however does not mar the memory of the event that initiated Kahlo’s work. Although Huyssen writes that historical memory is fading into the past and events are not being recognized or remembered but instead are falling into demise over time and being forgotten this is what Kahlo’s work strongly against.The repetition of trauma is precisely why this painting is such an important piece of work in Kahlo’s collection. She painted it intended that such an event would not transpire again,The focus on trauma is legitimate where nations or groups of people are trying to come to terms with a history of violence suffered or violence perpetrated. But the transnational discourse of human rights may give us a better handle on such matters than the transfer of psychoanalysis into the world of politics and history. For it is precisely the function of public memory discourses to allow individuals t o break out of traumatic repetitions. Human rights activism, truth commissions, and juridical proceedings are better methods for dealing with historical trauma. Another is the creation of objects, artworks, memorials, public spaces of commemoration†¦Huyssen â€Å"Present Past Palimsets†; 9 Urban space that is the Tate museum which houses Kahlo’s work should be utilized in commemoration for a traumatic event so that healing may begin in a national capacity.Both of these days serve as an embodiment of an event. This in itself allows the past to be tangible. In both the memory of the event and in the survivors the day becomes a cultural history; it becomes real, fact as is done in A Few Small Nips. The past has a tendency to become mythical, and memory has ways of faltering, but to make memory real these days add the cementing of the past events (Huyssen â€Å"Present Past Palimsets†; 15). There can be no collective amnesia involved beca use the painting allows people on an international scale to become part of the remembrance.The horror in Kahlo’s painting is not only the brutality of the event, as blood is smattered in every direction of the space, but also in the facial expressions of the two bodies. While the woman is lying on the bed, killed, naked, and in flaccid immobility, the man is fully dressed, with a small smirk on his face. That smirk is the true horror of the piece. The fact that the woman is completely nude while the man is fully dressed is also a point of interest. This signifies that the woman trusted the man to get fully undressed while the man kept his secrets, his disguise as a killer, on. That is the point of the contrast between the two figures; the man keeps his secret identity.This secret identity of duality as mentioned prior is a key focal point in Kahlo’s work but in A Few Small Nips she is attributing this dualism to the mal figure instead of the female (albeit, this is not a self portrait, at least not in the typical Kahlo fashion). The point here is that Kahlo was enduring separation anxiety with Diego and so painted him as the killer giving him aplomb of secrets, and a smirk over the dead woman’s body. If this painting is taken as a self-portrait then emotionally, Kahlo is telling her audience that she is dead, murdered in fact by this smirking man, her lover, Diego.Although such an interpretation may be considered to be extreme, it still does not become drastic following the line of paintings which Kahlo further immersed herself into later in life. Although the painting is a brutal scene the fact that the banner with the works murdered by life written on them is carried by a dove says a little more about metaphor in the work. The dove is typically the bird associated with peace and hope, a scene in this painting obviously says there is none in this room, if the interpretation is taken to represent the rea l event of the day. However, if the painting is on an allegorical level a representation of Kahlo’s emotional state between her Diego’s separation, then the painting with a dove means that a resurrection is not completely unexpected.In this interpretation the notation of the blackbird on the opposite side of the banner from the dove also states another level of allegory. If the dove is representational of Kahlo’s hope, and indeed it resides on the part of the painting harboring the woman’s dead body, then the blackbird which holds the banner on the man’s side of the painting could be representational of doom, or lack of hope and rebirth. Also, the lighting which Kahlo placed in the painting is brighter around the woman’s dead body, and the shadows envelope the man which further suggests that if any hope is to be born from this brutal scene then its transgression is from the man and its livelihood rests with the woman’s fla ccid body.Thus, Kahlo accomplishes the dual side of human nature and her own feelings with these two birds: hope and travesty. Although the intention of the painting was to represent the events of a brutal murder by a drunk boyfriend, in other allusions of the painting the viewer may find Kahlo’s own harboring of love and death with her relationship with Diego as well as the identity of a woman whom she felt a kindred spirit and in painting this work Frida perhaps wanted to make the nation, and finally the world aware of the brutality which was occurring in her home town.Thus, Kahlo’s painting may be considered a piece of feminist work which allows for the viewer to bear witness to a travesty. The painting also serves as a national identity for the state of Mexico in showing the reality of the everyday in such a deplorable scene, but all too real. The purpose however, for Kahlo in creating this work was not only for her own identity but for the identity of the murdered woman and to give her justice in allowing for the world to see how she did and by whom.Work CitedHuyssen, Andreas. Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory. Stanford University Press, 2003.Lindauer, M. Devouring Frida: The Art History and Popular Celebrity of Frida Kahlo. Woman’s Art Journal. Vol. 22, NO. 1. (Spring-Summer, 2001). pp. 53-54.Mancer, S. The Trouble with Frida Kahlo. The Washington Monthly. 2002.Muna, S. Frida at the Tate Modern. Socialism Today. Issue 93. Jul-Aug 2005.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Evaluation of health care systems Essay
