Thursday, December 26, 2019
How Descartes Throws On The Wind Of Search For A Universal...
In this essay I will address how Descartes throws all his beliefs to the wind in search for a universal and unchanging foundational truth, that bypass his deceptive senses and shines light on all his beliefs that are clearly and distinctly, proven based on his supreme foundational truth. As Descartes tries to unravel his former beliefs and find an unquestioning truth in which he can build all other truths without the errors of deception leading him astray. Descartes begins his search by questioning how his former beliefs became questionable and faulty in the first place. In meditation one Descartes explains that everything that he had previously believed in before had been learned either by his sensory perceptions or through his sensory†¦show more content†¦Which leads Descartes to distrust all his sensory perceptions, because he feels that they can be used against him to deceive him. However Descartes does see that even though his senses can deceive him that doesn’t mean that his senses aren’t altogether a deception themselves. His mind cannot create something that he himself has never felt, heard, seen, smelled, or tasted before, the mind creates what it has encountered before and sometimes even if you haven’t encountered a specific s ituation or sensation the mind will at least compare it to something of similar sensation. So, for this Descartes knows that his senses have the ability to deceive him but that when they do deceive him they are using real reference points. With the false sensory perceptions in mind, Descartes believes of this idea that an evil demon exist to solely try and deceive him using his senses. Which leads Descartes to cut out all understanding and beliefs of everything he cant be sure of â€Å"no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies†(pg. 139). But then Descartes realizes and states in his second meditation, if he cut outs everything in which he thought existed what would he be left with, nothing, would he himself even exist? No, he has to exist right because he’s thinking and the evil demon is deceiving him. The evil demon would not try and deceive him if he did not exist in the first place. (Descartes Meditations 1-3, slide 26) This train of thought leads Descartes to his most famous line and the basis
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay about Apollo Shoes - Internal Controls Solution
ICC-1 Apollo Shoes, Inc. Internal Control Questionnaire Sales Transaction Processing December 31, 2007 Objectives and Questions Yes, No, N/A Comments Environment: 1. Is the credit department independent of the sales department? Yes. Credit manager in Treasurers office 2. Are sales of the following types controlled by the same procedures described below? Sales to employees, COD sales, disposals of property, cash sales and scrap sales. No available information, apparently not applicable Existence Objective: 3. Is access to sales invoice blanks restricted? Yes. Kept in locked closet 4. Are prenumbered bills of lading or other shipping documents prepared or completed in the shipping department? Yes. Shipping department†¦show more content†¦Dishonest shipping personnel can alone let accomplices receive large quantities and alter the invoice to charge them for small quantities. In this system, sales and accounts receivable would be understated, and inventory would be understated. The physical count of inventory will need to be observed carefully (extensive work) to detect material misstatement, if any. ICC-1.3 Apollo Shoes Accounting and Control Procedure Manual Sales and Accounts Receivable Daily batches of sales invoices shall be analyzed by sales totals in the athletic shoes product lines. Sales credits are coded to three product line sales revenue accounts. Charges to customer accounts should be dated the date of shipment. When sales invoices are recorded, the numerical sequence shall be checked by an accounts receivable clerk, and missing invoices must be located and explained. The items shipped shall be compared to the items billed for proper quantity, price, and other sales order terms. The general ledger supervisor shall compare the copy 2 daily batch total with the copy 4 individual accounts posting total sent from the accounts receivable department. Discrepancies shall be investigated to help assure that the customer subsidiary accounts are posted for the same total amount posted to the controlShow MoreRelatedBeginning the Audit Report Essay1934 Words  | 8 PagesTo: Senior Partner From: Kim Cummings Re: Apollo Shoes Audit Dear Senior Partner: As you know, our firm has been selected to perform the Apollo Shoes audit. The planning process has been the most delicate stage as we want to ensure we have a solid audit approach. The team I select will be dedicated in meeting the objectives and strategies for completing the audit. I will briefly explain to you how I plan to begin the audit process. Now that Apollo Shoes has selected our firm, the initial planningRead MoreEssay on Apollo Shoes Case33718 Words  | 135 Pages[pic]APOLLO SHOES, INC. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Chosen 3 Essay Research Paper In free essay sample
The Chosen 3 Essay, Research Paper In the novel, The Chosen, Chaim Potok successfully captures the unusual imposts of a Judaic community through humor and sarcasm. Potok # 8217 ; s fresh focal points on two Judaic male childs, who live in a universe where high criterions of accomplishment are expected of them by their households. The wish to go an insightful leader in the Jewish community was an ever prevailing usage of the two households. But with difficult work and doggedness, the two male childs ( Rueven and Danny ) , find out who they truly are, and what lives they will take in the hereafter. The fresh dressed ores on the desire to gestate a individual # 8217 ; s personal wants while conforming to tradition. The footing of all the struggles in the full fresh root from the differences in household life which are brought on by the disagreements of spiritual beliefs. Rueven, who is an Orthodox Jew, goes to a parochial school where Hebrew is taught alternatively of Yiddish ( which would be considered the first Judaic linguistic communication ) . Rueven # 8217 ; s school is besides really incorporate with many English speech production categories. But on the other manus, Danny, who attends a yeshiva ( besides a Judaic school ) , considers himself a true Jew because he ( unlike Rueven ) wears the traditional side coil and is educated in Yiddish. At first the two male childs can non stand each other, many times Danny refers to Rueven as # 8220 ; apikorsim, # 8221 ; ( 32 ) which fundamentally translates to # 8230 ; person who is non true to their faith. These differences between the two shortly become disused with one unfortunate accident, and do them recognize they could utilize each other to acquire through some difficult times. # 8220 ; Silence is all we dread. There # 8217 ; s ransom in a voice # 8211 ; But Silence is infinity. # 8221 ; -Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson # 8217 ; s quotation mark can be related to the novel in several ways. # 8220 ; Silence is all we dread, # 8221 ; can associate to Danny # 8217 ; s life style and how he can non stand the silence in which his male parent lives. The lone clip Danny makes conversation with his male parent is when he is analyzing the Talmud. # 8221 ; It occurred to me all of a sudden that non a individual word had passed between him and his male parent all eventide, except for the Talmud competition # 8221 ; ( 145 ) . This silence is fundamentally what drove Danny to seek for counsel or person to speak to. / gt ; # 8220 ; There # 8217 ; s ransom in a voice, # 8221 ; relates to Rueven being Danny # 8217 ; s Jesus. As Danny explains to Rueven what he said to his male parent, # 8220 ; I told him we were good friends, I truly think we are # 8221 ; ( 119 ) . Danny relied on Rueven as a friend for the following several old ages. The silence was now endurable with a friend at his side. He finally gained adequate assurance with Rueven # 8217 ; s aid to state his male parent he did non desire to go a Rabbi like him and his male parent. He had risked the devastation of traditional ways by disobeying his male parents wants. # 8220 ; But Silence is eternity, # 8221 ; explains how Reb Saunders ( Danny # 8217 ; s male parent ) has raised his boy in silence since he was born. Even though Danny is used to the silence, and still does non like it, others are appalled by it and make non understand it. Danny does non oppugn the silence because his male parent does non talk. But by raising Danny in silence # 8230 ; it teaches him to be more independent, it puts him in the place to be a leader # 8230 ; a Rabbi, but Danny does non desire this. He continuously reads books on great bookmans and on depth psychology, because of this certain involvement he decides he would wish to be a psychologist. Danny explains to Rueven how he wants to be a psychologist, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; ll be majoring in psychological science # 8221 ; ( 148 ) . The Dickinson quotation mark relates to about everything in the novel, and is really easy to utilize while explicating certain inside informations. The novel, The Chosen, shows us how of import friends truly are, and what sort of consequence your household has on the determinations you make. The bond brought between Danny and Rueven is singular, a pursuit to absorb every bit much cognition as possible like they did, is unbelievable. The unusual manner of conveying up a kid in silence rubbed off on Danny a spot, he became a strong independent individual on his ain, with a small aid from Rueven. In the terminal, Danny conforms with tradition and lives up to his male parents criterions. As Rueven # 8217 ; s father inquiries Danny, # 8220 ; When you have a boy of your ain, you will raise him in silence? # 8221 ; ( 284 ) Danny responds, # 8220 ; Yes, if I can # 8217 ; t happen another way. # 8221 ; ( 284 ) Danny eventually understands his male parent, and respects him for his determination in taking to raise him that manner. Danny says to Rueven about him and his male parent, # 8220 ; We talk now. # 8221 ; ( 284 ) ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
William Shakespeare Example For Students