Abstract As a health care organization, it is important that the Saint John’s Hospital takes the security and privacy of its patients’ information very seriously. Patient information in the Saint John’s Hospital is electronic and managed by the information systems department. In the organization, the security and privacy of all information is the responsibility of the Information Systems (IS) Manager. As the IS Manager, based on the following information on security and privacy, a Management Plan has been developed to be used as the process for the maintenance of patient information privacy and security. Scenario The administration at St. John’s Hospital takes pride in their sound policies and procedures for the protection of confidential client information. In fact, they serve as a model for other institutions in the area. However, printouts discarded in the restricted-access IS department are not shredded. On numerous occasions, personnel working late observed the cleaning staff reading discarded printouts. What actions, if any, should these personnel take toward the actions of the cleaning staff? What actions, if any, should be taken by IS administration? Management plan Conduct security assessment of hospital system In the development of any improvement system, the first step is to conduct an assessment of the existing system. This will be used as the baseline measurement. To conduct this assessment, an external IS professional will be invited to conduct two exercises. The first would be a security assessment of the system during which the IS professional would perform ethical hacks against the system to assess how secure the information is from fraudulent computer users (hackers). The second assessment exercise to be conducted by the IS professional is information privacy assessment. Social engineering would be used in carrying out this assessment. The IS professional would visit the hospital as an ordinary person and interact with staff of the hospital. During these interactions, the professional would use social engineering skills to find out how much patient information could be extracted from the hospital staff. After the assessment exercises, the IS professional would present a report to the IS Manager of the hospital with recommendations on how the security holes could be blocked and the weak privacy of patient information can be strengthened. Improve security and privacy of patient information The findings and recommendations from the assessment report would be used in the improvement of the security of the system and also strengthening the privacy of any information taken from the hospital’s patients. Schneier (2000) stated, â€Å"Security is a process, not a product†(Computer Security: Will We Ever Learn?  ¶ 2). This means that the security of the information contained in any system is largely dependent on how security conscious the staff that work with the system are and not the amount of sophisticated security devices installed to protect the system. Information privacy, similar to information privacy, is also largely dependent on the level of awareness of the people who input, store, process, and utilize the information. This is because any release of patient information would originate from one of the people stated above. Training To improve the security and privacy of patient information at the Saint John‘s Hospital, the staff need to be educated on the importance of maintaining the security and privacy of information. Training sessions will be organized for all employees at least once a year to refresh their knowledge of privacy and security in compliance to with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules. HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule set a national standard for the security and privacy of electronic protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule. The US Department of Health and Human Services (2010) stated, â€Å"the Rule requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information, and sets limits and conditions on the uses and disclosures that may be made of such information without patient authorization†. The training guide will be as follows: A.Take employees through the privacy and security rules of HIPAA Here, employees will be instructed on the security and privacy expectations of the HIPAA law. Employees will be expected to adhere to these rules in order to keep to the code of ethics of St John’s Hospital. B.Train staff on importance of privacy to the core business of the hospital Employees of the hospital will be retrained on the fact that the reputation of the organization not only depends on the kind and level of service provided but also on maintaining patient privacy. C.Educate employees on what privacy and security are Employees need to what the words privacy and security mean. How they affect the patient’s information as well as the health care organization. D.Explain in details the importance of privacy and security with respect to patient health care information Employees will be educated how important it is to maintain the privacy of patients. They will be informed on the importance of not discussing patient information with any unauthorized party as well as not on any social network. E.Educate on the consequences of security breach Employees will be informed and educated on what consequences can result from a security breach if it goes public. Consequences may include compromising the integrity of the health care organization, legal suits against the hospital as well as job security of employees who are involved in the breach. Staff training on code of conduct After the staff training on the importance of information security and privacy, a code of conduct will be prepared and delivered to the staff. The code of conduct The code of conduct applies to all employees of Saint John’s Hospital. The code outlines guidelines for staff conduct and provides guidance on how to exercise judgment in ethical issues. The International Monetary Fund (1998) stated, every employee is â€Å"expected to observe the highest standards of ethical conduct, consistent with the values of integrity, impartiality and discretion†( ¶ 9). The code of conduct for the Saint John’s Hospital is as follows: †¢Under no circumstance should a patient’s personal or medical