William Shakespeare Biography Biography William Shakespeare (1564–1616) English dramatist and poet, born at Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, on St George’s Day, 23 April. Very few of the traditional stories of his early life can stand up to serious examination. His father, John Shakespeare (c.1529–1601) was a glover and wool-dealer who became an alderman, bailiff and money-lender in Stratford and, after a period of financial difficulty and obscurity, received a grant of arms in 1596. His mother, Mary Arden (c.1537–1608), came from a landed family whose genealogy could be traced to Anglo-Saxon times. We will write a custom essay on William Shakespeare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Educated at the King’s New School (which had covert Jesuit connections), he would have been well grounded in Latin and rhetoric. Some scholars suggest that he was a servant or teacher in Catholic households in Lancashire 1581–82 (a variant of John *Aubrey’s story that he was ‘a schoolmaster in the country’) and he seems to have known five men who were executed as recusants. The next positive evidence of Shakespeare’s existence is the licence to marry Anne *Hathaway (1582). The christenings of their children are recorded, that of his elder daughter Susanna in May 1583, that of the twins Judith and Hamnet in February 1585. The boy Hamnet died aged 11 but Judith married and survived her father; his granddaughter Elizabeth (d.1670), the daughter of Susanna, who had married John Hall, a Stratford physician, was his last known descendant. A familiar, but less likely, legend relates that he left Stratford (c.1585) to avoid prosecution for poaching on the estate of Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecote. He probably arrived in London between 1585 and 1587, drawn by the appeal of city life and growing realisation of his own talents, probably as an actor-writer with ‘Lord Strange’s Men’, an acting troupe, in theatres originally managed by James Burbage. A disparaging reference to Shakespeare in 1592 by the dramatist Robert Greene confirms that he was well established in London. Circumstances favoured him: nine openair theatres were built in London in Shakespeare’s lifetime, beginning in 1576, some accommodating audiences of up to 3000, remarkable for a city of 200,000 people. There was an ever increasing demand for plays and spectacles (including bearbaiting), a situation unprecedented until the explosive impact of cinema and television more than 300 years later. London’s theatres were closed in 1592–94 because of the plague. When they re-opened, Shakespeare was with ‘The Lord Chamberlain’s Men’, which acted at court, as actor, writer and probably director. In 1603 the company was renamed ‘The King’s Men’, under James I’s patronage. Shakespeare’s writing mirrors the circumstances of his times: drama in the theatre filled a psychological gap after the suppression of the Mass and abandonment of mystery plays, the upsurge of patriotic feelings after the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and publishing poetry when the theatres were closed. There was an extraordinary burst of creativity in drama towards the end of the Elizabethan and in the early Jacobean periods, unparalleled until the literary explosion in Russia in the 19th century. Shakespeare’s contemporary dramatists and poets included Spenser, Sidney, Greene, Middleton, Marlowe, Nash, Jonson, Kyd, Webster, Beaumont, Fletcher, Tourneur, Dekker, Ford, Thomas Heywood, George Wilkins, Donne and the Metaphysical poets. Francis Meres, in Palladis Tania. Wit’s Treasury (1598), rated Shakespeare highly both in comedy and tragedy. Shakespeare’s first published works were the narrative poems Venus and Adonis (1593), very successful and much reprinted, and The Rape of Lucrece (1594), both based on Ovid and dedicated to Henry Wriothesley, the young Earl of Southampton. Most of the sonnets may date from this period. Eleven plays (13 including disputed attributions) are based on mistaken /double identity. Answers to the questions ‘Who are you?’ or ‘Are you who you say you are?’ could be matters of life or death in Elizabethan England, after convulsive changes from Catholicism, to Anglicanism, back to Catholicism and returning to modified strains of Anglicanism. Three of Shakespeare’s plays (As You Like It, Twelfth Night, The Tempest) do not specify a location, 14 are set (in whole or in part) in England, 12 in Italy (Northern Italy 6, Ancient Rome 4, Sicily 3,), 5 (in whole or part) in France, 2 in Turkey (Ephesus and Ancient Troy), 2 in Athens and Ancient Britain, 1 each in Bohemia, Croatia (Illyria), Egypt, Denmark, Scotland, Lebanon (Tyre), and Vienna. Some have several locations, for example Henry V in England and France, Antony and Cleopatra in Rome, Alexandria, Messina and Athens, Othello in Venice and Cyprus. He drew on material from Homer, Terence, Plautus, Virgil, Ovid, Seneca, Plutarch, Boccaccio, Chaucer, *Caxton, Bandello, Holinshed, Montaigne and the Geneva Bible (especially Job and St Matthew.) In Shakespeare’s time, all the female characters, some of the greatest in all drama – Juliet, Lady Macbeth, Gertrude, Rosalind, Desdemona, Cleopatra, Portia, Beatrice – were played by men or boys. There are only two functional marriages in the 38 plays, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Claudius and Gertrude, suggesting that Shakespeare took a bleak view of the institution. Bill Bryson’s conclusion that there is ‘no evidence that Shakespeare had a warm relationship with any other human being’ is probably correct. The earliest plays included the political-historical tetralogy Henry VI Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 and Richard III (1589–92). .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c , .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .postImageUrl , .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c , .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:hover , .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:visited , .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:active { border:0!important; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:active , .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u716cfe71801a4d7f5b9b70bbcc927b0c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The play Richard II by William Shakespeare is about a King who failed to perform his duties as King EssayThe Henry VI plays, popular in their time, are now sometimes cut and bracketed together and performed as a single work. However, Richard III is a dramatic masterpiece, despite the unremitting Tudor partisanship of Shakespeare’s portrayal of *Richard. The Comedy of Errors (a free adaptation of Plautus) and Titus Andronicus (from Seneca) are also early and despite skill in plot construction and versification, there are crudities which disappeared as the playwright matured. When the later tetralogy Richard II, Henry IV Part 1 and Part 2 and Henry V (1594– 99) is compared with the first, it is clear how far Shakespeare’s power and psychological insight have strengthened, notably in *Henry IV’s torment about the murder of *Richard II. Sir John Falstaff, fat, scheming and disreputable, Shakespeare’s greatest comic creation, is a central character in Henry IV, parts 1 and 2, and The Merry Wives of Windsor, and his death is reported in Henry V. In comedy, Shakespeare was gaining an increased sureness of touch in combining farcical incident with subtle understanding of human nature, demonstrated in The Taming of the Shrew, which, with The Two Gentlemen of Verona and Love’s Labour’s Lost, was almost certainly written before 1594. Some of his most popular plays were written in the period 1594–99: Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, followed by The Merchant of Venice and The Merry Wives of Windsor, and another history play, King John, now rarely performed. Increasingly rich, in 1597 he bought New Place, a substantial house in Stratford. In 1599 Shakespeare’s company acquired the Globe Theatre, which burned down in 1613. On the eve of *Essex’s rebellion in February 1601, his supporters commissioned a special performance of Richard II, where a weakening sovereign is overthrown. Shakespeare’s company was never accused of complicity in the plot: the play was well known and it was clearly a commercial transaction. Shakespeare’s finest comedies were Much Ado About Nothing (1598), As You Like It (1599) and Twelfth Night (1600–02). As a playwright he now reached his zenith, beginning with Julius Caesar (1599), the first of three Roman plays based on Plutarch, with powerful characterisation of Brutus – by far the longest part, Mark Antony and Caesar, and a chilling cameo of Octavian (the future Caesar *Augustus.) The second and third of the Roman plays were Antony and Cleopatra (1606–07) and Coriolanus (1608). Antony and Cleopatra, written in 42 scenes, is a complex epic, involving love, betrayal and conflicting loyalties, and critical opinion has long been divided on its ranking. Shakespeare borrowed from Plutarch and Virgil (whose account of Dido and Aeneas was in part a tactful account of Cleopatra and Antony, their contemporary prototypes). Frank Kermode marvelled at the play’s ‘glamour †¦ and magnificence’ and the contrasts between ‘melting Alexandria and †¦ rigid, stony Rome.’ Coriolanus, a dark, rarely performed, late play, considered superior to Hamlet by T. S. Eliot, is the most overtly political work in the canon, with a disconcerting contemporary relevance: the central character’s chilling sense of his own honour drives his ambition and self-justification. Hamlet (1600–01) is the longest, greatest, most performed, most filmed, most quoted of all the plays and the one most resembling a novel, with its seven interior monologues (soliloquies), exploring the problem of self-knowledge and emotional paralysis. Then came Othello (1604), with its themes of sexuality, race and treachery, King Lear (1605–06), the darkest of all, with its paroxysms of grief, a metaphor for reversion from civilization to barbarism, and Macbeth, psychologically one of the most complex (1605–06). Troilus and Cressida (1602), Measure for Measure (1603) and All’s Well that Ends Well (1604–05) are sometimes described as Shakespeare’s ‘problem plays’, where the boundary between comedy and tragedy is becoming blurred and mood changes are sudden and sometimes inexplicable. Cymbeline (1610), set in Ancient Britain, is an extraordinary mixture of genres, full of anachronisms but with fine poetry. The Winter’s Tale (1610–11) is a complex and uneven work about separation in families: a return to life after 16 years. Kermode points to ranting and pathology in the first part, then calm and acceptance in the last acts His last completed play, The Tempest (1610–11), shows his creative powers at their highest and the character of Prospero, the deposed Duke of Milan, a magus-like figure on a remote island, seems to be strongly autobiographical and may have been played by Shakespeare himself. The Tempest, the most musical of the 38 plays, represents a farewell to his creative life in the theatre. Montaigne’s influence, with its intense speculation about the inner life and its contradictions, is apparent in Hamlet and King Lear and he is quoted (without attribution) in The Tempest. Montaigne’s Essays were translated by John *Florio who, like Shakespeare, enjoyed the patronage of the Earl of Southampton. The plays are not dated and attempts to arrange them in chronological order have provoked endless controversy. At least 18 were published in Shakespeare’s lifetime in quarto form, and they are of particular interest because of their relevance to specific productions, so that the name of an actor may appear in the text instead of the character played. A collected edition of 36 plays, known as the First Folio, appeared posthumously in 1623, and the names of the editors, John Heminges and Henry Condell, friends and fellow-actors, vouched for its general authenticity, although the texts were drawn from actors’ reconstructions and spellings and rhymes are inconsistent. .