information be released to a third party without the prior consent of the patient in question †¢The release of a patient’s information to a third party without the patient’s prior consent is subject to punishment determined by the disciplinary committee. The gravity of the punishment is determined by the amount of damage created by the breach of the code of conduct. †¢It is the responsibility of each staff to â€Å"police†other staff and ensure that the code of conduct is being adhered to by all staff. †¢Computers containing patient information should have their monitors facing away from patients. †¢The password policy of the hospital should be strictly adhered to. Passwords should not be written down and placed under keyboards or any other obvious and open access area. †¢All paper documents should be thoroughly shredded and the shredded paper thoroughly mixed up before placed into the dust bin. †¢All computers that are to be donated, auctioned or sold out should be first sent to the IS department for the hard disk drive to be either removed completely and replaced with a new one or the old hard disk drive should be completely wiped off the information that was contained on the drive. Breach occurs There are many situations under which the code of conduct covering the security and privacy of patient’s information can be breached. One of such situations is the one in which cleaning staff get access to patients’ cards from the restricted-area of the Information Systems department because the cards to be discarded from this department and simply thrown into the dust bin instead of being shredded. In such a situation, the first action will be to conduct an assessment to see how much information the cleaners got their hands on. The cleaners involved in this action will be called and educated on the implication of their actions. They will be made aware of the legal implications of reading patient’s medication and/or personal information without the prior consent of the patient (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). The duties and responsibilities of the cleaning crew will be hammered and they will be made aware of the fact that they do not have the right to look through such information even if it is not shredded. They will then be advised of the punishment if such an action is observed again. The Information Systems department will immediately procure a shredder and start shredding all documents or cards that they wish discard. In addition, the IS department should investigate other areas where sensitive information could become accessible by unauthorized personnel. Conduct an incident assessment / evaluate the risks associated with the breach After the occurrence of a breach, the first thing to be done is the performance of a detailed assessment of the incidence and how it happened. Following this, a risk analysis needs to be performed to be able to know the level of damage that was caused or to be expected. The assessment will evaluate the extent to which the information was spread. If it is just within the cleaning crew only, then it will be handled internally but if any information is gone out, the affected patients will be contacted and the appropriate action taken. This assessment needs to be performed as soon as possible so that the hospital will be in the posit ion to respond to any allegations that may come from the patient(s) that was affected by breach. With this done, it would be possible to know if the risk can be mitigated or eliminated completely. Prepare incident report One of the responsibilities of the IS Manager is to keep the hospital’s management board constantly updated with all activities related to the information systems. Every code of conduct breach needs to be reported in an incidence report prepared for the hospital management board. The incident report should contain the following information: †¢Code of conduct that was breached. †¢Person(s) responsible for the breach †¢Date and time of the breach †¢How the breach was discovered †¢Risk assessment of the breach Prevent future breaches/talk about how incident occurred With the incident report properly prepared, it would be clear to the IS Manager how it was possible for the breach to have been breached. This knowledge can now be used to document, in detail, how the code was breached and how such an action can be prevented in the future. The appropriate actions would then need to be carried out to ensure that there is no repetition of the act in the future. Implementing the management plan To implement this change in the organization, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle will be used as a model for change as well as continuous improvement. ASQ (2011) stated, â€Å"The plan-do-check-act cycle is a four-step model for carrying out change†. The implementation of the management plan will be undertaken by the human resource department in conjunction with the information system department. The security training will be conducted by the security engineer of the information systems department and the human resource department will handle the privacy training. The whole process will be supervised by the information systems manager. Conclusion To ensure the continuous security and privacy of patient information, medical institutions need to understand that there has to be continuous staff training and assessment and improvement of the information systems, therefore, the PDCA cycle will be continued and encouraged among staff. A system that is not continuously reviewed and improved will be a static system that will vulnerable to identified system vulnerabilities. Staffs need to be continuously trained and updated on privacy issues concerning the health care industry. Information security and privacy need to be approached as dynamic processes which need to be continuously monitored and improved to ensure that they are always at the best levels. References ASQ. (2011). Project planning and implementing tools. Retrieved March 31, 2011 from International Monetary Fund. (1998). IMF Code of Conduct for Staff. Retrieved March 29, 2011 from, on December 15, 2011 Schneier, B. (2000). Computer Security: Will We Ever Learn? Cryto-Gram Newsletter. Retrieved March 28, 2011 from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Health Information Privacy. Retrieved April 1, 2011 from
Future Trend of Crisis Intervention Essay
Future Trend of Crisis Intervention in the Human Services Delivery System In the United States Human Service profession continues to expand yearly. Despites the yearly gross for this profession many people still strive to continue to succeed in this profession. It is unfortunate that sadly human service workers are the first to become victims of budget cuts and layoffs because of low funds. This paper will focus on the trend of human service, the practice of crisis intervention in human services, challenges likely by the trends as a result of the impact and how human service workers should deal with these trends. Purpose of Crisis Intervention Crisis intervention is mainly important for those who have been in some type of crisis. Those who have experienced emotional, mental, and physiological distress are among those who make use of crisis intervention methods. Normally a person who experiences crisis intervention cannot function normally, need help coping and not capable of solving problems by him or herself. Kidnapping, sexual assault, criminal victimizations are several crises that people face. One of the main issues that human services face today is meeting the needs of people. Crisis intervention has evolved into a human service subspecialty to help people who cannot afford high costs for mental health issues. Crisis intervention core goal is to help decrease victim’s reaction to a crisis that may be behavioral, mental, and physical. It helps victims return to their normal selves by removing ineffective coping skills. Some of these are substance abuse, alcohol abuse, aloofness, and a host of others. Often time’s people recover from their crisis by speaking about what occurred and other lifetime achievements. It depends on the individual to determine the time frame that its takes a person to seek help after a crisis. Crisis intervention program can take place in a hospital, clinics, mental health centers, and other social service agencies. Unfortunate it is not appropriate for people suffering long-standing problems.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Debate About Same-Sex Marriage Essay
One of America’s most debated issues today is the Same-Sex Marriage. In fact, gay marriage has been legalized in nine States in America. Having to be a part of the Christian community, we truly disagree to this for it is a sin as we consider it and we do not have to think twice in contradicting this topic. However, it doesn’t hurt to talk a little about this. Same-sex marriage will be legalized is most countries some day. The inevitable are being postponed by the generations who precede us and govern our lands. A lot of young people do not even realize the enormity of it all. We heard a lot of people say that they accept homosexuality, but that they don’t think that the whole â€Å"marriage†thing is important.. Well, it obviously is. Because when marriage happens, the things on a personal level are not just the ones affected. One’s finance, future, status, insurance, contract, and so many more will also be affected. If the government does not recognize your same-sex partner as your husband/wife, a lot of complicated situations, in terms of paperwork and justice, will arise. And that’s why we think it needs to be legalized. ‘’Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things – he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies.’’ – Jimmy Carter. Love has no boundaries, they say. But when referring to love, does that mean the affection between a man and a woman or the affection between two individuals, regardless the sexuality? Personally, we think, the word ‘sexuality’ from the phrase ‘regardless the sexuality’ can be referred as a boundary from the quote ‘’Love has no boundaries,’â⠂¬â„¢  which should not be a hindrance in finding true love. Picture an x-ray photograph of two skeletons showing affection by kissing. The moment you look at it, you are slowly being baffled by the curiosity if it is a girl and a boy, a boy and a boy, a girl and a girl, or even a black man and a white woman. Just the simplicity of the connection and the beauty of the two human beings sharing love is all that should matter. Love prevails beneath all that skin. However, the institution of marriage has traditionally been defined as between a man and a woman. It is believed that marriage is the union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family. Legalizing same-sex marriage would weaken the respect for the real definition of marriage. The legality of marriage has been encountering a few inconsistencies – having multiple wives; being okay of marrying your own relatives; the latest argument, same-sex marriage; and maybe in the near future, the legalization of marrying an animal. If same-sex marriage is to be approved, it will only start a chain reaction which will eventually ruin the essence of marriage. Another disadvantage would be carried on as a burden and embarrassment by their child, and an insult bullies can use against them. That is, if ever a gay family plans on adopting their own child. The child will have so many questions – why he has two fathers or maybe why he has two mothers, why he does not have a normal family. No matter how thorough and understandable their explanation is, if the child sees a normal family composes: a mother, a father, and a child, and he/she is aware that only a man and a woman can bear children, then curiosity and confusion will just hit their child harder. Being part of the Christian community, we believe that marriage is for men and women and friendship is for two individuals of the same sexuality. Yes, loving the same gender does not hurt anyone, but it just does not appeal to the culture we have learned and have been taught. God has created woman for man, and man for woman. Abiding to His rule is an act of sinfulness. Marriage is of the seven sacraments Catholic Church. It is not something a person can just plan the day before and do the day after. It is well thought and prepared for. For this is a commitment not only to your partner but also to God. Basically, we approve of gay relationships but not gay marriage.
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