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 , .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .postImageUrl , .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 , .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:hover , .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:visited , .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:active { border:0!important; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:active , .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2 .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u55eeef1af68225fea3ecbd25540672c2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Explore Shakespeare's presentation of Act 3 Scene 1 As A Turning Point In The Play? EssayThe First Folio includes the pageant play Henry VIII (1613, mostly written by John Fletcher) but excludes the collaborations Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1607, with George Wilkins?), and The Two Noble Kinsmen (1613, Fletcher). Cardenio, based on a story in *Cervantes’ Don Quixote, and a collaboration between Shakespeare and Fletcher, performed in 1613, is now lost. About 750 copies were printed, selling for  £1. Eighteen plays, including Macbeth, only survive because they appear in the First Folio. The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC holds 82 of the surviving copies. Shakespeare’s plays are generally far longer than those written by his contemporaries. The Sonnets were published in book form, possibly without authorisation, in 1609: Sonnets Nos. 1–126 are homoerotic, addressed to a ‘fair youth’, Nos. 127– 154 to an unidentified ‘dark lady’. The dedication, by the publisher Thomas Thorpe (or T.T.) to ‘Mr W. H.’, as the ‘onlie begetter’ of the sonnets, has caused much unresolved speculation. Very little is known about Shakespeare’s life: what he read (other than the obvious sources), if he travelled, the inspirations for his powerful and original ideas, his political or religious beliefs, his sexual orientation. The richness, diversity and depth of his work led to the rise of ‘bardolatry’ in the 18th century but the meagre evidence of his personal life raised some questions, although it was not until 1856 that alternative authors were proposed. Francis *Bacon came first, then Edward de Vere, Earl of *Oxford. The 19th-century fiction that creative writing had to be autobiographical was picked up by *Freud, who should have known better. Seventy-nine alternate candidates have now been proposed. Three are royal, 16 are peers or peeresses, one a cardinal, one a saint, and 32 are published authors. None is remotely plausible. (J. S. *Bach also had an enigmatic interior life but his authorship is virtually unchallenged.) Slips in writing about Europe or classical antiquity provide support for Shakespeare’s authorship: no writer from a university would expose himself to such errors. Ulysses quotes Aristotle. There are clocks in Julius Caesar. There are striking examples of anatopism, having something out of place. The Winter’s Tale refers to the coasts (and also a desert) of Bohemia. Characters in Two Gentlemen of Verona sail from Milan to Verona (although he might have been referring to travel by canal), and from Milan to the Adriatic in The Tempest. The only banks in Venice were mercantile and lovers would not be sitting on them. Shakespeare was a man of genius who trawled and reworked the secondary sources rather than having direct exposure to life outside England. His Venetians, Romans, Athenians, Sicilians, Ancient Britons are essentially Londoners. Shakespeare’s last five years were divided between London and New Place, Stratford, where his wife had remained. He died there on his birthday, 23 April 1616 (the same date as Cervantes, but 10 days later under the unreformed Julian calendar), and is buried in Holy Trinity Church. A GPR (ground penetrating radar) scan of Shakespeare’s grave (2010) suggests that the skull is missing, possibly stolen in the 1790s. New Place was substantially rebuilt in 1702, finally demolished in 1759. Archaeology continues on the site and the gardens have been imaginatively restored. Shakespeare’s plays remained popular in his lifetime and some 20 years after. The theatres closed from 1642–60 during the Civil War and the Commonwealth, and as fashions changed his work suffered some eclipse. (After the Restoration, *Pepys recorded seeing 15 performances of plays by and 26 adaptations of Shakespeare and 76 performances of plays by Beaumont and Fletcher). However, *Dryden, and later *Johnson, proclaimed his pre-eminence, which has never been challenged since. Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2, were the first plays by Shakespeare performed in Australia (1800). More than 270 operas are based on Shakespeare’s plays, the finest being by *Purcell, *Berlioz, *Bellini, *Thomas, *Verdi, *Gounod, *Vaughan Williams, *Tippett, *Britten, *Bernstein and *Adà ¨s. There have been more than 400 television productions or films of Shakespeare’s plays, beginning with short excerpts from the silent era, e.g. King John (1899). In Shakespeare’s hands blank verse became an instrument of great delicacy whether for dialogue, narrative, description o r argument; adaptable equally to any plot or situation, tragic or comic. His vocabulary was exceptionally large for his time: David Crystal cautiously estimates that Shakespeare used between 17,000 and 20,000 words, allowing for divergent spellings, definitions and ambiguities. Bill Bryson credits Shakespeare with the coinage, or first recorded use, of 2,035 words (including ‘accommodation’, ‘addiction’, ‘assassination’, ‘barefaced’, ‘bloodstained’, ‘courtship’, ‘fashionable’, ‘frugal’, ‘generous’, ‘gossip’, ‘hobnob’, ‘lack-lustre’, ‘leapfrog’, ‘majestic’, ‘moonbeam’, ‘mountaineer’, ‘negotiate’, ‘obscene’, ‘premeditated’, ‘quarrelsome’, ‘rant’, ‘restoration’, ‘scuffle’, ‘torture’ and ‘vast’), 170 of them in Hamlet. His works have been t ranslated more than any other author and many characters are household names. No writer has given more continuous delight or shown greater insight into the heart and mind, although we know so little of his own.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Univeral Cultures essays
Univeral Cultures essays A culture is a way of life of a group of people through their symbols, norms and beliefs that they accept, generally without thinking. They are passed by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Humans are also diverse and change when concerns of life spring up that change human cultures. Even though culture is unique and universal to man it however can be variable. Culture is universal all human groups create a design of living that includes either material and non-material culture. Material culture refers to physical objects and resources people use to define their culture that is to say the homes they live in, the cars they drive, their schools, and clothing they wear. On the other hand non-material culture refers to the physical ideas people have, religion , language, and norms. Cultural differences manifest themselves in different ways. In the first place, there are symbols these are words, gestures or objects that carry a particular meaning which is only recognized by those who share a particular culture. These symbols are easily developed and sometimes copied while others disappear. Additionally, norms are the means through which values are expressed in behavior. Everywhere in the world there are rules that make it possible to get things done. Norms can be broken down to four basic types; folkways or customs, mores which control moral and ethnic behavior, taboos which is a norm that society holds so strongly that violating it results in extreme disgust and laws, they are written down and are enforced by official law enforcement. Lastly. there is beliefs these are ideas viewpoints and attitudes of a particular society. These beliefs are the glue that holds cultures and families together. Due to the different global economies through out the world people leave the comfort of their culture and society for a better way of life. When immigrants come to the United States, they may experienc ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on The Search For The Standard Authority Of The Early Church
The search for the standard authority in the Early Church I understand and have not violated the Seminary ¡Ã‚ ¦s position on plagiarism ____________________________________________________________ Introduction: The Problem of Authority One of the hallmarks of the Reformed tradition is the concept of sola Scriptura, which is the teaching and belief that the only authoritative special revelation from God that man has is the written Scriptures or the Bible. Underlying this belief is the understanding concerning the nature of Scripture itself, that it is the inerrant, infallible, and inspired word of God. The idea of sola Scriptura stems from the work of the Protestant Reformation where figures like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli countered the claims of the Roman Catholic Church who attributed their authority in the church ¡Ã‚ ¦s traditions or what is called the magisterium. The magisterium is the official teaching body of the Church that is inspired by the Pope. Underlying this conviction is the belief that Jesus Christ transferred His authority to the apostles and their ordained successors, the bishops, where the primary authority was given to the Roman see; this concept is also known as apostolic succession. Ho wever the reformers denied that such authority could be attributed to an individual or tradition within the post-apostolic church as seen in the Westminster confessions, which reads:  ¡Ã‚ §The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit or traditions of men. ¡Ã‚ ¨ (WCF 1:6) Clearly we see that for the reformers, the authority of the Scriptures would find no equal, whether in terms of traditions or any individual whose claim to authority is said to parallel Scripture. H... Free Essays on The Search For The Standard Authority Of The Early Church Free Essays on The Search For The Standard Authority Of The Early Church The search for the standard authority in the Early Church I understand and have not violated the Seminary ¡Ã‚ ¦s position on plagiarism ____________________________________________________________ Introduction: The Problem of Authority One of the hallmarks of the Reformed tradition is the concept of sola Scriptura, which is the teaching and belief that the only authoritative special revelation from God that man has is the written Scriptures or the Bible. Underlying this belief is the understanding concerning the nature of Scripture itself, that it is the inerrant, infallible, and inspired word of God. The idea of sola Scriptura stems from the work of the Protestant Reformation where figures like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli countered the claims of the Roman Catholic Church who attributed their authority in the church ¡Ã‚ ¦s traditions or what is called the magisterium. The magisterium is the official teaching body of the Church that is inspired by the Pope. Underlying this conviction is the belief that Jesus Christ transferred His authority to the apostles and their ordained successors, the bishops, where the primary authority was given to the Roman see; this concept is also known as apostolic succession. Ho wever the reformers denied that such authority could be attributed to an individual or tradition within the post-apostolic church as seen in the Westminster confessions, which reads:  ¡Ã‚ §The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit or traditions of men. ¡Ã‚ ¨ (WCF 1:6) Clearly we see that for the reformers, the authority of the Scriptures would find no equal, whether in terms of traditions or any individual whose claim to authority is said to parallel Scripture. H...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Should nurses (CRNAs) be able to administer anesthesia without doctor Essay
Should nurses (CRNAs) be able to administer anesthesia without doctor supervision - Essay Example ving gone through four year training and earned a degree in nursing, taken another two years in clinical training and worked in the field more than a decade, Clifford on his own was still not set to handle the unexpected dire situation. The training he underwent as a nurse had only equipped him with the skill to administer medicine, work the equipment, and ensure the smooth working of the procedural anesthesia delivery. In the recent past there has been a growing call for nurses (CRNAs) to be allowed to administer anesthesia without doctor supervision. This new development emanates from the 2001 changes made on regulations governing Medicare and Medicaid that allowed states to opt out of the requirement that CRNA be supervised. According to supporters of the move, the removal of the existing requirement works to increase access to health care, particularly for the people in the rural areas. Today, states such as Colorado have already embraced this new idea. This work argues out the p oint that it may be dangerous to allow CRNAs to administer anesthesia without the supervision of doctors. First, compared to physician anesthesiologists, a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) training is limited especially when it comes to understanding medical response, medical diagnosis, and the ultra-complex operation of human body system. As in the case of Clifford, many nurses are likely to tense when faced with situation where such systems are under the influence of a drug induced coma, thus endangering the patient’s life (Kahana, 381-383). Supervisory doctors or physician anesthesiologists typically depict higher knowledge when compared to that acquired by CRNAs. This training places them in a better position to make on-the spot medical decisions frequently required when handling adverse situations in the operating room. The decisions include those made in the whole perioperative experience to even those depicted in the life-threatening circumstances. This is not
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Convection, Conduction and Radiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Convection, Conduction and Radiation - Essay Example The energy transferred from one system to another is called the internal energy. Internal energy is, although not in all cases, is proportional to temperature. Essentially, the transfer of energy or heat starts from the system with the higher temperature to the system with the lower temperature. The higher the internal energy of the system, the higher is the temperature of the system. However, there are cases when there are no changes on the temperature of the system even though there was an increment on the internal energy of that system. Such case will be explained later as part of the examples of conduction. There are several ways on how to transfer energy or heat: thermal convection, thermal conduction and thermal radiation or simply called convection, conduction and radiation. These three modes of transfer of energy have different operations going on. This particular study aims to explain heat transfer via the three methods aforementioned. Keywords: conduction, convection, radia tion, internal energy, heat, system HEAT TRANSFERS: CONVECTION, CONDUCTION, AND RADIATION 3 Thermal Convection Thermal convection, also known as convection, is a transfer of heat from one object to another wherein the heat travels in motion through liquids. In Physics, fluids include liquid substances, gases, and some plastic solids. When the temperature of a liquid rises, the liquid becomes lighter or less dense; nevertheless, if the temperature of the liquid decreases, it becomes denser and it relatively falls down. In thermal convection, what happens is that when there is a massive motion by the liquids like gases or liquid substances, it tends to create a circular motion since a solid body, when heated, transfers the energy to the liquid. Convection takes place when the liquid that was heated becomes lighter and therefore rises. When it reaches the top of the circulation, the temperature of the liquid decreases, hence, making it denser which causes it to fall down. The cycle cre ates convection current. Further, free convection takes place when the movements of the fluids are caused to move by the buoyant forces as a result of varying densities brought about by the rapid changed in the temperature. Forced convection, on the other hand, takes place when the fluid gets in contact with the surface of the solid system using outside or external means. There are several examples that will help us clearly understand the principles behind thermal convection. If you happen to observe when you boil pasta or beans, the moment the water (liquid) reaches its boiling point, the beans or the pasta moves up and down and from side to side or it triggers the pasta or the beans to move in random directions. The explanation of this HEAT TRANSFERS: CONVECTION, CONDUCTION, AND RADIATION 4 particular scenario as what have been explained earlier is that, the moment the temperature of the liquid increases, it becomes less dense or lighter causing it to rise above the surface and wh en it reaches the top and it cools down, which means there is a relative decrease on the temperature, it becomes denser and therefore falls down which creates a cycle. The changes on the temperature and the density of the liquid are principal factors causing the rising and falling movement of the pasta and the beans. The portion where
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Virtue ethics Essay Example for Free
Virtue ethics Essay 1. 0 Introduction Different cultures have different way of thinking. With the coming of Christianity, a new set of ideas emerged. The Christians, like the Jews, viewed God as a lawgiver, and so laws will be the key to righteous living. For the Greeks, the life of virtue was in related to the life of reason. But Saint Augustine, the influential fourth-century Christian thinker, distrusted reason and believed that moral goodness depends on subordinating oneself to the will of God. Thus, modern moral philosophers has different subject from ancients by asking What is the right thing to do? Instead of asking What traits of character make someone a good person? This led them in a different direction. Following are theories develop by them: Ethical Egoism: Each person ought to do whatever will best promote his or her own interests. The social Contract Theory: The right thing to do is to follow the rules that rational, self-interested people would agree to follow for their mutual benefit. Utilitarianism: One ought to do whatever will lead to the most happiness. Kant’s theory: Our duty is to follow rules that we could accept as universal laws – that is, rules we would be willing for everyone to follow in all circumstances. (Ruggeiro. V. R. ,2011) 2. 0 What Is a Virtue? The first systematic description of virtue ethics was written down by Aristotle in his famous work Nichomachean Ethics. Aristotle said that a virtue is a trait of character manifested in habitual action. The word â€Å"habitual†here is important. The virtue of honesty, for example, is not possessed by someone who tells the truth only occasionally or only when it benefits her. The honest person is truthful as a matter of course; her actions â€Å"spring from a firm and unchangeable character. †(Ruggeiro. V. R.,2011) When people acquire good habits of character, they are better able to regulate their emotions and their reason. This, in turn, we will reach morally correct decisions during making difficult choices. To apply virtue ethics to a given case first should discuss which character traits (virtues, vices, intermediate states) are relevant and reflect on the kind of actions, attitudes, and feelings go along with them. It is not enough to say This action expresses virtue, you must say which virtue (generosity, appropriate compassion) and the reason. (Dr.Garrett, 2005) 2. 1 What are the Virtues? Virtues are the essence of our character. Almost every character should be fostered in human beings. The more virtues that we can practice on our life, the more our lives open up to new possibilities and to greater joy and fulfillment. Virtues List Fairness| Patience| Prudence| Friendliness| Loyalty| Honesty| Conscientiousness| Helpfulness| Self-discipline| Compassion| Courage| Self- reliance| Civility| Cooperativeness| Tolerance| (World language process, n, d) There are many more beside from the list above. 3. 0 Topic sentence In the virtues list above, I have chosen helpfulness as the greatest ethical ideal that I learned from this subject. According to (Shelly, 2009) helpfulness is teachable by our parent and family members since we are young. For example, we can teach a dog to become seeing-eye dog which can help the blind man in his daily life. The reason that I choose this is because I had experience the important of helpfulness in the hour of need. One day, I went to Giant supermarket to buy a bottle of soft drink that is RM3. 00, when I went to cashier and made payment, I realize that I had no enough money in my purse. I only have RM1 in my purse, and there long queue behind me. I asked the cashier that whether I can make payment by debit card or not. She tried few times but the card machine is not functioning. I feel anxiety and ashamed because there is many people waiting behind me. Suddenly, a Malay girl came beside me and helps to pay another RM2 to the cashier. I feel grateful the Malay girl had helps me in the hour of need although we don’t know each other and when I want to return the money to her but she rejected. In the end, I had return back the money to her and her friend said she was always like that. The helpfulness of the Malay girl is worth to be learned by us. Helping each other is just a very common thing in our life and it is benefit the giver as well as the receiver. But sometimes, there are some people helping others in order to get reward from those who need help. To avoid this, we should help people spontaneously just like the Malay girl. Ethics is asp rational rather than obligations for inducing human nature to be an ideal. According to mental health America (2012), there is a research show that those who often helps other people will live in less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health life. In Malaysia, we have three major ethic groups and others minor ethnic groups living together. In order to achieve peaceful coexistence, we should help each other when the hour of need rather than just care for our own. If we can continued foster the virtue of helpfulness, our country will be harmonious. But, unfortunately, our society has gradually become cold and detached. There is a case happened in Air Itam, Penang. A 60-year-old woman, Tan Kin Chuan, was robbed and knocked down by two snatch thieves on a motorcycle in and sadly, no one went to her aid. The disturbing scene was caught by CCTV cameras installed near the motorcycle parking area on the ground floor of the Padang Tembak flats. Based on the footages, the woman, who worked at a kopitiam lay unconscious as several people walked pass before an old man walking with an aid of a cane, finally called an ambulance. She was later taken to the Penang Hospital but succumbed to her injuries eight hours later, due to head injuries. (ntv7 News Portal, 2012) Why that passer-by doesn’t want to help the old woman? If the first passer-by give aid to the old woman and send her on time to the hospital, she might not die at the end? Nowadays, Malaysia public order is getting more and more worse; we can see there is many cases such as frauds, pretending to ask for directions, disguise the identity of the robbery, kidnaps reported in newspaper. In such circumstances, people had to be vigilant, no longer easily trust each others, or even turn a blind eye to help in the immediate event, so as not to fall into the trap of getting himself into trouble. At the end, people’s compassion and mercy has been reducing and replace with the heart of stone and indifferent attitude. There is many ways for us in helping others and it’s doesn’t means that we have to make grand gestures or huge time commitments. It can mean holding the elevator for someone is coming in, helps your co-worker to gets something is beyond their reach, letting a car in front of you on the road and many others. Besides that, we also can involve our self as a volunteer in some organization which having social responsibility project. We can based on our interest to find a right match, for example, if you are interest in reading, you may consider volunteering at a school or tutoring program; if you love animal, you can volunteering in Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 4. 0 Conclusion In conclusion, we should not be hesitate and stingy to give a helping hand for the needy. Although it’s may be only a single small act of kindness but when bound together it can make a big changes. It is because so many people step forward and offer that helping hand that we are able to help those who are in more unfortunate situations. Reference Ruggeiro. V. R. (2011) Thinking Critically about Ethnical issues (8th edition). Boston. Mc Gard- Hill Dr. Garrett, (2005) Virtue Ethics [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www. wku. edu/~jan. garrett/ethics/virtthry. htm [Accessed on 5 Nov 2012] World language process (n,d) List of Virtues [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www. worldlanguageprocess. org/comic%20books/virtues%20list. htm [Accessed on 10 Nov 2012] Shelly. R (2009) Helpfulness [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www. heartlight. org/articles/200906/20090616_helpfulness. html [Accessed on 6 Nov 2012] Mental Health America (2012) Helps Other [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www. liveyourlifewell. org/go/live-your-life-well/others [Accessed on 10 Nov 2012] Ntv7 News Portal, (2012) No immediate assistance: Elderly woman knocked down by snatch thief, ignored by all but an old man [Online]. Retrieved from: http://origin-www. ntv7. com. my/7edition/local-en/NO_IMMEDIATE_ASSISTANCE_ELDERLY_WOMAN_KNOCKED_DOWN_BY_SNATCH_THIEF_IGNORED_BY_ALL_BUT_AN_OLD_MAN. html[Accessed on 16 Nov 2012].
Friday, November 15, 2019
Nature in Tolkiens Writing Essay -- Literature Analysis
While reading any of J. R. R. Tolkien’s major works, be it The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, or The Lord of the Rings, one cannot help but notice the amount of attention that is given to nature. There are numerous details given to describe each location, each character, even each tree. Tolkien did not claim to be an environmentalist, but by spending so much time in his books explaining the importance of nature, it is hard to say that he did not care about it. About the fantasy world that Tolkien recreated, Sherry Turkle argues, â€Å"The question is whether that prepares us to live in a world that's complex, where we need to be able to work in a structure where there are no rules and where we have to be really attentive to other people's cultures and other people's ways of seeing things†(qtd. in Grossman 4). Lev Grossman counters this point when he says, â€Å"If The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy, it's ultimately a fantasy about growing up and putting childish things as ide†(5). Grossman believes that LOTR is a fantasy, but unlike Turkle, he thinks that the reader benefits with a lesson about growing up and sacrifice. Tolkien placed a great value on the relationship between the characters and nature: from the elves protecting the forest to the hobbits cultivating the ground and living off the earth. He emphasized stewardship and the importance of working with nature, rather than against it. Lucas P. Niiler agrees with this point when he says, â€Å"In particular, Tolkien’s work demonstrates one form such an ethic can take: land stewardship, as is modeled by Bombadil and later practiced by the hobbits†(284). Stewardship is evident in how each of the characters relate to their home in LOTR. For example, the Hobbits live in the Shire, a small, q... ...ronment, and he wanted to save it by destroying the Ring. Through these examples, and ones that I have given previously, we can see that Tolkien truly cared for the environment. Works Cited Bowman, Mary R. "The Story Was Already Written: Narrative Theory in The Lord of the Rings." Narrative 14.3 (2006): 272-293. Grossman, Lev. "Feeding on Fantasy." Time 02 December 2002: 1-5. Niiler, Lucas P. "Green Reading: Tolkien, Leopold and the Land Ethic." Journal fo the Fantastic in the Arts (1999): 276-285. Reeder, Ike. "The Silence of Trees: Environmental Agency and the Politics of Power in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion." (n.d.): 107-115. Tolkien, J. R. R. The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien. Ed. Humphrey Carpenter (Boston, New York: Houchton Mifflin 2000). ---. The Lord of the Rings. (Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1994).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Political Concepts Essay
1) Mass Media as the `Fifth Branch` of government Definition: Mass Media is the fifth branch of government because it can shape public opinion and influence the national agenda. Importance: It is important because today’s media is so assertive and liable to such adversarial, negative reporting that they can be downright obstructive of government policy 2) Agenda Setting Definition: On a national level, this is a role usually reserved for the President, such as when he makes his State of the Union Address. Importance: As the leader of the nation it is his duty to set the Agenda for the coming year. Without a clear vision the nation will drift aimlessly. 3) Electoral College (how does it work?) Definitions: A ‘vote’ that will be counted purposes of electing a president; each state has a set number of electoral colleges.  The term refers to a â€Å"collegium†or assembly of 538 President Electors who meet after the popular vote and cast their votes for President and Vice-President. Importance: A presidential candidate may have technically ‘won’ by getting more of the popular vote overall but if he loses in too many States with a high number of Electors, he can still lose the elections. 4) Who votes (what kind of person is MOST likely to vote)? Why has voter turnout in America declined since 1960? A person who is involved in the campaign of some one running for election is most likely to vote. A charter member of the Republicans or the Democrats because they owe it to their group.  Those at the extremes of political opinion, who feel strongly for or against the candidates in question. Importance of voting: Voting is an essential political right, a chance to speak and be counted and an opportunity to affirm or reject state policy. It is often the only political exercise that the average person will have a say in. 5) Congress: What do they do? The Congress makes laws for the President to sign as well as attend to the needs of their constituency. Importance of what they do: Congress also provides an important check-and-balance to the power of the Executive, the President and the line departments because the framers of our Constitution did not wish the President to act arbitrarily without enabling laws from Congress. For example, he cannot wage war on Iraq without going to Congress to ask for appropriations that will cover soldiers’ salaries, aid to civilians, ammunition, fuel and support services. 6) Congress: What are Standing, Joint, and Conference Committees? A standing committee is an ordinary permanent committee. By U.S. Congress rules, a conference committee is â€Å"A temporary, ad hoc panel composed of House and Senate conferees which is formed for the purpose of reconciling differences in legislation that has passed both chambers. Conference committees are usually convened to resolve bicameral differences on major and controversial legislation.†This means differences between the Senate and House versions of a bill. A â€Å"joint committee†refers to all other bicameral committees convened for some special function or other except reporting legislation. Examples of the latter are joint committee hearings on controversial matters or on impeaching the President. Importance of committee work: Laws are not made arbitrarily, often there is a need to consult with others before a bill is proposed in the floor. At the same time it is too chaotic present a half-baked bill to the general assembly of congress without refining it first. This is the work of committees. 7) Congress: How does a bill become a law? A bill must be authored, be deliberated on in committee then pass three readings in both houses of Congress. The President then signs the bill to make it law. Importance: On paper a bill must first pass through one house before it is forwarded to the other house for its own three readings there. But in practice a bill is often authored and filed simultaneously in both houses with each version differing little from the other. 8) Presidential Powers: The president is the commander-in-chief of the army. He can mobilize the armed forces even without a formal declaration of war for up to 60 days. Domestically, he has the power to make or break a bill with the stroke of a pen. He can also propose priority legislation to Congress. 9) Presidency: To be a successful leader of Congress, the President must be able to read the pulse of congress well. He must know when to act and push for his agenda. He is important because Congress must be united under strong leadership if it is to be an effective counter balance to the President’s domination. 10) Judiciary: Judicial Activists versus Judicial Restraintists. A Judicial Activist is a radical who tries to pursue social justice in his decisions. While a Judicial Restraintist is a conservative who tries to maintain the status quo. Importance: The judiciary needs a balanced mix of both kinds of Justices in order for it to be a fair and just final adjudicator of legal disputes. If it were made entirely of Restraintists or Activists, decisions would be biased. Section II: Short Essays. Answer ALL parts of each question in as much detail and depth as possible. 1)        Mass Media is referred to as the fifth branch of government because of the sway it holds on public opinion. Media can reach into every aspect of our lives and influence us in ways the other branches of governance can only dream off. Regretfully, media is biased these days. It is biased for the highest bidder and for its own overly-liberal agenda. Media is a commercial proposition hence profitability is a concern. Since controversy creates cash, media is known to play up scandals and negative aspects of life because the shock value is known to create high ratings, which then attract more advertising money. As a result news today appears to be a parade of bad news and shocking events because media mercenaries know that by showing these they will get more advertising money and social responsibility be damned. 2)        In 2000 George W. Bush won as a result of the disaffection people felt with the Democrats. Bill Clinton’s presidency was rocked by scandal (Monica Lewinsky comes to mind) and economic depression (among other things, the frenzied dot-com bubble burst). People were tired of what they thought was the misrule of the Democrats and were eager to try what the Republicans had to offer. In 2004 Bush was flying high on the euphoria generated by his still successful War on Terror; both Afghanistan and Iraq had fallen in just a few weeks of fighting. His bold fighting stance was still supported by many then.            However Bush, in my humble opinion did not defeat Gore in 2000. Based on the total number of voters, first of all, Gore actually won the elections. He lost in the electoral vote, though. This is another reason why the electoral college system should be abolished, it devalues the principle of one man, one vote. In the extreme example, Gore could have had an overwhelming majority of the total voters but so long as he lost in enough large-college states like California, he would still lose the elections. Therefore, the electoral college system overvalues certain states if they have a large number of Electors. Kerry, for his part, lost during the 2004 elections because he could not present a strong alternative to Bush. 3.)       The iron triangle is a corrupting influence in the American political process because it takes away from the sanctity of the political process enshrined in our Constitution. Congressmen are loved by their constituents for the benefits they can provide. A Congressman being a representative of his or her state tends to keep (and vote for) the best interest of the state in mind. After all if he votes or acts in a way detrimental to his constituents he will have to answer to them in the next elections. Also a Congressman’s recommendation is necessary to enter West Point.            Congress is hated, almost universally, because of its poor image. Recently, it has been unable to stem Bush’s warmongering. The economy is slowing down and Congress is getting a share of the blame for not doing anything to prevent it. Also, Congress is seen as a breeding pit of vested interests and lobbyists who push their agenda to the detriment of legitimate concerns of the country as a whole.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Right Sided Heart Failure Health And Social Care Essay
Hyperthyroidism has been known to do a assortment of cardiovascular manifestations. In recent times, there have been studies of secondary pneumonic high blood pressure in patients with thyrotoxicosis, though in most instances this association lead merely to a mild and transeunt lift of average pneumonic arteria force per unit area. This was normally a opportunity happening with bulk non being diagnostic. We hereby show a instance, who on presentation had the marks and symptoms of right bosom failure and was later diagnosed with pneumonic high blood pressure. With all common secondary causes ruled out, Graves ‘ disease seemed the possible etiology in this patient with elevated thyroid map trial. Treatment of Graves ‘ disease with radioiodine therapy in this patient was associated with important autumn in average pneumonic arteria force per unit area. Keywords: Pneumonic high blood pressure, Grave ‘s disease, thyrotoxicosis.Introduction:Our instance of a immature female with a anterior history of arthritic bosom disease and mitral regurgitation, presented with grounds of right bosom failure. She was found to hold important pneumonic high blood pressure ( PAH ) with normal left ventricular map which pointed towards an etiology of PAH in the lungs. All the common possible secondary causes of PAH were ruled out but during the probes she was found to hold elevated thyroid map trials compatible with the diagnosing of Graves ‘ disease. The intervention of Graves ‘ disease, ab initio by medicines and later by radioiodine therapy, was associated with a important decrease in the pneumonic arteria systolic force per unit area. The intent of this instance study is to foreground one of the unusual and under-diagnosed presentations of Grave ‘s disease. The association between PAH and thyrotoxicosis was foremost reported in an necropsy instance in 1980. [ 4 ]Case Presentation:A 30yr old Hindu married female, occupant of Mumbai, presented with a 2-month history of dyspnoea on effort ( NYHA Class II ) which had worsened to dyspnea at remainder since 2 yearss and pedal hydrops for 2 yearss. She besides had orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea and palpitations. Her past and household histories were non-contributory. At presentation, she had mild tachycardia ( bosom rate= 108/min ) , normal blood force per unit area ( 120/70mm of Hg ) , raised JVP ( 8cms. ) , pedal hydrops and a thyroid puffiness. Examination of the thorax revealed hyperdynamic vertex round tangible at 5th intercostal infinite, a diastolic daze, and a left parasternal heaving. On auscultation, she had a loud P2 and a grade 3/6 pan-systolic mutter in the mitral country radiating to the armpit, which increased on termination. She besides had bilateral crackles on lung Fieldss. Her chest X ray revealed megalocardia and outstanding proximal pneumonic arteria. ECG showed right axis divergence, ‘P pulmonale ‘ , and an grounds of right ventricular hypertrophy. Consequences of 2D ECHO included grounds of arthritic bosom disease with mild mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, terrible pneumonic arteria high blood pressure with systolic force per unit area of 70 millimeter of HgH , normal biventricular map and a left ventricular expulsion fraction of 60 % . She underwent work-up for pneumonic high blood pressure with high declaration computed imaging of thorax which showed mild megalocardias without any grounds of parenchymal engagement and a bulky thyroid. Computed tomographic pneumonic angiography showed no grounds of pneumonic thromboembolism. Ultrasonography of the thyroid showed bulky thyroid with increased vascularity and altered echotexture. Radioiodine uptake scan showed diffuse consumption in thyroid secretory organ. Relevant research lab consequences included serum T3 concentration of 450.93 ng/dL ( normal 70-204 ng/dL ) , T4 concentration of 40.6 ?g/dL ( normal 3.2-12.6 ?g/dL ) and TSH concentration of & A ; lt ; 0.01Â µIU/mL. HIV screen was non-reactive. Auto-antibody screen revealed positive anti-microsomal and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and decrepit positive anti-nuclear antibody ( 1:100 ) Patient was ab initio started on Lasix with minimum benefit. After the diagnosing of Graves ‘ disease was made, she was started on beta-blockers and carbimazole. Patient was later sent to TATA infirmary for radioiodine therapy. A follow-up after 2 months with repetition 2 D Echocardiography showed pneumonic arteria systolic force per unit area of 45 millimeter of Hg ( important lessening from the old value ) .Discussion:Pneumonic arterial high blood pressure ( PAH ) is defined as a average pneumonic arteria force per unit area ( mPAP ) of & A ; gt ; 25 millimeter Hg at remainder or & A ; gt ; 30 millimeter Hg after exercising. [ 1 ] The etiology is divided into primary or secondary causes. Secondary causes of PAH include cardiac valvular disease, COPD, pneumonic fibrosis, left bosom failure, clogging slumber apnea, pneumonic thrombo-embolism, HIV infection, drugs, toxins and collagen vascular diseases. [ 3 ] Primary pneumonic high blood pressure is associated with a bad result, hence, it is necessary to seek for secondary, reversible causes of pneumonic high blood pressure before doing any diagnosing. [ 3 ] Haran and co-workers [ 2 ] reported a instance of a 33-year-old Asiatic adult male with 2 months of diagnostic Graves ‘ disease, echocardiographic grounds of elevated right ventricular systolic force per unit area and normal cardiac valves. This patient was treated with medicines only- Inderal, propylthiouracil, steroids, and Procardia and repetition echocardiography 6 months subsequently showed important autumn in right ventricular systolic force per unit area. Suk JH and co-workers [ 5 ] performed consecutive echocardiographic scrutinies in 64 untreated patients with Graves ‘ disease. The survey found that the prevalence of PAH amongst the patients in the survey was 44 % . Follow up echocardiography performed in the patients with PAH after intervention with anti-thyroid drugs, revealed that PAH had vanished in all except one patient. Marvisi M and co-workers [ 9 ] studied 114 patients with thyrotoxicosis of which 47 had Graves ‘ disease and 67 had nodular goitre alongwith a matched control group. Mild pneumonic high blood pressure was found in 50 instances from the patient group which was once more divided into 2 subgroups: those treated with methimazole and those with partial thyroidectomy. After a 120 twenty-four hours followup, the survey concluded that the association between thyrotoxicosis and mild and transient PAH is frequent and that methimazole causes a faster autumn in mPAP compared to partial thyroidectomy. Though the exact pathogenesis of this status is non known, the mechanisms that have been debated in literature include: increased pneumonic blood flow [ 5 ] or autoimmune procedure associated with endothelial harm [ 8 ] . Other possible accounts include increased cardiac end product in thyrotoxicosis or increased dislocation of intrinsic pneumonic vasodilatives [ 6 ] .Decision:In patients with pneumonic high blood pressure non related to left bosom disease, a hunt must be made for other reversible causes before doing the diagnosing of primary pneumonic high blood pressure. [ 3 ] Hyperthyroidism is rather often associated with mild and transient pneumonic high blood pressure than antecedently thought and is normally reversible with intervention. [ 5,9 ] In rare fortunes, pneumonic high blood pressure secondary to hyperthyroidism can be terrible plenty to show with right bosom failure and should be included in the differential diagnosing when other common causes have been ruled out. [ 7 ] Using medicines for intervention of thyrotoxicosis with PAH is associated with faster autumn in mPAP. [ 9 ]
Friday, November 8, 2019
As Loonie Falls, Economic Outlook Remains Hopeful For Business Says
As Loonie Falls, Economic Outlook Remains Hopeful For Business Says As Loonie Falls, Economic Outlook Remains Hopeful For Business Says Bank Of Canada – Article Example Opinion Business entrepreneurs and investors have long been waiting for a falling loonie in Canada, and the report suggests that it is about time they meet their expectations. However, the merits and demerits associated with the falling loonie depend upon the place of a sector in the economy. Major winners include exporters, hospitality and tourism, manufacturers, and exporters that have lost market share in the past years in the world. On the other hand, life of the consumers, importers, and travelers is made more expensive by a weaker dollar because of its tendency to stoke inflation. Overall, falling loonie can be perceived as a positive thing since this would increase the competitiveness of the Canadian goods and services. Weakening of the dollar is a good news for economy’s large swaths that have, for the past few years, been struggling to overcome the effect of the recession. They mostly include the manufacturers that at least have an opportunity of making some profits. A lower Canadian dollar has the tendency to produce more money for investment, increase in the number of staff, and higher profits since significant number of sales take place in the US dollars. Investors see it as a return to normalcy after years of trouble. Although economic growth of the US has a huge impact on the business and economy of Canada, yet it would be prudent of Canada to not entirely depend upon the US for its businesses; Canada should also take other measures to strengthen its economy, one of which could be accelerating the sanction of the free trade agreement with Europe.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Whats an Average ACT Writing Score
What's an Average ACT Writing Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It's approximately one month after your ACT test date. You get your ACT score report and see your ACT Writing score. But what does that number actually mean? Did you do better than average? Worse? Exactly average? Learn what an average ACT Writing score is in this article. Feature image credit: meet average! by Maria Ly, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped and modified from original. What Is the ACT Writing Score Range? ACT Writing scoring differs from the other test sections in three important ways. Unlike your scores for English, Math, Reading, and Science, your ACT Writing score... is on a scale of 2-12, rather than 1-36. is optional. You can take the ACT with or without Writing. is not included when calculating your composite score. On your ACT score report, you'll see subscores in each of four domains (scored from 1-6). Because two graders score your essay, you'll receive a total score out of 12 in each domain. Your four domain scores are then averaged to get your total ACT Writing score, also out of 12. The four domains your essay is scored across are as follows: #1: Ideas and Analysis Do you discuss all three perspectives provided? What's your perspective on the topic? [How] Do you compare the perspectives to one another? #2: Development and Support Do you use logical reasoning or employ detailed examples to support and explain your ideas? #3: Organization Is your essay organized? Are ideas separated into their own paragraphs? Is your writing organized within each paragraph as well? #4: Language Use Do you use standard English written grammar? Are your sentences clear and varied in structure? Do you use appropriate vocabulary? For more about what goes into each domain score, read our article on the ACT Writing Rubric. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Tired of wasting time prepping in ways that don't work? We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. It's the best prep program available right now. Best of all, we guarantee your money back if you don't improve your score by 4 points or more. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Improve Your ACT Score by 4+ Points, Guaranteed What’s an Average ACT Writing Score? The average ACT Writing score is between 6/12 and 7/12 (based on the most recent data from ACT, Inc). The following table has a more detailed breakdown of Writing test percentiles: 2-12 Score (2018-2019) Cumulative Percent 2 2 3 4 4 12 5 24 6 47 7 65 8 88 9 95 10 99 11 99 12 100 Because your total ACT Writing score is the average of your four domain scores, the average domain scores (Ideas Analysis, Development Support, Organization, and Language Use) are also likely around 6/12 or 7/12, although ACT, Inc. doesn't provide specific information about the cumulative percentiles of the domain scores. How Much Does My Essay Score Matter? Does your essay score even matter? While there are many colleges that require or recommend ACT Writing scores, most don't give an ACT Writing score range they want to see. For students applying to humanities programs, colleges might consider the new English-Language Arts subscore, which combines scaled English, Reading, and Writing performance. At a few colleges (like the University of Montana), your ACT Writing score might be used for freshman writing class placement purposes. If that's the case for you, you might want your Writing score percentile to be close to (or higher than) your English and Reading score percentiles. In general, though, my best advice is to make sure your ACT Writing score percentile isn’t drastically (20 percentile points) lower than your other ACT section scores- that kind of discrepancy might raise a red flag for admissions staff. Otherwise, colleges just don't care that much about the ACT essay (especially compared to other parts of your application like your personal statement). What’s Next? Now that you know what an average ACT essay score is, what's a good essay score for you? Read our article on how to calculate your target ACT Writing score. What strategies can you use to make sure your ACT Writing score is better than average? Take a look at our full analysis of the ACT Writing scoring rubric. How long does your ACT essay need to be? Find out how essay length affects your score here. Confused about the domain scores? Get the inside story on ACT Writing scoring with our complete guide. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this ACT Writing lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get your ACT essays hand-graded by a master instructor who will give you customized feedback on how you can improve. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Systems And Operations Management At Atokowa Essay
Systems And Operations Management At Atokowa - Essay Example Each organization has certain business objectives which are pursued through the operations of the organization. The success of an organization depends upon the efficiency of its decision making process and the execution of its operations. The systems and operations management in the organization helps the organization in achieving its objectives (Kolli 2000). The information system of the organization helps the organization collect and manage the information that is required for effective decision making and the operations management of the organization helps the organization conduct its operations in an effective and efficient manner (Slack & Johnston 2004). If the operations of an organization are performed effectively and efficiently, the organization would acquire its business objectives more easily. In order to make the operations of an organization efficient, the organization shall give high importance to the operations management (Greasley, 1999). ... There are numerous retail outlets being run by the company. The company also offers a facility to deliver stationery and office supplier directly to the organizations. The company also offers customized printing for organizations. The business of the company was initially established as photocopying business which later extended towards printing. The company prints; brochures, flyers, letterheads, business cards, compliments slips, memo slips, fax headers and NCR pads. The products by Atokowa are marketed to two distinct types of customers; the individual customers and the business customers. The retail outlets by the company offer products to both the individual customers and the businesses at the same time. The businesses make a significant proportion of the overall customer base of the organization. SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT AT ATOKOWA From the study done on Atokowa, it can be inferred that the current systems management of the company does not provide sufficient and accur ate information regarding the type of market that generates most revenue. In order to make effective decisions, it is highly important for any organization to have complete and accurate information regarding its operations. The operations being conducted at Atokowa are also very complex. Invoices are generated after a complex formal procedure and the discounts are offered after significantly extensive paper work. In order to make the operations management at Atokowa more effective and efficient, the company may need to modify its existing information system that is called ASIS. The information system is outdated and with the introduction of new technology, the company may need to apply new information system in its organizational structure.
Friday, November 1, 2019
DMS and Destination Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
DMS and Destination Tourism - Essay Example It is not surprising, hence, when countries, especially the developing economies, integrate tourism strategies in their overall economic policy. The idea is to take advantage of the opportunities, which are facilitated by the globalization phenomenon. According to Goeldner and Ritchie (2009, p.26), â€Å"for a number of countries, tourism is the largest commodity in international trade,†and that â€Å"in many others, it ranks among the top three industries.†The case of Namibia’s tourism strategy is a case in point. Last 2006, the World Travel and Tourism Association conducted an accounting study and found that: The broader tourism economy in Namibia accounts for 72,000 jobs and 18% of Namibia’s gross domestic product (GDP). These figures are 50% higher than were originally estimated. (Ivanovic et al. 2009, p.91). Since tourism is an industry that operates within the current globalized international trading system, countries and destinations have to compe te with each other for tourists in an integrated tourism market in order to gain meaningful economic benefits. The process is facilitated by free trade and technology. One of the consequences of this development is the emergence of the destination tourism model, which entails the identification and promotion of localities as a result of their location, natural attraction and tourist-oriented facilities (Binns & Nel 2002, p.235) The employment of this approach has enabled many destinations to thrive in the intensely competitive tourism market. Destination Tourism Destination tourism emphasizes location. What this means is that a country or a location builds on its own characteristics in creating a unique brand that help the location gain competitive advantage and effectively sold to a target market. Carter and Fabricius (2007) explained that a destination in tourism is "the basic unit of analysis in tourism which is a distinctly recognizable area with geographic or administrative bou ndaries that tourists visit and stay in during their trip where tourism revenue is significant, or potentially significant, to the economy and is serviced by both private and public sector." Keller and Bieger (2007, p.12) contextualized the benefits of tourism in their discussion of the economics of destinations. They argued that from a general perspective destinations could or should be treated as geographically delineated economic aggregates, which, similar to economic regions, generate economic growth, which can be driven by "quantitative and qualitative changes in inputs and the efficiency with which these inputs are being employed." This is the reason behind the thematic conception of the way destinations are marketed. For example, Singapore works on promoting itself as an Asian urban destination. The public relation initiatives that sell the location as a product focus on the urban amenities that Singapore has to offer. The â€Å"theming†of the city has been very consi stent. In the past, it has pursued thematic concepts depicting â€Å"Instant Asia†and â€Å"Garden City†and after 1997, it has finally adopted a highly effective imaging strategy that aims to market the city-state as a modern metropolis with an exotic Asian
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Criminology - Essay Example Considering non-human victims of harm in criminology involves victims as animals and victims of environmental crime. The international centre for criminal law reform and criminal justice policy supports considerations given to non-human victims of crimes. Criminal law protects vulnerable victims, the ostensible purpose of the law. Animals, however, do not enjoy the protection fully in the current set up of the law. A significant number of legal systems offer protection to people and their assets. Few laws are there that protect the rights of animals. Animals independently deserve a set of animal rights, different from their generalization as properties. This implies that animals have no set position in the legal system that addresses their grievances and afflictions. In several cases that involve animal rights, the case set involves the human guardians of the animals, who speak for animals. Currently, there exists no full protection of animals in the criminal law. To achieve full pro tection of animals’ rights in the legal system, their representation should change from their status as property. Instead, they should have full representation in the legal system and clear mechanisms set to address the grievances of animals. They should speak for themselves and their recognition as sentient. The members are to pay full regard to animal welfare. Criminology should show concern to harm to animals. There should be mechanisms to address green criminology. This involves crimes against the environment. Animals’ rights to sustainable utilization are fundamental. In doing this, such criminology attempts to confront harm against animals and crimes against the environment. Cases of mistreatment of animals and violation of their rights that brings harm to the animals should receive appropriate treatment. Green criminology is a topic that continues to draw attention to many organizations that lobby for animals’ rights. The UK was notably the first country to implement the law on animal rights. The Act abolishing improper treatment of cattle, with cruelty, came to law in 1822. The UK government recognizes animals as sentient beings. Its devotion aims to the protection of animals welfare is high. In1911, a law passed in the UK channeled for the protection of animals. International laws recognize animal rights. In 1997, there was a law by the European Union that officially acknowledged animals as sentiment beings. The EU requires its member countries to conform to the law set and recognize animals as sentiment beings. There are in existence, multilateral environmental agreements that recognize the need to protect biodiversity including animals. The United Nations crime commissions and congresses acknowledge environmental crimes and crimes to animals. International laws, therefore, are sufficiently concerned with animal rights. Environmental victimization is the state where the environment gets subjected to unhealthy practices, which lea d to its pollution, and leaves it in worse states that it should be. Environmental victimization takes several means, whereby, the environment is misused and wasted with its resources being depleted, while some become dormant. According to Beck et a l., 1994 environmental problems arise from social factors like reflexive modernization, globalization, as well as individualism. Becks position about mass media is incredibly transparent; however,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Timeless or Everlasting God Essay Example for Free
Timeless or Everlasting God Essay The definition of an everlasting God would be a God that has existed throughout time and space, linked to God’s characteristic of being omnipresent, basically meaning that He is present everywhere at all times. This would mean that he is a personal God as he is immanent and is involved with humanity. This back up events like miracles and revelations within the world, as they are caused by God so are evidence of his personal relationship with humans. The definition of a timeless God would mean that God exists outside of time. This links to the characteristic of God which some believers believe he is; transcendent. This means that God exists outside of time and space so therefore has an impersonal relationship with humanity, meaning He would not be able to influence humanity in the form of miracles or revelations. This view is commonly thought by believers of deism, who believe that an omnipotent God created the world, but then left it to ‘do its own thing and learn from its own mistakes’ and no longer looks over it. There are more benefits to an everlasting God, mainly because it would explain how miracles occur. However it also means that there can be revelations in the form of praying as a personal God may answer one’s prayers as He is within the universe. Another advantage would be that a personal God can also try to teach us right from wrong and would discipline us like a parental figure. This is shown in Genesis chapter 1, where God is also shown to have more human-like characteristics and he punishes Adam and Eve much like a parental figure showing his personal relationship with humans. Also the biggest benefit would be that it be proof that Jesus was the Son of God. However an advantage of having a timeless God would be that as God exists outside time and space then he would see all events and therefore he would know everything; past, present and future. This would mean that he would be an omniscient God.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Impact of the System of Patronage Upon Works of Art Essay examples
The Impact of the System of Patronage Upon Works of Art During the Renaissance, the system of patronage came into being, mainly as a reflection of the increasing capitalist emphasis being placed on life in Renaissance Italy, most notably in Florence. In its very nature as a commercial, capitalist place, Renaissance Italy was a hugely competitive place. It was therefore not surprising that works of art were very often commissioned for competitive reasons. During the Renaissance, art was not just as we think of it today, as an expressive, interesting creation. Art was a focal point of society, and a very powerful tool that powerful people used to gain an advantage. Discarding the effects it had on society for a moment, it was the key feature of the Renaissance. In earlier times, art had less status. However, mirroring the economic development of the time, art became the thing to spend money on, for various reasons. Money lay at the centre of art, and that is why patronage is so important. The system of patronage is a wide term and therefore there are a number of influences to consider when answering this question. Among them are the glory of the family; the honour of the city; the increasing economic power of individuals and groups; and the classical legacy that influenced art so much. Although in the later Renaissance time, Rome became increasingly involved (with the Pope's influence), Florence and Venice were the two leading protagonists as centres of culture in the earlier years. Not surprisingly, they were also the two leading cities economically. The two cities heavily competed with the other; honour was of primal importance. As merchants and artists were encouraged to travel as much as possible, innovative ideas in pieces from other cities quickly became incorporated into artists' own city. For example, after the death of Savonarola, Florence sought to make her constitution much more similar to Venice's. As a reflection of this, a large room in the palace of the signoria was designed to act and look like Venetian Hall of the Great Council and two huge frescoes were commissioned, one by Leonardo, the other by Michelangelo. By commissioning their own great works of art, smaller states could quickly achieve prominence and be "put on the map". Padua and Mantua were two lesser states at the beginning of the Renais... was the greatest period in the history of art because of the healthy economic situation of Renaissance Italy. The rich did not save their money. Art was the thing to spend disposable income on. It was a way of showing wealth and gaining prestige and influence. Without patronage and consumer demand, being an artist could not have been a profession. In the Renaissance, wealth was power. And wealth was shown through owning works of art. So, as has been seen, the system of patronage was extremely important in Renaissance Italy. It brought with it mixed blessings for artists. On the one hand, it gave them the income to support themselves and continue to produce works. On the other hand, though, it could be very constrictive on what the artist could produce, and could even sometimes decide the quality of a work. But ultimately it can be said that the art patronage allowed the Renaissance to be remembered as a golden age in history and a way of distinguishing the period from the Middle Ages. Patronage did effect works of art, but there is little evidence supporting a theory that it stopped the art of the time being as beautiful and expressive as it could have been.
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